A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Vaastu Energy


How does Feng Shui Work

There are 9 areas in our home and businesses that we can tap into to create powerful, positive results. Often overnight! Those areas are:

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Career & Opportunity, Knowledge, Family, Health, Wealth &Good Luck, Fame & Recognition, Partnership & Marriage, Children & Creativity, Helpful People & Travel.

Each wall and corner in our environment represents one of these areas.

For example, if you want a new career or to advance your present one you would go to the area that represents Career and create positive energy by adding something, like a lush healthy plant, a fountain (moving water represents prosperity in Feng Shui) or a picture that inspires you. You may also need to take something away from the area, like clutter.

Yin and Yang

The concept of Yin and Yang is one of the most fundamental and profound theories of Feng Shui. It is the Chinese perspective on balance and continual change. The basics of this deep and extremely significant diagram are pretty subtle yet profound. Yin and Yang is a foundation theory for Feng Shui that supports many other theories including the Five Elements Theory and the Environment.


Yin and Yang are dependent opposites that must always be in balance. The opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. Just as the seasons cycle and create times of heat and cold, Yin and Yang cycles through active and passive, dark and light, etc. Yin and Yang evolved from a belief of mutually dependent opposites that cannot live without the other. More interestingly, there are little cons in every pro and vice versa. Nothing is total.

The Eastern view of opposites is, excuse the pun, is the opposite of a Western view. Western philosophy tends to look as things as black or white, right "or" wrong, etc. There is separation and unrelatedness in the Western perspective. Whereas, the Chinese view is not opposites, it's perspective. Everything is as evolving and cycling. There is neither right or wrong, but rather there is balance, transformation interaction, dependent opposition and most importantly transition.

Color Feng Shui


Yin and Yang can further be explained as a duality that cannot exist without both parts. Here is a list of some of the many opposites that are contained in such a simple symbol.

Yin - (The Black Portion): Passive, Cold, Death, Winter, Female, Night, Even, Moon, Water

Yang - (The White Portion): Active, Hot, Life, Summer, Male, Day, Odd, Sun, Fire

Within Yang, there is a spot of Yin and vice-versa. Just as in the heart of winter, a seed lays in wait to become life, so is Yang waited within Yin for its turn. In a hot summer, a sudden desert storm can bring coolness. This too is an example of how Yin is found in Yang.

Thus we also observe that the separation of the circle (symbolising the earth or alternatively, the full circle of life) is not cut into straight halves. They are curved and they alternatively advance and accommodate into each other, depicting the alternation.

Again, there are no absolutes, just cycles in time. This early philosophy of nature, the complementary alternating forces of Yin and Yang, dark and light, female and male, which maintain the balance of the cosmos, are the foundation of Feng Shui.

The Yin and Yang for the Home

The list has given us a few interpretations of Yin and Yang. Each of this needs to be founded or instituted in a particular area in the house, depending upon its relevance and prominence. For example, the night stays in the inner rooms (the energies of the house are concentrated in the bedroom and kitchen), thus it is a Yin stronghold. On the other hand, the day stays in the outer rooms (the energies of the house are concentrated in the drawing room, study or the porch).

Thus, the directional placement and arrangement of the house has to be in a way, that Yin and Yang are placed properly. For example, as Yang is light, the house should open towards a source of light and not towards a source of water as the prosperity may 'flow' away. Many such calculations are based on Yin and Yang 'residences'. However, there are many other factors like the five elements, directions and magnetism that work closely with Yin and Yang in Feng Shui.

Yin and Yang affect your home and the way you decorate it. Read about some common negative problems with houses, and the solutions for them.

The use of Yin and Yang here is to illustrate that your house does not become too dark. On the other hand, in a big garden, shrubs, rose arches and rockeries can have a pleasing effect on a flat landscape.

 Dense Foliage Around a House

Dense Foliage Around a House: Heavy Yin Influence
  • The Situation
    You can sometimes sense darkness - both physical and atmospheric - which results from dense foliage, overgrown hedges and close proximity to a woodland.
  • The Effects
    This stifles Yang, which is represented by light and creates a stuffy and heavy atmosphere in the house.
  • The Solution
    The foliage should be cut back to reduce the negative effects of Yin. Where possible, more windows should be added. If this is not possible, light curtains should be used and drawn beyond the edge of the window where they open.
A house has too many windows

A house has too many windows: Heavy Yang Influence
  • The Situation
    Too many windows in the house increase the Yang influence.
  • The Effects
    This has the effect of allowing in too much light which can make the occupants of the house ill tempered. Air from all directions mixes together and disrupts the energy flow in the house.
  • The Solution
    Some windows should be kept shut and curtains should be used to prevent too much light from coming in.
Object Outside the Window

Presence of an Object Outside the Window
  • The Situation
    The main window or door overlooks a satellite dish or any other object.
  • The Effects
    Energy from this house is lost.
  • The Solution
    A potted plant should be kept on the window sill. It is not necessary to keep the curtains drawn.
Overlooking a Clothe's line

Window Overlooking a Clothe's line
  • The Situation
    A window overlooks a clothesline, which is closer than 30 metres.
  • The Effects
    This gives too much Yin if the clothes are women's clothes and undergarments. This usually has a bad implication, as the occupants will not be able to save money.
  • The Solution
    Place the curtains on either side of the window, but you need not draw them. Avoid the temptation to overspend.

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Er. Rameshwar Prasad invites you to the Wonderful World of Feng Shui

Engineer Rameshwar Prasad

(B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A., P.G.D.M.)

Vaastu International

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