A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Vaastu Energy


The Unit System

In this system, each planet is assigned a given number. First we discuss the months and their planetary numbers.


In this system, the true solar year commences with the Sun’s entrance into the Vernal or Spring Equinox on the 21st to the 23rd of March of every year and appears to pass through each sign of the Zodiac of 30 degrees each, one after the other, taking slightly under 365 days in doing so, making our year popularly accepted as 365 ¼ days.



The Earth revolving once upon its own axis in each 24 hours causes the whole of the 13 signs of the Zodiac in their tune to pass over each portion of the Earth once each 24 hours. The Moon revolves round the earth in the lunar month of 28 days. This wonderful mechanism, is exactly like the hour hand, minute hand and the second hand of the clock.

What is called the first sign of the Zodiac is the ‘period of the number 9’or the Zodiacal sign of ARIES, from the 21st of march to the 19th of april. It is ruled by Planet Mars in its positve aspect, and has the 9 for it's number.

The ‘period of the number 6’ is the Zodiacal sign of Taurus from the 20th of april to the 20th of may. It is ruled by the planet Venus in its positive aspect, and has the 6 for it's number.

The ‘period of number 5’ is the Zodiacal sign of Gemini, from 21st may to the 20th of June. It is ruled by the planet Mercury in its positive aspect and has the 5 for it's number.

The ‘period of 2 and 7’ is the Zodiacal sign of Cancer, from the 21st of June to the 20th of July. It is ruled by the moon in it's positive aspect and has the double figure 2-7 for its number.

The ‘period of 1 and 4’ is the Zodiacal sign of Leo, from the 21st of July to the 20th of August. It is ruled by the Sun in its positive aspect and has the double figure of 1-4 for its number.

The 2nd ‘period of the number 5’ is the zodiacal sign of Virgo from the 21st of August to the 20th of September. It is ruled by the planet mercury in it's negative aspect and has the 5 for its number.

The 2nd ‘period of the number 6’ is the zodiacal sign of Libra from the 21st of September to the 20th of October. It is ruled by the planet Venus in it's negative aspect and has the 6 for its number.

The 2nd ‘period of the number 9’ is the zodiacal sign of Scorpio from the 21st of October to the 20th of November. It is ruled by the planet mars in it's negative aspect and has the 9 for its number. The ‘period of the number 3’ is the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius from the 21st of November to the 20th of December. It is ruled by the planet Jupiter in its positive aspect and has 3 for its number.

The ‘period of the number 8’ is the zodiacal sign of Capricorn from the 21st of December to the 20th of January. It is ruled by the planet Saturn in it's positive aspect and has the 8 for its number.

The 2nd ‘period of the number 8’ is the zodiacal sign of Aquarius from the 21st of January to the 18th of February. It is ruled by the planet Saturn in it's negative aspect and has the 8 for its number.

The 2nd ‘period of the number 3’ is the zodiacal sign of Pisces, from the 19th of February to the 20th of March. It is ruled by the planet Jupiter in its negative aspect and has the 3 for its number.

This brings us back to the point where we started. Owing to the Sun passing from one sign of the Zodiac to another, seven days allowed at the beginning of each sign and seven days at the end, which is called the “Cusp of the Sign”, during this period the number of the month and the qualities it represents are not quite as strong as during the rest of the period, and partakes to the certain extent to the qualities of the Sign which is passing away with those of the one that is coming into action.

It will be observed that the Planets have a positive and negative quality in accordance with the Period of the zodiac they rule; the positive giving the more physical and forceful qualities, the negative the mental.

For example, the symbol of the 9 positive in the Sign of Aries is: a man in armour with his visor closed and a naked sword in his hand.

The 9 negative in the sign of Scorpio is represented by a man also in armour but with his visor up showing his face and the sword in his sheath, giving the picture of the mental warrior rather than the physical.

The Numbers given to the days of the weeks are as follows:

Sunday  1-4
Monday 2-7
Tuesday 9
Wednesday  5
Thursday  3
Friday  6
Saturday 8

These Numbers correspond to the Planets are as follows:

Sun  1
Moon 2
Jupiter 3
(Rahu) Uranus  4
Mercury 5
Venus 6
(Ketu) Neptune 7
Saturn 8
Mars 9

The Sun and the Moon are the only two planets having what is called “the double numbers,” because the Sun and the Uranus (Rahu) are interested to one another so the number of the Sun is written as 1-4.

The moon being interrelated with Neptune (Ketu) is written as 2-7.

A curious thing, and one well worth noting, is that there appears to be a sympathy and attraction between the number 1-4 and 2-7 and it will be found that persons born under any of the 1-4 numbers, such as 1st, 4th, 10th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, 28th and 31st, are sympathetic and get on well with people born under the numbers 2-7, such as the 2nd, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 25th and 29th and more especially so if either of these two sets of people is born in the “House of the Moon”, namely, between the 20th of June and July 21st-27th or in the “House of the Sun”, between the 21st July and August 20th-27th.

Concerning these numbers the following norms are adhered to in numerological reckoning.

1) In numerology when we speak of the person as number 1, it includes all people who are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month.
2) When we speak of a person as number 2, it includes all people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month.
3) When we speak of a person as number 3, it includes all the people who are born the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month.
4) When we speak of a person as number 4, we refer to all the people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month.
5) When we speak of a person as number 5, we include all people born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month.
6) When we speak of a person as number 6, we include all people born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month.
7) When we speak of a person as number 7, they include all people born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any month.
8) When we speak of a person as number 8, people that group includes all people born on the 8th, 20th and 26th of any month.
9) And finally, when we speak of a person as number 9, we include all the people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month.

As there are only nine basic numbers, all people are divided into 9 groups. If people will experiment with the birth dates of their friends and acquaintances, they will be agreeably surprised how they have affinity with a large number of persons belonging to the same group as themselves.

This discussion would be incomplete if we do not add that these nine numbers have been further grouped together as follows:

1) 1 and 4
2) 2 and 7
3) 3, 6 and 9
4) 5
5) 8

Thus number one people have not only affinity with number 1 people and number 1 dates but also with number 4 persons and number 4 dates. And number 4 people not only have affinity with number 4 persons and number 4 dates, but also with number 1 persons and number 1 dates.

Number 2 persons have not only affinity with number 2 persons and number 2 dates but also with number 7 people and number 7 dates. And number 7 persons not only have affinity with number 7 persons and number 7 dates but also with number 2 persons and number 2 dates.

Number 1 and 4 have also affinity with numbers 2 and 7 and vice-versa. So number 1 may have affinity in some measure with 2, 4 and 7 also; number 2 may have affinity with number 1, 4 and 7; number 4 with numbers 1, 2 and 7 also and number 7 with numbers 1, 2 and 4 also. It is to illustrate this principle that we have grouped 1 and 4 together as group (a) and 2 and 7 as group (b) but also two sub-groups under the same major group.

Number 3 persons have primarily affinity with number 3 persons and number 3 dates, but also secondarily with number 6 and number 9 persons and number 6 and number 9 dates. Number 6 persons likewise have primarily affinity with number 6 persons and number 6 dates but also secondarily affinity with number 3 and number 9 persons and number 3 and number 9 dates. Also number 9 persons have primarily affinity with number 9 people and number 9 dates, but also secondarily affinity with number 3 and number 6 persons and number 3 and number 6 dates.

5 has no other number in it's group so its affinity is limited to number 5 persons and number 5 dates.

Similarly number 8 has no other number in its group so its affinity is limited to number 8 persons and number 8 dates.

There are only nine Planets in our Solar System and only nine numbers on which all material calculations are based. Each planet rules on a particular sign of the twelve Zodiac Signs and has a specific individual characteristic, vibration, trait that influences the person born under its rulership. Each planet is also allotted a number.

The Nine Planets, their Zodiac signs, Corresponding Numbers and Elements.

Rule Over
Week Day
9 +ve
6 +ve
5 +ve
2 +ve, 7 +ve
1 +ve,4 +ve
5 -ve
6 -ve
9 -ve
3 +ve
8 +ve
8 -ve
Water Bearer
3 -ve

The sun and the moon are the only two planets having 'double numbers'. The sun and Uranus are interrelated and so is the moon and Neptune. There is a strong attraction between numbers 1-4 and 2-7 and these four numbers are compatible with each other, especially if born in Cancer (21 June to 20 July) and Leo (21 July to 20 August).

Numbers 7 and 4 were allotted to the moon and the sun until Neptune and Uranus were discovered. Presently, number 4 is the number of planet Uranus or Rahu (north node of the moon) that is given the ruler ship of Aquarius and number 7 is given to Neptune or Ketu (south node of the moon) which rules Cancer in its positive aspect.

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are further divided into categories: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Every third sign starting from Aries is Cardinal, every third sign from Taurus is fixed and every third sign from Gemini is Mutable.

Cardinal signs are movable signs, which means that they are easy to get on with, as they are accommodating. Fixed signs are immovable, which makes them stubborn and uncompromising and unbending. Mutable Signs are flexible, which means they are ever ready to change, compromise and adjust.

CARDINAL: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
FIXED: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
MUTABLE: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Every alternate sign starting from Aries is Male (Positive) or Female (Negative)

MALE: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
FEMALE: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The signs are either Fruitful, Barren or Duel

BARREN: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
FRUITFUL: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
DUEL: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Owing to the passing of the sun from one zodiac sign to the other, seven days are given at the beginning and seven days after the end, which is the period, called 'The Cusp'. During this period of the month, it's qualities and vibrations are not as strong as strong as the rest of the month. The CUSP PERIOD takes on to some extent, the qualities of the passing sign with those of the one coming into force. Planets have a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE aspect in accordance with the period of the Zodiac they rule.

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