A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Vaastu Energy


Superstitions and Beliefs

There are a wide variety of superstitions surrounding gemstones. Some superstitions were common in ancient times, others still prevail today. Gemstones are worn as amulets, in jewelry, or simply carried loose about the person. They may be whole or ground into powder and used as medicine. Often these stones were used to prevent or cure common ailments and in ancient times were endowed with magical properties.

Click on the gemstone below to know more on the superstitions surrounding them..

Agate | Amber | Amethyst | Beryl | Carbuncle | Carnelian | Cat's Eye | Coral | Diamond | Emerald | Garnet | Jacinth | Jade | Jasper | Lapiz Lazuli | Malachite | Moonstone | Onyx | Opal | Pearl | Peridot | Ruby | Sapphire | Sardonyx | Topaz | Turquoise




*Defends against the evil eye.

*Protects against storms, lightning, headaches and fever.

*Draws out the venom of insect and reptile bites.

*Cures fever and eye infections.

*Improves Eyesight.

*Relieves inflammation and tiredness of the eyes.

*Staunches bleeding.

*Relieves skin irritations.

*Promotes fertility.

*Increases athletic prowess.

*Renders the possessor eloquent, lovable, and invisible.

*Gives you health and long life.

*Cools boiling water.

*Can turn an enemy's sword against himself.

*Makes you lucky in love.

*Reveals where hidden treasure is buried.

*Ensures a good yield when tied to a plow or worn while gardening.



*Worn on the throat to prevent nasal congestion, hay fever, and asthma.

*Makes a woman smell more desirable to her lover.

*Cures whooping cough, asthma, erysipelas, goiter.

*Protects against witchcraft, nightmares, indigestion, loss of teeth, deafness, the plague, the spread of infection (if held in the mouth), fits during the teething of babies.

*Attracts compassion and understanding.



*Protects against nightmares, thieves, storms, hail, locusts, plagues, and infidelity.

*Changes brightness when near poisoned foods.

*Encourages calmness.

*Cures headaches, toothache, gout, neuralgia, and nerve troubles.

*Brings contentment and sincerity.

*Prevents drunkenness, falling in love foolishly.



*Brings wisdom, success, and popularity.

*Prevents stomach and liver troubles.

*Cures toothache.



*Has the power to increase the wearer's attractiveness to the opposite sex.

*Promotes Love.



*Protects against wounds, the plague, infections, and all diseases of the throat and stomach.

*Raises the spirits.

*Dispels evil thoughts.

*Reconciles friends who have quarreled.

*Attracts success in business.

*Grows dim where death and danger are near.



*Protects against evil, impure thoughts, lightning, fever, indigestion, and all stomach troubles.

*Staunches the flow of blood.

*Ensures friends.

*Banishes fear and gives self-confidence

*White Carnelians protect against rheumatism and neuralgia.



*Protects against all diseases of the chest and throat.

*Cures asthma.

*Soothes the nerves.

*Owners' fortunes never diminish.



*Wards off evil.

*Imbues reason and wisdom.

*Prevents nightmares, epilepsy, and arguments in the home.

*Prevents sterility in women.

*Prevents and cures fits and whooping cough in babies.

*Cures ulcers and sores.

*When rubbed on the gums it strengthens teeth.

*Protects against madness.

*When scattered on fields, shields crops from storms, blight, and locusts.

*Eases internal pains.

*Red Coral protects ships and houses from storms and turns pale when the wearer is ill.

*White Coral embues modesty.

*Black Coral embues fortitude and perseverance.

*Loses its hue when the wearer's health declines.



*Endows the wearer with courage and fortitude.

*Brings victory and good fortune.

*Wards off evil.

*Protects against the plague.

*Promotes constancy in a marriage.



*Protects against eye diseases, faintness, and loss of memory.

*Considered an aphrodisiac.

*Placed beneath the tongue, enables you to conjure evil spirits.

*Eases pain in childbirth.

*Cures epilepsy, dysentery, and fits.

*Negates the effects of snakebite.

*Touching an emerald helps sufferers of blindness.

*Ensures a life of love and success.

*Confers happiness for married couples.

*Ensures constancy and truth between lovers.

*Reveals secrets to its owner.

*Brings victory in court cases.

*Makes the owner more eloquent.

*Protects sailors and fishermen from the perils of sea.

*Can detect poison when worn as a ring.

*Relieves eyestrain and eye inflammation.

*Can blind snakes.

*Is an antidote to poison.

*A remedy for sores and ulcers. .

*Makes the wearer clever and funny.

*Keeps the wearer honest.

*Adds fortitude and strength, especially in old age.

*Brings gaiety and understanding.

*Preserves chastity.



*Repels flying insects.

*Protects against lightning.

*Is an antidote to plague and fever.

*Wards off inflammatory diseases.

*Helps the wearer to be firm and steadfast.

*Guarantees cheerfulness if obtained lawfully.

*Is a curse to those who have acquired it unlawfully.

*Changes color when danger approaches.

*Perpetuates friendships.


Jacinth ( Zircon)

*Protects from fever, plague, dropsy, and disorders of the stomach.

*Cures indigestion.

*Is an antidote against poison.

*Stimulates appetite.

*Strengthens the heart.

*Worn on the third finger, it brings peace of mind and a sound sleep.

*Has power over robbers.



*Prevents nightmares and eye troubles.

*Is a remedy for spleen, kidney, and digestive ailments.

*Makes men fertile.

*Brings success in games of chance.

*Brings rain.

*Averts epilepsy.

*Cures animal bites.

*Jade placed on the eyelids or in the mouth of a dead person brings back their spirit to another life on Earth.



*Lessens pain.

*Staunches bleeding.

*Prevents digestive pains.

*Treats epilepsy.

*Used to conjure rain.



Lapis Luzuli

*When worn as a necklace it cures apoplexy, epilepsy, skin troubles, and poor blood.

*Relieves the pain of neuralgia.

*Strenghtens friendship.

*Allays eye inflammation.

*Raises drooping spirits.

*Secures fidelity of a lover.



*Protects against rheumatism, cholera, and lightning.

*Gives health, success, happy love.



*Protects travelers, especially from danger by sea.

*Cures consumption, dropsy, and kidney troubles.

*Allays fever.

*Reconciles lovers.

*Brings good fortune.

*In divination it is placed in the mouth during a waning Moon to help determine course of action.



*Promotes chastity.

*Induces quarrels and fitful dreams.



*White Opals are unlucky unless worn by someone born in October or with Diamonds.

*Very unlucky in an engagement ring.

*Will lose it's shine if the owner dies.

*Renders the wearer invisible.

*Improves eyesight.

*Will help blondes keep their hair color longer.

*Will turn pale if in the presence of poison.

*Black opals are lucky.

*Useless as a charm to someone who is selfish.

*If used for good, it gives the power of prophecy.



*Brings health, wealth, long life, and good luck to its wearer.

*Wards off evil.

*Unlucky for brides.

*Pearls in an engagement ring will bring tears to the marriage.

*Forecasts danger, sickness, and death by loss of its luster.

*Can be used in love potions.

*Sleeping with a pearl beneath the pillow will help childless couples conceive

*Treats madness, jaundice, snake and insect bites.

*Protects divers against sharks and octopi.



*Protects against evil spirits and nightmares.

*Cures speech impediments.



*Safeguards against evil and dangers of storms and floods.

*Gives peace of mind, courage, insight, and mental power.

*Prevents impure thoughts, bad dreams, and stomachache.

*Preserves chastity.

*Brings Love.

*Is an antidote against snake poison.

*Heals wounds.

*Can cause water to boil.

*Kills poisonous reptiles.

*Changes color according to the health of the wearer.

*Pales in the presence of poisons.



*For wisdom.

*Protects against the Evil Eye.

*Protects royal personages from envy.

*Protects virgins.

*Relieves headaches, clears the head, and allows wise thinking.

*Promotes love and happiness.

*Can induce trances.

*Preserves sight and helps draw foreign bodies from the eyeball.

*Will only keep its rich coloring if worn by someone in love.

*Strengthens and stimulates the heart.

*Can kill spiders.

*Brings health, wealth, and energy.

*Dims in the presence of evil.

*Guards the chastity of the wearer.

*White Sapphire protects travelers and is worn by women to preserve their chastity.



*Ensures a happy marriage.

*Can make lawyers more eloquent.

*Lessens the pain of childbirth.

*Protects against plague and the bites and stings of poisonous reptiles and insects.



*Protects against the Evil Eye, the effects of poison, and calamity.

*Used to treat disorders of the lungs, nose, and throat.

*Worn over the stomach, protects against disorders of the alimentary system.

*Averts epilepsy and asthma.

*Cures gout, sleeplessness, lunacy, and sudden death.

*Brings riches to its wearer.

*Appeases anger.

*Prevents thirst if worn near the heart.

*Turns sadness into happiness.

*For loyal and faithful friendships.



*Protects against accidents, especially falls while riding.

*Protects against the Evil Eye.

*Brings courage and love.

*Prevents headaches, and quarrels between married couples.

*Removes animosity between giver and receiver.

*Renews friendships.

*Increases sexual passion.

*Cures weak sight and eye inflammation.

*Thwarts enemies.

*Brings happiness and prosperity.

*Changes color when danger or illness threatens the wearer.


Er. Rameshwar Prasad invites you to the Wonderful World of Indian Astrology.

Engineer Rameshwar Prasad

(B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A., P.G.D.M.)

Vaastu International

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