Friends and Foes among Numbers, i.e. Numbers with Harmonious Vibrations (Based on Astrology) |
Birthday Number or Numbers |
Best Friends or Harmonious |
Friends |
Enemies |
Neutral |
1 |
1, 2, 9, 3 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 |
6,8 |
5 |
2 |
2, 1, 5 |
2, 1, 4, 5, 7 |
3, 6, 8, 9 |
3 |
3, 1, 2, 9 |
3, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9 |
5, 6 |
8 |
4 |
1, 5 |
4, 1, 2, 3, 7,9 |
6, 8 |
5 |
5 |
5, 1, 6 |
5, 1, 4, 6 |
2, 7 |
3, 8, 9 |
6 |
6, 5 |
6, 5, 8 |
1, 2, 4, 7 |
3, 9 |
7 |
1, 6, 2 |
7, 1, 2, 4, 5 |
3, 6, 8, 9 |
8 |
5, 6 |
8, 5, 6 |
1, 2, 4, 7, 9 |
3 |
9 |
9, 1, 2, 3 |
9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 |
5 |
6, 8 |
Pyramid (Compound) Number is Root of Plant. Numerology Number is Type of Plant. Pronology is Fruit of Plant. Astrology is like Which Type of Plant is Suitable for You.
Pronology - Study of Sound Vibrations in a Name.

Name Suggestions
Instead of using "Initials. FirstName Last name" to calculate your name number, I personally would suggest you to use "FirstName" for everything (numerology name, known name, calling name, pet name, short name, full name, and signature). To have good benefits / results, out of your name - your numerology name, known name, calling name, pet name, short name, full name, and signature all should be same. You are free to use the format "Initials. FirstName Lastname" in passports / visas / bank accounts etc., (Since there are no other options...) - otherwise (stick to) I would personally prefer just using "FirstName" for everything else and for numerology too.
If you think / insist, you need to use"Initials. FirstName Lastname", use it everywhere, and for calculations too. Do you think people can call you "Initials. FirstName Lastname" ?
Name Selection / Correction = If your Psychic or Birthday or Personality Number is 1, Expression or Life Number should at least be one among 1, 2, 9, 3 (Best Friends). Avoid 2, 4, and 8. If possible, Names have to be in harmonious vibration with both Personality & Destiny (Life Path) numbers.
According to planetary powers, Your Psychic or Personality or Brithday number will tell the soul type (not soul urge). If your Psychic or Personality or Birthday number is 7 or 8 or 9, then your soul type is - Old Soul.
Ex. Old Soul = An experienced being who is able to get along with pretty much everyone.
Soul Types based on your "Birthday number"
- Number 1 = Young Soul
- Number 2 = Baby Soul
- Number 3 = Old Soul
- Number 4 = Young Soul
- Number 5 = Infant Soul
- Number 6 = Young Soul
- Number 7 = Old Soul
- Number 8 = Old Soul
- Number 9 = Old Soul
Names that Start with Letters and it's Success Rate
- A, B, C, E, H, J, K, L, M = Most Successful, 100%
- N, R, T, V, Y, I = Successful, 90%
- P, D, S, U, G, X, Z, O, W, F, Q = Least Successful, 60%
Grouping of Numbers
- 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25, 28 - Water Group - Emotional.
- 2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 17, 20, 22, 26, 29, 31 - Fire Group - Intellectual.
- 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 - Air Group - Intuitional.
How to Find my Lucky Number - Your lucky numbers are all of the following, you are free to use them as lucky numbers, most people use the 1st and 3rd from the below list
- Psychic or Birthday or Personality / Personal or Day Number
- Life Path or Destiny Number
- Expression or Life Number
- Soul Urge / Motivation Number
Fundamental Aspects of Each Number, with their Lucky Metal
Below is a list of traits, good and bad, associated with each number. For more detailed information, conduct a web search on your number. (Note: 11 and 22 are "Master numbers." The qualities of 11 are like those of 2, but amplified; the same goes for 22 and 4.)
1: Leadership, individuality, aggression, self-confidence, originality, impatience. Wear Gold.
2: Balance, partnership, receptivity, collaboration, diplomacy, patience. Wear Silver.
3: Self-expression, innovation, creativity, communication, activity. Wear Tin.
4: Stability, dependability, discipline, dedication, over-cautious, stubborn. Wear Uranium (oh no, you cant).
5: Progressive, pioneering, innovation, adventure, rebellion, opportunist. Wear Quicksilver / Mercury (oh no, you cant).
6: Harmony, compassion, service, nurturing, self-righteous, chronic worrier. Wear Copper.
7: Intelligence, intuition, spirituality, analytical, solitary, secretive. Wear Uranium (oh no, you cant).
8: Ambition, organization, practicality, successful, selfish, materialistic. Wear Lead.
9: Generosity, passion, altruistic, resourceful, egotistical, fragile. Wear Iron.
11: Visionary, idealistic, teacher, sensitive, a perfectionist, aloof.
22: Master builder, honest, practical, peaceful, extreme, manipulative.
Numerological Numbers for Days of the Week
- Sunday - 1, 4
- Monday - 2, 7
- Tuesday - 9
- Wednesday - 5
- Thursday - 3
- Friday - 6
- Saturday - 8
Numerological Numbers for Marriage / Partnership / Business
As per numerology, no one should get married on a day ruled by 5, 7 or 8 as it's day number or compound number.
1. SUN
1, 10, 19, 28 - All these digits are of Surya (King). But the strength in these numbers is not the same. It has 19 strength 28 as weak points. Like a king is a good leader. Similarly, this number has the power to suppress others. There is power in their talk, and their answers are high. They are egoistic, arrogant, and are the initiators in life. They have the strength to struggle in adverse circumstances. 19 is said to be the best, and 10 is the second-best. They have the quality to be a good leader, but in contrast, the 28 date is called for stubbornness. They like to know what is inside in a person and always talk about important issues.
Those with number 1 are full of energy. As the sun is called the source of energy and the flow of the cycle of life is considered a medium. Similarly, the natives of number 1 make an important place in society. He comes to realize his dreams and this is his specialty. He would enjoy every means of happiness. They are fond of discipline and honesty. They always prefer to do high-ranking work. They like to do work related to medicine, Astrology, and art and they perform best in politics. Along with this, they always show more interest in politics and the ability to recognize anything. There challenge their every difficulty in life.
Remedy for you
1. Suryanamaskar every day.
2. Wear ruby in gold minimum 3 carats in the 3rd finger.
Lucky Direction:- North
Lucky Element:- Water
Lucky Crystal:- Caitrin, Gold Agate, Sun Stone
Lucky Colour:- Yellow, Gold Bronze, and Brown
Lucky Days:- Sunday and Monday
Lucky Month:- 21 st July to 20 August
Lucky Profession:- Top level Administrators, Government Officials, Entrepreneur, Industrialist, Researchers, Scientists, Politics, Medical Surgery.
Diseases:- High BP, indigestion, eye diseases, heat stroke, jaundice, brain hemorrhage.
Relationships:- They have many personal relationships in the early years of life. They are attracted towards beautiful people. But due to stubborn nature in married life, there can be many types of problems.
A number 1 person would inherently have: Going by it's characteristics, it becomes a highly powerful and independent number.
It is a number of origin and creation.
This number has the requisite capacity and potential to make a comeback after experiencing severe drawbacks.
It is mostly related to name and fame rather than to wealth and riches.
1. An independent life
2. An elderly behavior
3. Consistency in activities
4. Creativity
5. Original ideas
6. A royal and decent status and helping nature
7. Excellent administrative abilities
8. Relations with the government
9. Something to do with medicines, hospitals and energy
10. Commanding and demanding nature.
11. Name, fame, prestige and honour
12. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.
You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn, hard working, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, angry, friendly, authoritative, famous person ... always want to be and regarded as first on people position,they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people!
You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get marry when you mature! You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect at you. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and well talented in numerous issues!! But in your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you & your name down. This is undercover!! Because of your smart behaviour you will be hated by some people too ...
Your family life is very cool, you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children ... You are pioneer, independent & original ...
Your best match is 4, 6, 8 good match is 3, 5, 7 !!! Click here for More Info
2, 11, 20, 29 - these are all Chandra (queen) marks. These dates are weighed in the clock and their decision-making power is lacking. They like the company of loved ones and women. They take people's comment to their heart very quickly and never want to have the power of number 1, it means like to stay behind and there is a feeling of jealousy. They have the leadership qualities of running a householder, but not in other types of work. But they cannot work alone because this number is the female prime number. They are emotional and always in dreams. 11 is a great point. Those with numbers 2 and 20 are the ones who talk from their heart. Numbers 29 are like moody swings, swing sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down. The number 2 would have been dear to the mother. They like to accompany his mother.
Due to the influence of the Moon in them, there is a change in nature. They are sensitive, imaginative and intuitive, a little timid and quick to decide. Some people call them weak and they are considered powerless. If they want to increase self-confidence, then they can gain height only if they go towards spirituality. Just as the moon does not have its own light, similarly it depends on others. Such natives like to live in solitude. They want to tell the feelings of the mind to others, but no one listens to them. If they want to buy something, they will not be able to take it and will seek the number 1 together, but they have very good power to listen to others.
They always like to work slowly. These people are lazy. Their physical strength is not very good, they enjoy good work. They have a lot of ups and downs in their lives and do not remain firm on one idea or plan. Their plans keep changing and leaving one work and starting another. They get an idea of what is on the mind of any person and why it came. It can speak in the company of lesser people. The hidden ironical qualities within them are understood by their interactions such as movement, texture, gesture, and makeup, eating and drinking, getting up and sitting. They like to stay out of the house. They make attractive and strangers as friends, but due to lack of thoughtful perseverance, friendships do not last long and most people will take out their benefit and then leave.
Remedy for you
1. Avoid surgery on full moon day.
Lucky Crystal:- Moon stone and pearl in silver in the Last finger.
Lucky Colour:- Green, White, cream and grey
Lucky Days:- Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
Lucky Month:- 21 st June to 20 July
Lucky Profession:- Homemaker, Nursing, Air Hostess, Supportive Industry, Milk Industry, Creativity/ Designer, Diplomats, Travel agents, Sales.
Direction:- North-West
Element:- Land
Diseases:- Nausea, colds, throat related diseases, liver, bladder, sugar, chest diseases, menstual cycle women with 2 digits, urinary diseases, cold diseases.
Relationship:- quarrelsome, suspicious of others, problems in married life.
A number 2 person would inherently have: It is the weakest number among all the numbers and it will cause ups and downs in anyone's life.
Going by it's characteristics, it cannot be considered for any serious purposes as it's main feature is fickle mindedness and lacks in consistency and continuity.
1. Inconsistency
2. Fickle mindedness
3. Sensitive nature
4. An emotional character
5. Inferiority complex and submissive nature
6. Ups and downs in life
7. Something to do with water and watery products, glass, mirrors and white metals
8. A fast changing mind
9. Excellent skills in hospitality and public relations
10. To depend on others
11. Something to do with semi governmental agencies or bodies
12. Conveying abilities and advisory skills
13. Soothing abilities
14. Copying and imitating abilities
15. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.
No matter what, you will be loved by every one because your ruler is the Moon and every one loves the Moon. Well.. you are a person who day dream a lot, you have very low-self confidence, you need back up for every move in your life, you are very much unpredictable. Means you do change according to time and circumstances, kind a selfish, have a very strong sense of musical, artistic talent, verbal communication. Your attitudes are like the Moon, comes to gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes in you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who does peace love or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the man kind and peace (I mean in the community and your own home).
If you really have a deep thought about your own believe in God you can feel the difference which will make you stronger! Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening true! So without any knowledge you can predict the situation .. You will become poets, writers, any artistic business people!
You are not strong in love, so you will be there and here till you get marry .. If U r a girl you will be a responsible woman in the whole family. If U r a man you will involve in fights & arguments in the family or vice-versa. Means you will sacrifice your life for the goodness sake of your family ...You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced People!!!
Your best match is 2, 5, 9 no other people can put up with you !!! Click here for More Info
3. Jupiter
3, 12, 21, 30 - This is the number of Guru (General Minister). Number 3 is the number to get information. The way of talking of these people can please everyone and keep oneself in religious feelings. They are motivators, good counselors and healers. They have more thinking capacity. They are sharp-minded. Somebody should learn the art of making friends from them. That is why they get praise in society. They are disciplined. They are the ones who wish to rule. They have the ability to understand any subject. They have good power of logic and knowledge. They do good to others and do charity. They consider religion to give true advice to others. They are calm in nature and walks on the path of truth. Walking on the path of truth, they will also bear the pain and achieve victory. They are known as a struggling person, their thought stream is different and they think ahead from society. If they produce less enimity then that will be better. They like to visit ancient places.
They are at a functional position for running large institutions. They are full of imagination. They are excited to help others. They value their family. They can go to great heights by working in spirituality and play the role of a faithful life partner. then more success will be achieved. But they are not quarrelsome. They get good recognition in society, but their identity is not fixed, sometimes they will be at the peak of high and sometimes at the bottom. They are fond of doing new things. Education, religious works, human-like, ancient, literature, wealth, bank, author, knowledge of Vaid and Shastras, judges and astrology are auspicious for them. However, 12 is 21 A grade and 3 and 30 are B grade. Their language is good and they are intellectual. They are cheerful and have new plans and keep themselves important. They do not like to roam much. They like to visit ancient places. They are functional for running large institutions. They are full of imagination. They are excited to help others. He values his family. They can go to great heights by working in spirituality and play the role of a faithful life partner.
Remedy for you
Wear yellow Sapphire in gold in index number minimum of 3 carats.
Lucky Crystal:- Amethyst.
Lucky Colour:- Violet and Purple.
Lucky Days:- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lucky Month:- 19 Feb to 20 March, 21 st Nov to 20th Dec.
Lucky Profession:- Teacher, Speaker, Planner, Strategists, Growth oriented, Promoter, Enhancer, Quality Controller, Meditation, Motivators, Trainers, Counsellor and Lawyer.
Direction:- North-East
Element:- Wind
Relationships:- Have honesty in your relationships. He has a generous heart. They give life partner equal, they do like elders.
A number 3 person would inherently have: It is a number of progress and expansion and the best number by any angle.
It is attached to morality, spirituality and religion.
All good things that come to people are inherited from this number only.
Though it is a peaceful and independent number, it has some weaknesses that invite trouble and make enemies.
1. A religious, philosophical and spiritual mind
2. Discipline, ethics, morality and commitment
3. Something to do with one of the following: children, toys, play schools, children books,
prayer halls, pilgrimages, devotional activities, schools, temples, churches, mosques, courts
and judicial matters, teaching ,planes, administrative machinery, gold jewellery and gold works,
and religious scriptures.
4. A soft nature and cool mind
5. Something to do with banking and economy, peace committees, administrative and arbitrary tribunals
6. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.
You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times, religious,loves to climb up in your life. You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything .. You have the strong word power, pretty happy face .. so wherever you go always you have got what you wanted!!! And from the birth always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something .. You will not get anything without hard work! When you reach a man/ woman age you want other younger once to listen to you because you want younger people to respect people older than them. You do set so many examples to others.
Generally you are not a cool person. It's not easy thing dealing with you. A tough player you are! But once you like someone's attitude ! then here you go, what can I say? It will be a lasting friendship. You always have respect from others. Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but sure they won't be long .. You will always have brilliant kids!!! You love the money a bit too much so temptation will push you to endless trying and trying .. If you are a guy then it's over.
Looking after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except 21st born men). And number 3s you will be such an example of how to be in the culture & life!!! If you are girl then you have good character and culture & hard working attitude. You always follow. You are a freedom lover, creative, ambition, focused, a person who brings beauty, hope & joy to this world!!!
Your best match 6, 9. Good match 1, 3, 5 !!! Click here for More Info
4, 13, 22, 31 - all these dates belong to Rahu (Dabangg). People born on such date have amazing ability to think and such people think differently from others and bring changes in society. They are strong in their thoughts and give more importance to the words of others. Such people are greedy, egoistic, less likable and rebellious. They have the ability to do many tasks simultaneously. They are able to organize their work well. Due to their stubborn nature, they make their friends their enemies. They believe in ritual customs. They are very hard-hearted. They are interested in philosophy and religion. They like beautiful and artistic things. They can easily solve difficult situations in life. They keep themselves full of information to increase their knowledge. They can do very well in the work of study. They are busy with their tasks to achieve success. Their thinking always revolves, they do not get rest until their thing is complete.
Rahu is the name of the man's mind and power to generate thoughts in thoughts. Makari and lowliness are their symbols. The best ideas lead the caste to progress and he can become an industrialist. The wise person moves Rahu in the right direction with the help of his intellect and gets auspicious results. He does not trust anyone and harasses his wife. Their language is very wrong. 22 marks are in A grade and 31 marks are in B and 13 in C grade. They come in B with 4 digits. Their opinion is not available from the common person. You can think a lot ahead in time and due to the habit of expressing your opposition, they prepare their own criticisms. Their career changes due to the occurrence of many types of incidents. The number 4 is not a good character, it views everything from the opposite side. If seen, such people do something different in the world. Because these are not stereotypes. There are short tempers, they like logical things. Likes to do challenging tasks.
Remedy for you
1. Avoid black and avoid marriage or partnership with 4 or 8 no. people.
2. Wear Ruby in gold in the ring finger.
Lucky Crystal:- Lapiz, Sapphire
Lucky Colour:- Half shaded or electric colors, Brown, orange, red, Yellow.
Lucky Days:- Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
Lucky Month:- 20 July to 21 August.
Lucky Profession:- Occult sciences, Real estate developers, Builders, Doctors/Surgeon, lawyer, Technician, Machine operator, Manufacturer, Public relations, Writing/Oratory, Liasioning.
Direction:- Southwest
Element:- Air
Disease:- Head and stomach pain, poor digestive power, bathroom problems and mental diseases can occur.
Relationships:- Those who make a personal relationship very soon and leave soon, remain tense in the family, due to which they stay away from the family. They are quickly affected by people different from themselves.
A number 4 person would inherently be: It is the most unfortunate number after number 8.
It is a non materialistic number, too.
It is best suited for service.
This number is very good for straight forward dealings.
By any standards, it is the best number for reliability.
It is a number of dreaming, too.
It should be never considered for business purposes.
1. More sensible and emotional than number 2
2. Lacking in luck and diplomacy
3. Lacking in consistency
4. Against accumulation of wealth
5. Negligent and unplanned
6. Interested in reforms
7. Straightforward, rebellious and unconventional
8. Lacking in proper assessment of people
9. Related to energy, electricity and fuels
10. Short tempered.
11. Creation
You are very stubborn too, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in life, very cool, helpful, you have rough word power .. Might put lots of people away from you, you may cause nuisance to others if you are a man, and you often understands others and their problems well. If you are a girl you are very good with studies and arts. If you are a guy you spend most of the time after girl friends (almost)at times, you will have sort of too much fun life with mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get away with their life and you will become empty handed and don't know what to do .. So be careful!! You love to spend anyway!!! Your good will is you are always there to help family and friends. Tell you what you people are little gem! s, specially the girls .. You always fall in love in younger age as well.
You often live with disappointments, for an example you have got a degree in some thing .. but you will be unemployed .. or will do very ordinary jobs. But you will take care of your family very well...All you need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your relations too .. You are radical, patient, persistent, a bit old-fashioned, you live with foundation & order ...
Your best Match 1, 8. Good match 5, 6, 7 !!! Click here for More Info
5. Mercury
5, 14, 23 - all these marks belong to Mercury (Raj Kumar). People born on these dates want to change all the time in life and are intelligent and this is the powerful figure from all the digits. Such people have the image as a celebrity. They are always motivated and thinking about something in a different manner. They achieve good success in business and bring a new twist in society. They are very friendly in nature and are always ready to hang out. Nobody obeys them. They are new inventors, entertainers, and dramatic. The 5th is A grade, the 23rd is B grade and the 14 is C grade, otherwise it is known as balanced number. They can copy anyone easily and can detect something very quickly. Due to planet Mercury, they are successful in business, astrology, science, dance, drama and love marriage. Mercury also represents the sum of two marriages. The broker, the bookie, the Shemale are also the symbol of Mercury. A tree with goat, parrot, mirror, bamboo and broad leaves are all symbols of Mercury.
They are physically and mentally capable of doing bigger things, these people are recognized towards business, especially where there is profit very soon. They are very energetic and likes to settle work quickly, worrying about work. They forgive others. They believe in spending and earning much more than their brainpower. They do not like service, they influence the person in front of them. Radicals gain more due to having Mercury sight at 5, sometimes suffering losses due to haste. The biggest weakness of such natives is that this person uses so much mental power that sometimes he loses his mental balance. Any They also become irritable in a state of mental stress. They get angry soon and talk easily and are unable to digest The person with the number 5 is called a prince because of his friendly nature, they are gonna make friendship with any person very quickly.
Remedy for you
Wear emerald in silver In little finger or Gold in the ring finger.
Lucky Crystal:- Diamonds are very good crystal in clear quartz.
Lucky Colour:- Green, White, grey and all light shaded
Lucky Days:- Wednesday and Friday.
Lucky Month:- 21 st May to 20 June, 21 August to 20th Sept.
Lucky Profession:- Traders(International), Food industry, Paper Industry, Printer, Commission agent, Kagazi Karvahi, Accountant/CA, Software tester, Copier, Travel Industry, Export.
Direction:- North
Element:- Earth
Disease:- Mental disease, respiratory diseases, addictive habit, sleepiness, weakness of legs.
Relationships:- On seeing the love, whether boy or girl, who decides to get married early, when it comes to love marriage, it does not look at the customs of the society.
A number 5 person would inherently be: This number is most intelligent, very shrewd, cunning and diplomatic and cannot be taken for granted at its face value.
This is the most deceitful and opportunistic number one must be careful of.
No other number has got as much flexibility and tact as this number has got in attracting people towards it.
It can always be considered for business purposes.
1. Highly intelligent, diplomatic, materialistic and business oriented
2. Related to computers / engineering / science / commerce
3. Highly flexible, shrewd, cunning and witty
4. Secretive and hypocritical
5. Speculative and gambling oriented
6. Inclined to make money very fast
7. Quick to react and ready to answer
8. Having childish mentality
9. Related to astrology and other such sciences
10. Unpredictable
11. Able to recover from the heaviest blows
12. Inclined to participate in sports
13. Action
You are very popular within the community, you can get things done by just even enemies! You have a pretty good business mind, you are often have no-idea what is today is like, or tomorrow is like, you are a person who does anything when your head thinks "lets do this". You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc..
Very popular with sense of humour, you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help, and you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends. You will have more than 1 relationship, but when u get settle down you will be a bit selfish anyway. Because your other half will have a pretty good amount of control in you, be careful!
You tend to go for other relationships! Contacts even you are married at times 'because your popularity .. You are someone who get along with anyone because the number 5 is the middle number .. Changes & freedom lovers you are! You are an explorer with magic on your face. You learn your life through experience and it's your best teacher!!! Your best match 1, 9. Good match 6, 8 !!! Click here for More Info
6. Venus
6, 15, 24 - all these digits belong to Venus (Jugaad minister). They are Loving and Caring. They are combative and diplomatic. They have a feeling of envy, they have more inclination towards the opposite sex. They become a good host. They are not a liar but lie when the time comes. Their specialty is to differentiate between the choices. Venus represents beauty, splendor, music, painting, fashion, techno, radiative marriage, and husband-wife relationship. Venus also shows an intellectual and emotional level. This person is sociable. Their attaching power is very high, due to which people are more affected by them.
They are more influenced by beauty, they have stubbornness. They are always at their endeavor that the person in front of them accepts their word. They have more friends. A grade coming from 15, B grade coming from 6 and C grade from 24. They spend a lot on their beauty and are very romantic and attached to the home. They Live life blissfully but has a special interest towards one. They pay more attention to the work of cleaning and decorating the house. They do not depend on others for money and live life in contentment. These people wear branded things. They fool others if the boy has 24.
Remedy for you
Wear Diamond in Gold.
Lucky Crystal:- Turquoise or Emerald.
Lucky Colour:- All shades of Blue and Rose color.
Lucky Days:- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lucky Month:- 20th April to 20 May, 21 Sept to 20th Oct.
Lucky Profession:- Glamour Industry, Acting, Dancing, Painting, Beautification, jewelry. Luxury Items, Imported Stuff, Creator, Media/Entertainment, Designers.
Direction:- South-East
Element:- Sky
Disease:- Disease of the throat, kidney disease, diseases of the senses, diseases related to blood, women have difficulty in having children.
Relationship:- Loves living in love-affair. There is good relationship with family and friends. They share good relationship with many people in the society. There is a very good bond with your life partner at home. They are attracted to the beautiful and famous.
A number 6 person would inherently be: It is a number of beauty and attraction and no other number has got as much beauty as this number.
This number has an inherent magnetic power in itself and stands second after number 5 in attracting people.
This number has a taste for everything that is costly and palatable.
1. Peace loving, calm and considerate
2. Having high tastes and interested in costliest and luxurious things.
3. Attractive nature and magnetic power
4. Slow to react and answer
5. Having tastes in fine arts and performing arts
6. Obstinate and unyielding
7. Related to financial and banking matters, furniture, vehicles and dairy farms
8. Related to any thing that belongs to beauty, fashion and decoration
9. Self satisfied
10. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.
Oops ... you are born to enjoy .. You don't care about others. I mean you are always want to enjoy your life time, you are a person.. You will be very good in either education or work wise or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people who you think are nice), very beautiful girls and guys, popular and more than lucky with anything in your lives. All the goodness does come with you. Your mind and body is just made perfect for love. You are loveable by any other numbers. But if you are a number 6 man, you will experience kinda looks from most girls and will involve in more than few relationships until you get married. If you are girl, most of you will get marry / engaged early.
You are! a caring person towards your family & friends. If you miss the half-way mark then you are about to suffer physically and mentally. Generally you will lead a very good inner-home happiness with nothing short of. You are a person of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgement, and after all you can heal this world wounds to make peace for every life because you have the great power of caring talent to make this world of love one step further ...
Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4, 5 !!! Click here for More Info
7. Ketu
7, 16, 25 - These marks are of Ketu (shadow). Such natives are very emotional and trust others very quickly. They open their hearts very quickly. There is a lot of betrayal with them. They try to wear brand stuff. Astral science is good for them. They lack confidence. They ask this every time if they have fixed it. They do not get financial success and they do not get success in money either. They like traveling, walking, but they are unable to go. They have a special power to understand what is in others' mind. In religious matters, they are rudiments. A woman with 7 number is married in wealthy homes, she seeks employment in which she travels and writes books on travel and possesses special knowledge. They have nightmares. It shows the time interval and distance. This is a symbol of power, knowledge, mutual coordination, peace, compromise, partnership, tolerance, and stability.
They have the power of prior presence and this power is due to Ketu. As long as there is no mercy for Ganapati, his wishes will not be fulfilled. They are also selection providers. They stand up again after a loss. There are 16 A grades, 25 B grades, and 7 C grades. A person with seven number is like a person driving in a mist, and thus they are suspicious of themselves as well as others. If any secret is told, then they will keep it till their death. They are always traveling to gain knowledge. They are willing to know the truth. They do not have much interest in society. They give themselves time to look for answers to their problems on their own. These people are more interested in spirituality than religion. They are difficult to know and they do not value money. They do not give their attention to a subject quickly until full knowledge about that subject is reached.
Remedy for you
Wear Opal in Gold.
Lucky Crystal:- Tiger Eye or Moonstone.
Lucky Colour:- Green, Yellow and white.
Lucky Days:- Sunday and Monday.
Lucky Month:- 21 June to 20 July.
Lucky Profession:- Mystic science, Jyotish, Vastu, Tantra, doctors/general old, Highly diplomatic, Counseling, good for ideas, Research Analyst, Scientist, Editing, theater.
Element:- Sky
Diseases:- Heart diseases, nerve diseases, headaches, weak mental strength, lung related diseases
Relationships:- They are unable to find their suitable life partner, there is something missing in family life and do not show much interest in social life and are reclusive.
A number 7 person would inherently be: This number has a penchant for everything that is new and foreign.
It has a philosophical touch in everything it does. It is the most mysterious number and has business acumen also.
1. Interested in philosophical, philanthropic and mysterious matters
2. Related to exports and imports, shipping, sea and watery matters
3. Independent and original, creative, imaginative and artistic
4. Related to writing articles and books, poetry and painting
5. Related to new people, new places and all things treated as new and foreign
6. Slow and steady
7. Interested in occult affairs, magnetic nature, intuitive powers and business activities
8. Thought/consciousness.
You have got the attraction to anyone out there, you are realistic, very confident, happy, such a talented individual with your education, music, arts, singing, and most importantly acting too. You have real problems with bad temper! If you are a girl, you are popular with the subjects listed above. You give up things for your parents. I mean you value your family status a lot, you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age. If you are a guy you are popular with girls, you are a very talented too. Most of the number 7s face lots of problems with their marriage life. Only a very few are happy.
You have everything in your life, but still always number 7s have some sort of unfulfilled, such worries all their lifetime. It's probably the Lord given you all ! sort of over the standard humans talents and you are about to suffer in family life. So you need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you might end-up single. So take care with this issue, ok, You are wonderful, friendly, artistic, happy person. You are born to contribute lots to this world!!!
Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4 !!! Click here for More Info
8. Saturn
8, 17, 26 - all these digits belong to Saturn (Judge). The resemblance of digit four is found in number 8. They get everything from working hard in life. They try to suppress others, the things which gets into their mind not change easily. They show up their cards late. When moving forward in the desire for money, do not pay attention to relationships. They are practical. Their will power is strong. They can be believed and are trustworthy. If they decide to do something, then they definitely complete it. They do not have an idea of about the occurrence of the event will happen. They cannot bear anyone's money. Saturn is a number for life, age. Refers to death and poverty, inappropriate behavior, renunciation, humiliation, imprisonment, job, self-denial, hard work, sadness, foreign language, sadness, fatigue, old age, etc.
They do not stab behind the back but are just a little greedy. When they are angry, they will justify their displeasure on others. They should not be messed with, they do not work in an inappropriate manner quickly, but they contain more ego. Like number 4, they do not cause unnecessary havoc to anyone. If it is a lover then they are in love before marriage, it is related to the moment they get from the work done in the past. They are surrounded by many kinds of problems and difficulties. It is their quality to recognize the good and the bad. They face a sudden change and are never satisfied in life. Due to this harshness, they do not get affection from others. They like to live in their limits and spend less money. In childhood, they have to go through difficulties and are deprived of comforts. That is why they have to live in sadness and loneliness because they do not show off.
People think of them as hard-hearted because of they only keeps the contact for their work. Laziness remains their biggest enemy. That is why they never leave work for tomorrow. They do not speak first, listen to others first. They keep their feelings concealed. This number is not considered as lucky one, they have to suffer misery whether it is less or more. 17 B grade, 8 number A grade, 26 C grade, their female friends are less. They have a tendency of thinking more and speaking less. They also sometimes get the benefit of a lottery, betting, share market, coined money, money received from adoption. The fate of the native of Radix 8 goes into a private job, small business or contractual business rather than a government job. They have been seen to have special benefits from ironwork, oil trade, black goods, machinery parts, purchase, and sale. The radix of number 8 is eager for the divine divine attainment.
Remedy for you
Wear Neelam in the second finger in Gold.
Lucky Crystal:- Amethyst, Black Diamond and Black Pearl.
Lucky Colour:- Purple and all darker shades especially gray and blues.
Lucky Days:- Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Lucky Month:- 21 Dec to 20 Jan.
Lucky Profession:- Visionary, Shooters, Politicians, Property dealers, Coal mining, Metal Industry, Funds creator.
Direction:- West
Element:- Land
Diseases:- Diseases of teeth and bones, headaches, disorders in blood, asthma, stomach diseases, diseases of weak digestive power, if these diseases occur, then it has taken a long time to be cured.
Relationship:- They like to live in their limits. Therefore their friends are less. There are ups and downs in married life, either do not get married or do it late.
A number 8 person would inherently be: It is a number of either successes or failures and has no middle path.
It is the most unfortunate number in the sense that it is never understood properly and always misunderstood.
It has got a penchant for all low category things and is classified as a number of loneliness and melancholy.
1. Delays, obstacles and hurdles
2. Facing regular failures or successes
3. Service oriented
4. Interested to enter politics or a public service field
5. Inclined to think of poor people
6. A hard working person but generally misunderstood
7. Inclined to take extreme positions either in religion or thought
8. Related to long distance travels, old age homes and old people
9. Undemonstrative and hiding
10. Related to hospitals, nurses and nursing activities, jails, night time activities and cold storage
11. Frequently suffering from losses, wastage and extravagance
12. Related to poison and poison mixed things
13. Related to adulteration and adulterated things
14. Related to imprisonment, exile and anarchy
15. Related to forests
16. Melancholic
17. Interested in loneliness
18. Power/sacrifice.
You are a very strong personality, there's no one out there will understand you. You are very good at pointing your finger at some thing and say "this is what". You are more likely to suffer from the early ages. I mean poverty. If your times are not good you might lose either of your parent and end up looking after your entire family. You often suffer all the way in life. The problems will not allow you to study further, but you will learn the life in a very practical way.
You are the one who will fight for justice and may die in the war too. You are normally very reserved with handful of friends and most of the time live life lonely and always prepared to help others. Well.. once you get married (which is often late) then your bad lucks will go away a bit and you! become safe. You will face un-expected problems such as : the error, government, poisonous animals, accidents. You are some one with great discipline, persistence, courage, strength which will take you to success. You are a great part of a family team. You are a fighter!
Your Best match 1, 4, 8. Good match 5 !!! Click here for More Info
9. Mars
They cannot be predicted, they are moody. They have more inclination towards society. They like doing challenging tasks very much. They do not like to run into any work in haste. They are very good friends and very good enemies. They are kind like Karna of Mahabharata. If you come on the goal of taking from you, then they can take off the clothes too. This is for those whose everything got vanished due to their bad actions but still, their attitude didn’t come down. There is no bigger protector than them. They do have a lot of anger, but they also get cool down easily. They are fast, firm and hasty in nature and ends work quickly. These people work in the police department, fire brigade, courage, car race, they have a desire to do this job of climbing. They do not have a sense of change. They are considered as Commander. They are disciplinary. Their force to suppress arms and weapons always remains with them. By the way, they are talkative. They do not like to wear tight clothes like number 8. Those who do this work want fame as the head and do not like to interfere in any other way. If they are not given complete control, then their heartbreaks.
The number 7 and 9 are considered to be the best among mystics. Their marriage and love affair goes well. If any clever woman holds their heart cord, then anything can be done by this 9 number person and this. They support him like a general. It shows courage, virility, power, anger, war, accident, enemy, weapons, land, immovable property, police, army, high blood pressure, and abortion. They are strong in the physique. There is A grade to 9, B grade to 27, C grade to 18. It is very difficult to read their face, there is a sense of humanity in them and they can give encouragement to anyone. For them, the work of the builder can also be a nice choice. They have good energy levels. They want success in everything. They are the most aggressive from all the numbers. They take full advantage of the opportunities available. They should maintain their mental balance so that they get success. If their work is not completed, then they try to get rid by the physical force.
Remedy for you
Wear Coral in copper in the ring finger. The shape of coral should be a triangle for men and opal for women.
Lucky Crystal:- Bloodstone, Garnet and Ruby.
Lucky Colour:-Pink, Red & Crimson.
Lucky Days:- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Lucky Month:- 21 Oct to 20 Nov.
Lucky Profession:- Army, Police, Technicians, Karigar, Machine Operator, Field Jobs, Politics.
Element:- Agni
Direction:- South
Disease:- Diseases of blood, diseases of head and birth senses, ganse, acid formation, surgery, piles and ulcers etc.
A number 9 person would inherently be: It is a number of domination, control, degeneration and destruction.
It has a liking for accidents and quarrels and is never tired of fighting. It is the most authoritative number after number 1.
1. Commanding and demanding, aggressive and angry, assertive and active, short tempered and impulsive
2. Independent and highly ambitious
3. Related to security, army, police and defence matters
4. Healthy, courageous and confident
5. Lively and generous but dominating
6. Related to quarrels, war, destruction, fighting and bloodshed
7. Related to accidents and injuries
8. Inclined to take up daring and dashing activities
9. Inclined to become a leader
10. Related to plotting and scheming, night life and criminal activities
11. Related to legal disputes, enemies and some mechanical activities
12. Related to surgeons, surgical equipments, operations and operation theatres
13. Related to some mechanical and industrial activity
14. Completion
Hey.. you guys are the incompatible people in the world. You are so strong, physically and mentally. You are often have big-aims. You will work hard and hard to get there. Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will have fighting life. But when you achieve what you have done, it's always a big task you have done! You are so much respected in the community, you are a person who can make a challenge and successfully finish the matter off.
You are very naughty in your younger age, often beaten up by your parents and involve in fights and you seemed to have lots of injuries in your life time. But when u grow you become calm and macho type. Love is not an easy matter for you. You are good in engineering or banking jobs because people always ! trust you. Your family life is very good, but will have worries over your children. Your such qualities are humanitarian, patient, very wise & compassionate. You are born to achieve targets and serve every one all equally without any prejudice. You are totally a role model to anybody in the world for a great inspiration.
Your Best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match 2 !! Click here for More Info
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