What is Vastu?
The Place where a person lives and performs work called Vastu. According to Indian ancient classical texts Vastu means appropriate land for house. All types of houses, buildings, cities, forts, bungalow industries where ever a person lives or works called Vastu. Vastu in Sanskrit means nature, a surrounding or environment. The word "Vaasthu" came from Vasthu, denoting anything existing such as house, shelter building etc. Shastra in sanskrit means systems. Vastu shastra is an ancient art and science containing principles and practices of constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious balance between man and nature and thereby bring all round happiness, health, wealth and prosperity.

Vastu sasthra, which means the science of the built area, is an ancient Indian architectural science. This science perfectly in tune with the natural law, lays down rules to create ideal conditions for living by connecting individual life with cosmic life. Vaastu represents a most developed worldview in which in which humans, plants and animals live in kinship.
Vastu- an ancient architectural tradition of India based on Vedas.
Has developed its building technology on the fundamental premise that the earth or soil is a living organism out of which other living creatures and organic form emerge.
Vastu by tradition is the life force contained within the earth.
Vastu also means living space or dwelling space, which is on ‘vaastu’.
Vastu is the individual site or land identified for a village or neighborhood.
Vastu is also the building enclosure.
Man does not inhabit this earth alone; He inhabits ‘akasham’ or space. He is linked with his Shakti or energy to other energy form. He is part of a movement, a cycle of life and dealth, which is known as ‘Kaala’ (time). Space, Time and Energy are traditionally primed as existing in their free, unlimited state. Vaastu experts have not only devised an order pertaining to the creation of manifested space, but have also ascertained a link between time cycle and the life of a person.
Vaastu is not about magical cures but about the physical, psychological and spiritual order of the built environment and its consonance with the energies of the cosmic universe.

Five Elements (Panchbhuutas) |
Sky : Aakaash - It is the unending (Anantha) regions remote from the Earth, in which not only our Solar System but the entire Galaxy (Brahmaan) exists. It's effective forces are light, heat, gravitational force and waves, magnetic field and others. Its main chactreistic is Shabda (Sound).
Air : Vaayu - Atmosphere of the Earth which is about 400 kms, in depth and consists of 21% Oxygen (Praan Vaayu), Nitrogen 78%, Carbon-di-Oxide, Helium, other kinds of gases, dust particles, humidity and vapor in certain proportion. Life of Human beings, plants and animals and even fire depends on this. Its main characteristics are Shabda and Sparsha (Sound).
Fire : Agni - Represents light and heat of fire (burning), lightning, volcanic or plutonic heat, the heat of fever or inflammation, energy, days and nights, seasons and such other aspects of Solar system, and also enthusiasm, ardor, passion, spirited vigor. It's main characteristics are Shabda, Sparsha and Roopa (form).
Water : Jala - This is represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice), and gas (steam, cloud). It is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of two to one, perfectly neutral in reaction. In every plant and life on Earth water exists in certain proportion and its main characteristics are Shabda, Sparsha, Roopa and Rasa (taste)
Earth : Bhuumi - Earth the third planet in order form the Sun, is a big magnet with north an south poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has telling effects on everything on Earth whether living or non-living. It is tilted by about 23½° at the meridian of its either side for six months called Uttaraayana and Dakshinaayana and rotates on its own axis from West to East resulting in day and night. Its one orbit around sun takes 365 ¼ days (1- year) Three fourths of Earth's surface is water and one fourth is land. Its main characteristics are Shabda, Sparsha, Roopa, Rasa, and Guna (quality). |

Aim of Vaastu Shastra
The co-ordination of 5 elements of the nature Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space with the Human activities and how to manage and use to natural forces solar power, magnetic power and gravitational power with human life is the main destination of Vasthu Shastra (knowledge). By the use of five elements of nature and natural forces native gets physical power, mental strength and be refresh due to that native gets satisfaction and he goes on the rout of property and development in his life.
Dharma (Religion) Arth (Money) Kama (Desire) Moksha (get rid of birth recycling) are the main destination by Indian Vedic Concept. At the running time we have developed and prosper science, knowledge's, technique in every fields surrounding everywhere. Nevertheless native face lot of problems and not satisfied than previous time.
Tensions and unsatfaction is a part of life and the main reason behind of it is our artificial life style to days life style, native are ignoring nature and rush away from The nature and forget this important thing. Nature is a center of unlimited and immortal power of universe and the friend of human life. According to vedic rishis (primitive). Nature has unlimited power and it is omnipresent and omnipotent that's why nature is a main creature as well as destroyer. Nature is developer and abstractor.
This knowledge tells us how to use the natural powers, magnetic, gravitational and solar power. In construction of a building with vastu rules and principles with logic. In the same manner Vasthu Shastra (Knowledge) tells us how to use five elements of nature and natural forces in human life and gets maximum benefit by the knowing of this knowledge we go the route of success and satisfaction with convenience and safety by nature and environments and that is the main destination of Vastu Shastra.

There are five fundamental principles on which the Vedic science of architecture stands upon:
1. The Doctrine of orientation :
In vastu, east and north direction are given great importance. The suns rays, being a rich source of vitamin D are vital for the sustenance of life on earth; and the rays early in the morning from the east emitting more light and less heat are the best. Doors and windows in the east would allow the suns ultra violet rays to penetrate into the house, bestowing their benefits to the inmates of the house. In the afternoon on the other hand the sun would be coursing to the west emitting infra red rays which are detrimental to the health and hence less number of windows and thick walls in the rooms in west and Southwest.
Like the Sun, the earths magnetic fields also wield significant influence on the well being of the inmates of the house. For example Vaastu recommends the inmates of the house to sleep with their head towards the south. The human body acts as a magnet with the head as the north pole. If the head is directed towards the north, it will repel the earths north pole . As a consequence the blood circulation would be affected, causing tensions and disturbed sleep.
There is a technical procedure by which the cardinal points are ascertained for the orientation of the buildings. It should be done in the location where the naval point of vaastu Purusha lies that is the centre of the plot. Orientation played an important role in the daily life of ancient Indians for to them, Sun was the giver of all life.
2. Site Planning : Vaastu Purush Mandala
Vaastu means environment, Purush means energy, Mandala means the astrological chart which relates the layout to the orientation. The surface of earth in traditional Indian Cosmology is regarded as demarcated by Sunrise and Sunset, and also by North and South points, and is represented by a diagram or a mandala of a square.
The science of architecture is a part of science of luminaries. The Vaastu had come to the place of adjustment of solar and lunar cycles. The no. 32 of the divinities residing in the squares of the borders of the vaastumandala is also the sum of 28 and 4, the no. of regents of the four planets who rule the equinoctial and solstitial points referred to the cardinal points and of regents of 28 nakshatras(constellations). Each of the divisions in the mandala is called a pada and has a presiding deity associated with it. Pada Vinyasa is a very convenient method, like a modern graph divided into a uniform square for the purpose of designing according to proportionate measurement.
The image of the Vaastu Purush on the Mandala is drawn in the likeness of man. Forty five Gods are constituents of the body of the Vastu purusha, the extent allotted to each of the deity differs but not their relative position in the plan. The lord of central square is always the Lord of Cosmos, the North is attributed to the Lord of wealth, South to the Lord of death, the east to the Lord of light, the west to the Lord of winds, suggesting that their be a courtyard in the centre of the building.
When these are scrupulously followed proper ventilation and good disposition to the Sun and privacy is insured. The house is compared to the human body and the central courtyard with Brahma, the eternal soul and their relationship is evoked when grahepravesha (house warming) ceremony is performed with traditional prayers and rituals.
3.The Proportionate Measurements : Mana
The adherence of mana is as old as Indian architecture and is imperative to all creative activity, of which angula (3/4th. of an inch) or hasta (18 inches) is the standard of measurements. The measurement is divided into 6 categories:
Measurement of height, breadth, width or circumference, along plumb lines, thickness, and interspace.
Proportional relationships of these categories are laid out for various functional usage.
4. The Six Rules of Vedic Architecture:
There are six main component part of the building : Aadhistaana (Base), Stambha (Column), Prastara (Entablature), Karna (Wings), Shikhara (Roof), and Stuupi (dome).
5. Aesthetics of the building :
Chanda is the structural aspect of building, its rhythmical disposition is like that of poetry. The science of rhythm (Chanda = beauty) extends to the rhythmical disposition of the ground plan of the building and their vertical section (urdhva chanda). Each brick and each building unit is filled with rhythm, it is a charged and compelling weight and shape in the hands of the builder. Rhythm evokes a reality and measure builds it up. Whatever is thus produced is called is Meya, which is measurable, capable of being known and a quantity.
What ever construction be done on the land, be it a residential house, or industrial organisation, or a public institution, temple etc., in each case it is auspicious and beneficial to keep the following points in mind while purchasing a plot of land or constructing a building.
1. First of all the direction and shape of the plot has to be considered well. A construction on quadrangular, rectangular or square plot is beneficial and good from all aspects.
2. Big plot fetches prosperity, but it should not be having cleavage or cracks any where.
3. Triangular shaped plot should not be selected for constructing a building. It is inauspicious.
4. A small narrow plot in between two big plots is also not good, because owner of the building on such plot always remains in troubles.
5. If the length of the plot in east-west direction is more than that in north-south direction, it is better.
6. If there is more open vacant space in south than in north, it will lead to destruction and downfall whether it is in the house or a industry, or in a temple or a hut.
7. It is auspicious if there is more open space in the east than in the west; and more open space in the north than in the south.
8. All the heavy and permanent items should be placed in the south-west corner of the building or plot.
9. While sleeping head should be kept in the east or south. Never sleep with feet towards south or east.
10. Water tanks on the roof in the south-west direction are auspicious. These should never be placed in north or north-east (eeshanya) corner.
11. Pooja room is always best in the north-east corner or near it.
12. Kitchen is always auspicious and best in the south-east (Agney) corner, or adjacent to it.
13. Open space should be kept all around the building.
14. Building should be constructed such that it is higher in the south-west and lower in the north-east. Walls should also be made in this manner.
15. Underground water tank (for storage of water) well, hand-pump, boring etc. should be built in north-east direction only. Height of these water bodies should never be above the plinth level of the main building.
16. As far as possible there should be only one main door of the house, which should be adorned with auspicious symbols.
17. All the doors and windows should be of the same height upper edges being in the same straight line.
18. There should not be a door above a door. This principle does not apply on multistorey buildings. Height of the door on upper floor should be kept less than that on the lower floor.
19. Family life will be more and more happy if more heavy items are placed in the rooms on the south-west and south-sides.
20. The more lighter (weightless) items are there in the north, north-east and north-west directions, the more happier will be the life of the family in the house.
21. It is better if there are no tall trees in the east. Trees in the west are good.
22. In the same line, the plot having road on the east-north directions is better to be selected.
23. 'Garbh' means the space or width in between two walls.
24. The essence of Vastu Shastra is actually to make the house in total conformity with the utilisation of five basic materials, viz, earth, water, air, fire, space for specific functions in the directions of places determined for the same. For example, south-east corner is best for fire (kitchen etc.) North-West direction for air and the North-East direction for attaining the bliss for divine favour.
25. Specially, while constructing a house due care is to be taken regarding position of doors, windows, Chulha (fire, burner), well, bath room, bed room, toilet (latrine) and these should be constructed strictly in the places allotted as per Vastu principles.
26. If there is a well or any other pit in the south-east, south-west or north-west direction, there will always be quarrels in the family and there will be no peace.
27. West portion of the land should be raised and there should be slope towards the east, which is auspicious.
28. Four sided (square) shaped plot of land is considered to be the best as per Vastu Shastra. All the architects (Vastu Shastris) have this opinion.
29. Almirahs, Sofa Set, Table and other heavy items which can be placed permanently at a place, are auspicious if placed in the South-West corner or near it in the west.
30. A temple can have doors on all the four sides.
31. Divide the length of the wall, on the side in which main door is to kept, in nine equal parts; then leaving 5 parts on the right and 3 parts on the left, door should be constructed in the remaining one part or in the 7th part.
32. If living in a newly built house is stared without worshipping Vaastu, several troubles and difficulties arise in the family. Therefore Vaastu Poojan is must.
33. For interior decoration of the house, pictures and scenes of war and battles, idols/statues of demons, pictures of pig (boar), leopard, tiger, jackal, serpent, eagle, owl, pigeon, hawk, crow, crane etc. are not auspicious. These should not be put on the walls in the house for decoration.
34. Flow of water and its outlet in the directions other than east, north-west, north-east and north is inauspicious and causes troubles.
35. Toilet (Latrine) is auspicious if constructed in north-west corner. If necessary or in case of lack of space it may be constructed in any direction, but the seat in the toilet should be such that when using the toilet one should face towards south or north only.
36. Only new wood should be used throughout in the construction of a house, there remains no default relating to Vaastu. At the most two or three types of wood may be used.
37. If only one kind of wood is used throughout in the construction of a house, there remains no default relating to Vaastu. At the most two or three types of wood may be use.
38. It is not auspicious to construct any thing towards the south or west of the Vaastu zone. Construction should be done towards north and east of this zone.
39. If extension is to be made, it should be extended in all the sides. Extension only in one side is not auspicious.
40. Door of the stair-case should face either east or south. It will be auspicious if the stairs are constructed in the west or south on the right side.
41. If the earth (soil) on the land site is excavated and removed, and fresh pure earth from elsewhere is filled in it, there remains no defect of Shalya in the land.
42. Shadow of trees falling on the building in the duration 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is inauspicious and causes troubles.
43. T.V., Radio or any other such device for entertainment should be placed near the south west corner.
44. If more than one door are required, doors should be constructed in the positions as suggested in the Vaastu-Shastra, but no two doors be opposite each other.
45. Guest room or drawing room should be in the north or west direction.
46. Room for the watchman or guard should be built near the gate in the boundary wall on the left side. His quarter should be on the left side of the gate.

So do you want your house to be Vaastu-perfect. These basic Vaastu principles will help you design your house the Vaastu way:
The plot Shape of the plot plays a significant part in Vaastu. A quadrangular, rectangular or square plot is considered beneficial and good from all aspects. Triangular plot is inauspicious.
Also, a big plot fetches prosperity, but it should not be having cleavage or cracks anywhere. A narrow plot in between two big plots is also not good.
If the length of the plot in east-west direction is more than that in north-south direction, it is a good feature.
If your house has more open vacant space in south than in north, it will lead to destruction and downfall, be it a house or an industry, or a temple or a hut. More open space in the east than in the west is auspicious; the principle holds true for more open space in the north than in the south too. Open space should be kept all around the building. The plot having road on the east-north directions is better.
Heavy stuff
Keep your heavy and permanent items in the south-west corner of the building or plot. For a happy family life place more heavy items in the rooms south-west and south-sides. On the other hand, the lighter (weightless) items should be in the north, north-east and north-west directions. TV, radio or any other entertainment device should be placed near the south-west corner.
While sleeping head should be in the east or south. Never sleep with feet towards south or east.
Water tanks
Water tanks should be on the roof in the south-west direction. Never place these in north or north-east corner. Underground water tank should be built in north-east direction only. Flow of water and its outlet in the directions other than east, north-west, north-east and north causes troubles.
Pooja room is always best in the north-east corner or near it. Kitchen is always auspicious and best in the south-east corner. Guest room or drawing room should be in the north or west direction. Room for the watchman or guard should be near the gate in the boundary wall on the left side. Toilet should ideally be in north-west corner. In case you've a space-crunch, it may be constructed in any direction, but the seat in the toilet should be such that when using the toilet you face towards south or north only.
There should be only one main door of the house, which should be adorned with auspicious symbols. If more than one door are required, take care not to have two doors opposite each other. All the doors and windows should be of the same height, upper edges being in the same straight line. Avoid a door above a door. This principle does not apply on multi-storey buildings. The door on upper floor should be shorter than that on the lower floor. A temple can have doors on all the four sides. The wall, on the side in which main door is to kept, should be divided in nine equal parts (length-wise) - leave five parts on the right and three on the left, door should be constructed in the remaining one part or in the 7th part. Door of the staircase should face either east or south.
Vaastu and Family Life
A well or any other pit in the south-east, south-west or north-west direction, will lead to quarrels in the family.
Pictures and scenes of war and battles, idols/statues of demons, pictures of pig (boar), leopard, tiger, jackal, serpent, eagle, owl, pigeon, hawk, crow, and crane are inauspicious.
