A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Vaastu Energy


Gemstones Symbolism


Gemstones - Symbolism

Agate - Health, Longevity.
Alexandrine -
Truth, Justice, Contentment, Strength.
Amethyst -
Sincerity, Sobriety.
Aquamarine -
Courage, Truth.
Bloodstone -
Courage, Presence of Mind.
Carnelian -
Contentment, Friendship.
Crysolite -
Diamond -
Innocence, Light.
Emerald -
Success in Love.
Garnet -
Truth, Constancy.
Jade -
Forthrightness and Immortality.
Jet -
Saddness and Grief.
Lapis Lazuli -
Tenderness, Sympathy, Love.
Moonstone -
Purity, Chastity.
Onyx -
Discordance, Fear, Sadness.
Opal -
Pearl -
Purity, Tears.
Ruby -
Courage, Purity.
Sapphire -
Wisdom, Love, Truth, Loyalty, Justice.
Sadonyx -
Material Happiness.
Topaz -
Fidelity, Sobriety, Clemency.
Turquoise -
Prosperity, Youth, Innocent Love.

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Er. Rameshwar Prasad invites you to the Wonderful World of Indian Astrology.

Engineer Rameshwar Prasad

(B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A., P.G.D.M.)

Vaastu International


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