Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who to love, then, life would be much simpler, but then less magical.
I Will Wait …
Till The Day
I Can Forget You …
The Day
You Realize
You Cannot Forget Me ..
24hrs make a lovely day,
7 days make a lovely week,
52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a
person like me will make ur life lovely.
Have a lovely day n life!**
Whenever you feel sadness in your HEART,
Blackness in your EYES,
Paleness on your FACE,
Fragrance in your body,
It shows you are suffering lack of vitamin “ME”.
Cute Love Story.
Boy: Hey I’ve got two words to say.
Girl: What?
Girl: Huh.. Isn’t that 3 words?
Boy: No! Because (U) And (I) Are One:-):-D
If I could have ,
I would wish to wake up everyday
To the sound of your breath on my neck,
The warmth of your lips on my cheek,
The touch of your fingers on my skin,
And the feel of your heart beating with mine…
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
With anyone other than you.
U'll always be mine, 4 now & 4 ever, U'll always be mine. Pls tell me its true, pls be mine 4 ever, I'll always always love you!
A candle may melt
and it’s fire may die,
but the love you have
given me will always
stay as a flame in my heart
when next time it rains,
try to catch the drops in your hands,
the drops you catch is the amount,
the drops you missed is the amount,
How long will you be special to me?
As long as the stars twinkle in the sky,
As long as angels are there up high,
Till the ocean run dry and till the day i die.
Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.
Know what makes me happy when you sms me?
Not your jokes, graphics or sweet messages
but your NAME that “APPEARS” on the cell
when it beeps knowing that you remembering me.
Wen things go wrong...
Wen sadness fills ur heart...
wen tears flow in ur eyes...
always remember 3 things
1) I'm with u...
2) Still with u...
3) Will ALWAYS b...
Some people say happiness is life.
Others say it’s freedom
and some say it’s money.
But happiness for me is
just having the opportunity to know you!!
If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever..
If Your askin if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..
If Your askin what I value the Answer is U..
if Your askin if I love U the answer is I do.
I have a simple calculation
on how long we will be together.
Count the stars in heaven
and sand on shore multiplied
by the heartbeats = forever!
I dream about you evey night
I shiver when your in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I wanna be there with all my might
I m just hoping I'm the girl whos right
My cell phone is waiting for your call
inbox waiting for your SMS
call register waiting for your miscall
my heart waiting for your friendship
When i look at you,
i cannot deny there is God,
cause only God could have created some one
as wonderful n beautiful as you
You say you love me & want to hold me tight,
Those words run through my head day & night,
I dreamed you held me & made me see,
That forever together we would be!
If i reached for your hand , will u hold it ?
If i hold out my arms, will u hug me ?
If i go for your lips, will u kiss me ?
If i capture ur heart , will u love me ??
Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!
Smile in Pleasure
Smile in Pain
Smile when trouble pours like Rain
Smile when sum1 Hurts U
Smile becoz SOMEONE still
Loves to see u Smiling!!
I wonder if you know,
How special you are,
I wonder if you know,
How precious you are,
I wonder if you know,
How lucky i am,
To have you in my life,
I love you so much.
No shadows 2 depress u
only joys 2 surround u
many friends 2 luv u
God himself 2 bless u
These r my wishes 4 u,
for today, tommorrow & everyday
A day may start or end
without a message from me,
but believe me
it won’t start or end
without me thinking of you..See!
I just did. Take care.
C.L.I.C.K. means :
C= cant live without u
L= love u
I= i miss u
C= care about u
K= kiss from my heart 2 u
So whenever u miss me just say CLICK.
Heart may forget to beat
Eyes may forget to blink
Blood may forget to flow
But I cant forget you to love
Because you are something special in my life!
Don't go for looks,
they can deceive
Don't go for wealth
even that fades away.
Go for sum1 who makes u
smile becoz only a smile makes
a dark day seem bright..
If someone would ask me
what a beautiful life means,
I would lean my head on your shoulder
and hold you close to me
and answer with a smile:
“Like this!”
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true,
Day & Night my thought r of U..
Allow me to whisper.
No matter who I am Thinking,
my heart will always and
only stunned to you.
never forget me
you are the best!
All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who'd b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who'd b true
All I ever wantedwas sum1 like U...
If I had the letters “HRT”,
I can add “EA” to get a “HEART”
a “U” and get “HURT”.
But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT”
than have a “HEART” without “U”.
Last nights I saw a lots of bright star
and I choose you from
the group of star
Bcoz you are so sweet.
Message:some text missing*
Sender:Name Missing*
*Number Missing
*Sent:Date missing
*Missing U a lot thats y
everything is missing....
You are sweeter than honey,
Purer than milk,
Softer than flower.
Since I have you, as my lover,
come to me near,
I’ll kiss your lips without fear.
Having you is treasure,
Be with me for ever!
Memories r treasured
no1 can steal.
Parting is heartache
no1 can heal.
Sum'll 4get u wen ur gone
but i'll remember u
no matter how long..
Let all my smile be yours
All your tears be mine,
Let all my happiness be yours
All your sadness be mine,
Let the whole world be yours,
Only you be mine
I m on a mission:
Misson 2 avoid u,
2 forgetu, 2 get rid of u,
2 not 2 talk 2u or meet u,
in short....
world is mine
Universe is yours.
Star is mine
Galaxy is yours.
Mars is mine
Planets are yours.
You are mine
I am yours.
D smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person
in the world is U.
tats y I Love You..:)
aRe YoUr LeGs TiReD?
CoZ yoU’Ve BeEin RuNNiNg
ThRoUgH My MiNd aLL DaY LoNg!
I look at the moon
the moon is beautiful
I look at you
I rather look at the moon again
I may run out of SMS to text you,
I may run out of credit to call you,
I may run out of jokes to tickle you,
but my heart will never run out of
space to accomodate you.
Dear O Dear, ur not near
but i can hear
dont get fear
Ur memories r here
liv wid cheer
no mere tear
and ur mine forever!
Q:Wat is luv?
A:Luv is wen sum1 breaks ur heart
n d most amazing thing
is tat u still luv them
wid every broken piece...!
Let all my smile be yours
All your tears be mine,
Let all my happiness be yours
All your sadness be mine,
Let the whole world be yours,
Only you be mine
A word to say, a word to hear
Even in ur absence i feel u near
R relation is strong..hope it goes long
v wil remain d same til d life goes on!
Nobody teaches the fish to swim,
a birds to fly,
a cows to moo,
a dogs to bark.
They just do
nobody teach me to think of you
I just do
U may miss me
U may ignore me
U may even forget me
But one day if u wanna c me
Dont search, just c ur shadow
i wil be thr...Trust Me!!
It is the Mayuri which dances when it rains,
It is the Koyal which sings when Autumn comes,
It is my Heart which does both
when your thought comes to my mind.
I'll stand here 4ever,
If 4ever's what it takes,
because u r my 4ever,
and 4ever always waits.....
Whenever I look at my palm,
I wonder which of those tiny
cute cross lines made me so lucky
to meet a sweet person like you
Good Morning…
My past says u met me
My future says u wil care 4 me
My present says u wil understand me
But my heart says u wil
Always Remember ME!
I made a list of Special people
in My Life with a Pencil,
When your name comes,
I decided to use a permanent Marker.
Bcoz I want to keep you in My life forever.
Red or white
short or tall
wrapped in silver
not wrapped at all
under covers
inside a box
shapes & sizes
love comes in lots.
Nothing to say.
Nothing to write.
Nothing to send.
But I believe that,
you will listen,
read & receive
my feelings in the silence too.
Ur precious love has
turned my life completely around,
I feel lik Im wlaking but
my feet dont seem 2 touch d ground..!!
Don’t ever worry about what you are to me,
because you will never be anything less than my world.
Ur d angel who I cherish so dearly
in tis heart of mine,
d 1 who makes my day brighter,
by making my whole world shine..!
Relation is what I share with you.
Success is what I pray for you.
Happiness is what I wish for you.
But remember is what I need from you.
Your Sweet Heart.
Wenever I miss U,
I wont luk 4u in my dreams
or try 2 hear ur voice in ur msgs.
I'll jus put my right hand across mychest n feel U!
How can you spell “N_CE” without “I”?
“POL_TE” without “I”?
How can you “SM_LE” without “I”?
How can you “W_SH” without “I”?
see, “I”m very Important for you.
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason
but when d luv is real
it becums ur plan 4 life
n reason 4 living..!
I always lose control
when you are by my side.
You have bcome the light of my life.
I always enjoy the time, I spend with you.
I think, I am falling in love with you!
Live 4 d person ho dies 4u,
Smile 4 d person ho cries 4u,
Fight 4 d person ho protects u,
n luv d person ho luvs u more than u..!
Each day I meet someone new.
But never find another you!
The world is full of people,
its true..
Yet no one ever equals to you.
U'll alwys b mine 4 now n 4ever.
U'll alwys b mine 4 ur my treasure.
U'll always b mine pls tel me its true.
Pls b mine 4everi'll always luv u...!
Forgive my eyes for admiring your beauty.
You stole my heart the moment you looked at me,
call me crazy call me insane
every time my heart beats it mentions your name.
Wen a TOUCH could HEAL a wound
Wen EYES'S cud SPEAK volumes
Wen a SMILE can confirm I M THERE
then why do v need owrds 2 say'I LOVE YOU.'
Its a nice feeling,wen sum1 u luv luvs u in retrn. So when u knw d 1 u luv has special feeling 4 u, never let them go coz its rare 2 find 2 hearts dat beat as 1.
How can I spell s_cces without u
C_te without u
Or H_mble without u,
Even Tr_st without u,
See I can’t even La_gh without u,
I don’t know what to do without u.
I was asked about Newton's law and I said I don't know. I was questioned on the current President of USA and I wasn't sure if it is Clinton or Bush. But when I was asked on who I love, the only answer I can think of, is you.
Smokers have smoking heart
Drinkers have an alcoholic heart
I request you don’t eat sugar
Because you already have a sweet heart
You are the twinkle of my eyes;
The smile on my lips;
The joy of my face;
Without you I am incomplete.
If I would know that I’m gonna die tomorrow,
I’ll spend 23 hours with you and
if you wonder what about the last hour.
In that I’ll find someone
who can take care of you
Love you always.
Relationship doesn't get closer by meetings, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care for you in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe you will never know, Maybe I will never show..
Something expected is called an incident.
Something unexpected is an accident.
You are an accident in my life,
Which is the ever best incident in my life.
I ask God for a rose n he gave me flowers;
I ask God for water n he gave me an ocean;
I ask God for an angel n he gave me the best luv ever!
3 - 2 = one heart praying 4 you
1 + 1= two eyes looking for you
3+2= five sensesmissing you.
4+3= seven days in a week i desire you.
7+5= 12months asking god to bless you
Let the world stop turning,
Let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me love's not worth going through.
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart,
The only dream that mattered had come true
...In this life I was loved by you.
If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.
If I could give you only 1 thing in my life,
I would give you the ability
to see yourself through my eyes.
Only then would you realise
how special you are to me.
Let`s share the world.
A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me...
Sending you my bed to let you rest, pillows to give you comfort and my blanket to keep you warm. I can't sleep now coz' I've lent you all my things already. Gd nite! I love you.
I may be gone for a minute,
for hours, for a day.
I may not be able to say
good morning or good night
I’ll never try to say goodbye
to a person who has been sweet and true.
I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!
I wish to be a magic man
so I can write your name in the sky,
waters and on the moon.
So that any one who will look up to the sky,
drink the water and watch the moon
in the nite will see the kind of love I’ve for you.
You know I wish I can be with you everyday for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day. I never seem to get enough of you.
Can you see me? no?
Turn around, can you see me now? no?
Turn again, can you see me now?
I can see you
you have a special place in my heart!
You’ve caught my attention,
stolen my affection
attracted my emotion,
so anything I do for you,
don’t mention,
but always met me at the junction,
so, our feelings can function.
If i were a tear in ur eye i would roll down to ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i would never cry as i would be afraid 2 lose u!
Walk with me when your hearts needs company,
Take my hand when you feel all alone,
Turn to me when you need someone to lean on,
Coz I’m the one you can always trust on!
You kissed my lips and
I felt a flutter in my heart.
You touched my hand and
lit a spark in my body.
You stared into my eyes and
saw straight into my soul.
You put your arms around me
and I was finally complete.
My love for you is like water,
Falling countless
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.
A special smile, a special face.A special someone i cant replace. I luv u,i always will.U have filled a space no one can fill!
When i wake in the morning,
I don’t have to wonder who,
Because my first thoughts are of you.
In the stillness of the dawn,
In the fury of the storm,
I dream of you my queen,
Of things unseen,
Just you and me togrther,
I’ll love you,
Always and forever.
I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose,
And then I looked at you,
And I kept looking at you,
Coz the rose isn’t as beautiful as you.
I have liked many but loved very few.Yet no-one has been as sweet as u. I'd stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.
just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
Love is born with
the pleasure of looking at each other,
Its fed with
the necessity of seeing each other,
its is concluded with
impossibility of seperation.
What are you looking for?
I killed all those,
who were between I and U.
It hurts when you talk to someone else and not to me
It hurts more when someone else makes you smile and I can’t.
Why do we close our eyes wen we sleep - wen we dream, wen we kiss? This is becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.
When i close my eyes i see you
Wanting u is easy missing u is hard. Wishing u was with me wrapped up in my arms. Constantly think of u when we r apart. Ive got the padlock u have the key to my heart.
When you love someone truly, you don't look for faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
The Love
Owner of my
heArt & my
I beg to sAy thAt i miss you & love you so much and, i cAn’t live without you. So kindly give me some plAce in your heArt. I shAll be very thAnkful to you.
Urs Obediently,
I searched through books & leafed through cards; For words that wud convey, what I had in my heart, but when I sat down to write, all I can write was....I Luv U
If you find your world as a sky
and your friends as stars,
and if you don’t find me among them,
don’t worry! I’ve just been fallen
to make your wish come true.
Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue; Luv is a paper, life is glue, every thing is false, only My Luv is TRUE.
I never ask for a smile, I just give it.
I never expect love from others, I just love them.
I never say that I can’t live without you,
I say I live just for you.
If you r in a dark room, you find blood everywhere and the walls are shaking- don't worry friend, u r at the safest place, you r in my heart.
Good relations doesn’t need any promises,
any terms or conditions.
It just need 2 wonderful people.
Cute like me and sweet like you.
Relationship doesn’t get closer by meetings,
But it is sweetend by thoughts.
I care for you in own strange ways.
May be you will never know,
May be I’ll never show.
To live this Life, I need heartbeat
To have a heartbeat, I need a Heart
To have a Heart, I need Happiness
To have a Happiness, I need you..!!
U want & u get, that's luck, U want & u wait, that's time. U want but u compromise, that's life. And U want & u wait & u don't compromise that's LOVE.
There are Tulips in my garden,
there are Tulips in the park,
but nothing is more be beautiful
than our two lips meeting in the dark!
Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.
Whenever Likable
People Cross My Mind
I Always Hve Such
Pleasant Thoughts Of You
You Always Bring Such
Happiness & Joy
Those Who Lift Me Up
Are Very Few …
My hands never pain
when typing message for you..!
But my heart always in pain,
when there is no reply from you…!
Life is a book we all read it. Luv is a blessing we all need it. Always be happy, always have a smile coz. Remember in this world we are just for a while!
A sweet way to propose sumone.
~Excuse me~
Do you have a suniplast?
Actually i need it b’coz
I hurt my knees when i fell in love with you.
If Sky Is My Paper And
The Stars Are My Words And
If Ocean Is My Ink
Still It Is Not Enough For Me To Write
How Much “I Like U”
We cannot be together,
But we'll never be apart,
For no matter what life brings us,
You’re always in my heart.
I may never have the opportunity
to do great things for you.
But I’ll always find a chance to do,
smal things for you
I don't care how many lips u’ve kissed, how many shoulders u’ve embraced & how many times u’ve said, I Luv U! All I care is not be the first but to be ur last!
Without Your SMS My Week Days are Like:
Kindly sms Me Evryday.
