Life is too short,
So follwow some rules.
Forgive quickly,
Believe Slowly,
Love Truely,
Laugh Loudly
Never miss anything that makes you Happy.
Beautiful pictures r developed by negatives in dark room!
So if u c darkness in life, believe that God is making a Beautiful picture for u!! :-)
Good thoughts:
Kill the tension before tension kills you.
Reach your goal before goal kicks you.
Help everyone before someone helps you.
Live LIFE before the LIFE leaves you..!
Don’t Lower your Goals To The Level of Your Abilities,
Instead, Raise Your Abilities To The Height of Your Goals.
Often when we lose all hope..
Think this is the end.
Allah smiles from above..
“Relax dear.!!
its just a bend,
Wen a drop of water falls into a river, it has no identity!
But wen it falls on d leaf of a Lotus, it shines like a pearl!!
So choose d best place whr u can shine!!
“Don’t Ask God To Guide Your Footsteps
If You’re Not Willing To Move Your Feet…”
Do not worry about failure…
Worry about all the chances
you miss when you don’t try.
Good Morning.
Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them..
Joke at ur troubles, but gather strength from them,..
Have fun vd ur difficulties, but overcome them!
Thats life!
Fallen flowers can not climb back.
So do not think about the past.
Love the Present.
Live for the Future,
with a beautiful & sweet Smile.:-)
If u miss an opportunity, do not cloud ur eyes vd tears!
Keep ur vision clear so dat u dont miss d next one! :
Time is like the water of a river.
You can’t touch the same water twice.
the flow that has passed
will never pass again.
Enjoy every moment of life.
If people are trying to pull you DOWN
Be proud about it,
because it only confirms
that you are above them..!!
Life may not b d party u hoped for but dat doesnt mean u should stop dancing!
Remember u r d DJ of ur life!
Just spin it!
Rock it!
Enjoy it! ;-)
When you feel GOD is
rubbing you against rocks.
Don’t think that you will
run down to dust.
It just that, He is polishing
So Stay Precious
Dont think of d few things dat u didn't get 4m god after praying!
Think of all those countless beautiful things that he gave u vdout even asking!
I remember him not as the one who broke my heart..
But I remember him
as the one who teach me how to live with a broken heart
When you start your day.
Keep 3 words in your pocket
TRY- for better future
TRUE – with your work
TRUST – in Allah
then success will be at your feet!
A stronger and positive attitude
creates more miracles than any other thing.
Life is 10 % how you make it..
90 % How you take it..!
Working Towards Success
Will Make You A Master But
Working Towards Satisfaction
Makes You A Legend
Strive for Excellence Be a Legend
Trusting in GOD
won’t make the mountain smaller,
but will make climbing easier.
Do not ask Him for a lighter load
but ask Him for a stronger back.
A fantastic sentence written
at Japanese bus stop.
Only buses will stop here.
Not your time.
So keep walking towards your goal.
Hard-work is like stairs
and luck is like lift.
Sometimes lift may fail
but stairs will always take you to the top.
Have a successful life ..!
Living in favourable and unfavourable situation,
is called part of living.
Smiling in all those situations,
is called Art of living.
So always be smiling.
Nothing is predestination,
the obstacles of your past
can become the gateways
that leads to the new beginnings.
A sleeping LION is stronger than a barking DOG.
So a sleeping student is better than A barking position holder
A paper flying in air is
due to its luck but
a bird is flying due to its effort.
So if luck is not with you,
efforts are always there to support you.
Don’t expect anything from life,
Expectations hurt…
When U don’t expect,
Evry moment is a surprise…
Every surprise brings hapiness..!
Don’t Think About
“What You Have Got……”
Think About
“How To Use It That You Have Got…..”
Without Tasting The Worst Situation,
No One Can Taste The Best Thing Of Life.
Dare To Face Anything in
Your Mysterious Life
When you win,
I will proudly tell the world.
Hey! That’s my friend.
But when you lose.
I will sit by your side,
hold your hand and say,
Hey! I am your friend.
If you want something you never had,
do something you have never done.
Don’t go the way life takes you,
Take the life the way you go.
And remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born!!!
Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER!, It becomes your DESTINY!!
All people have fears,
but the brave one’s put down their fears and go forward,
sometimes to death, but always to victory.
Teacher Asked: What is forgiveness…?
A cute lovely girl replied: Its a wonderful smell
that a flower givew when its being crushed.
You have only two options in life.
So try to accept what you can’t change,
And try to change what you can’t accept.
Sometimes GOD upset your plans to set up HIS own plans.
GOD’s plans are perfect.
So, Never get upset when your plans got upset.
Be more concerned with your character
than with your reputation.
Your character is what you really are
while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results
& problems are part of life.
Never lose hope in any condition
becoz the darkness of night
always finishes with light of day.
A man can live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air
But not for 1 second without hope!
Avoid competency traps.
Do not stay only where you are good at things,
Go out and be challenged.
> I am a greater believer in luck and
I find that the harder I work,
the more I have of it.
> I am a slow walker.
But I never walk back.
> The highest result of education is tolerance.
> No one can climb the ladder of success
with both hands in the pocket.
> Tough times never last.
But tough people [...]
All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them.
When there is confusion between your heart and mind,
Don't listen to your mind because mind knows everything
But your heart knows only U.
what ever a mind of a man
can conceive and believe
is achievable
Leadership is not about the size of your office
title on your business card.
Its about the depth of your commitment
your passion to get things done.
If you have built castles in the air,
Your work need not be lost;
That is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them
The poorest man on earth
is not the one without money,
but is the one without a dream.
A bird sitting on the branch of a tree
doesn’t get frightened by the shaking branch,
b’cse the bird trusts not the Branch,
but its Wings!!
Tackle life with all ur skills
Overcome each and every hill
If u persist with all ur will
U will enjoy ur life and all its thrills.
Always try to be a first place Winner,
coz the second place winner is the first Loser.
You can?t have a better tomorrow if
you are thinking about yesterday all the time.
So, forget the past and concentrate on future.
There are no secrets to success.
Not even a shortcut to success.
It is the result of preparation,
hard work, learning from failure
Success does not depend on making Important deciosions Quick,
But it Depends on ur Quick Action on important deciosion.
"Be the Best"
"Do Ur Best"
If you learn to translate
every event of your life
into a positive way,
you will stop being a prisoner of your past
become designer of your future.
Some TIMES in LIFE, one FEELS that all doors are CLOSED…..
When that happens in your life, remember that WORDS that
Disappointment are like road hump,
they slow you down a bit but you enjoy
the smooth road afterward.
Don’t stay on the humps too long.
Do not make your aim like the garden because everyone walk on it But make your aim like the sky so everyone wish to touch it.
Change is a Nature of life
but challenge is a aim of life.
so you have to challenge the changes
but not to change the challenges
Butterfly lives only few days,
but still it flies joyfully capturing many hearts.
Each moment is precious in life.
Live it fully and win many hearts.
World is not a parking space.
It’s a racing track.
Keep on moving.
No matter when & where you start but
reach your goal & make a new record.
If you stand for a reason,
be prepared to stand alone like a tree,
and if you fall on the ground,
fall as a seed that grows back to fight again…!!!
Look not mournfully into the past,
it can not come back again.
Wisely improve the present, it is thine.
Go forth to meet the shadowy future
without fear and with a manly heart.
The Best Time To Do Something Significant
Is Between Yesterday And Tomorrow
"If u r on right path & u r not facing difficulties, then think for a while u may be on wrong path. Because right path contains difficulties
Life never seems to be the way we want it but we have to live it the best way we can!
There is no perfect life, but we can fill it with PERFECT MOMENTS..
Worrying doesn’t reduce yesterdays sorrows,
it empties today’s strength.
Be Happy Forever.
Success of life will create crowd for you,
Tough time in life will create a true person in you.
Hurting sum1 is as easy as cutting a tree- within a moment!
But making sum1 happy is like growing a tree- Takes a lot of time, care & patience!!
sweetness in your speech
talent in your mind
love in your heart
peace in your eyes
strength in your hands &
I wish always victory in your life .
If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a Tree.
If you fall on the ground, fall as a Seed that grows back to fight again.
If You can’t Fly !
If You can’t Run !
If You Can’t Walk !
But Keep Moving Towards Your Goal!
Born with personality is an accident but Dying as a personality is an achievement.
Your birth may be normal, but Your death should be history.
Practice like a devil and play like an angel.
Do or die is an old concept. Do it b4 die is a new concept.
Life is like a Flute..
It can have Holes & Emptiness at times but if we work on it, the same flute can produce magical melodies!!
If people around you,
are trying to pull you down.
Be proud about it.
Becoz it only means one thing that:
Smooth roads never make Good drivers!
Clear sky never makes Good pilots!
Problem-free life never makes a Good person!!
Life is a Challenge! Live it!!
Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!
Things we lose in life always have its own way of coming back to us at d end..
But it always happens in d most unexpected ways!!
When God solve your problem,
then you feel happy.
Bcoz you have faith in his abilities.
When God doesn’t solve your problem,
then you are getting worry.
But don’t worry,
Bcoz he has faith in your ability.
Life can be happier & stress-free if we remember 1 simple thought-
We can't have all that we desire! But god will give us all that we deserve!!!
If you worry about a trouble it becomes double
but when you smile at it, it disappears like a bubble
so always smile at your problem.
keep smiling
A boy cried wen he had no shoes..
Suddenly he stopped crying wen he saw a man vdout legs..
Life is full of blessings!
Sometimes we dont understand it..
Gud mrng!! :-)
Experiences are like waves,
They come to you on shore of life,
Drag the sand from beneath your feet,
But each wave makes you stand on a new base.
Always have a unique character like SALT!
Its presence is not felt but absence makes all things tasteless!!
Gud day! :-)
Laugh at your mistakes,
but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles,
but gather strength from them.
Have fun with your difficulties,
but overcome them.
Good Day!
Best lines by a great man-
"I studied everything but never topped!!
But, today the Toppers of d best universities r my employees...."
God will not give you a burden, you can’t handle.
So, if you find yourself in a mess
that’s impossible to resolve,
Take challenge as a compliment.
God thinks you can do it!
Good Morning
It was written on an old man’s T-shirt:
“I am not 60″
“I am 16 with 44 years of experience”
That’s Attitude,
Think Differently…!
HOPE & END r always thr for everyone!
Depends on us how we deal with them..
Relationships r like birds,
if u hold tightly they DIE
if u hold Loosely, they FLY
but if u hold with care,
They remain with U 4ever.
Whoever u may be, whrever life leads u,
Ur always a mom's child,
a dad's dream,
a family's future,
a frd's heart &
sum1's life!!!
Be d best of it :-)
In a mirror
we find a reflection
of our appearances
in heart
we find a reflection of
our soul
A beautiful thought-
No one can go back & change a bad beginning!
But ayone can start anything anytime & create a successful ending!!
Constant kindness Can accomplish much
As the sun makes ice melt
Kindness causes
To evaporate
The winners of life’s game aren’t those
who have never tasted failure
Those who have tasted failure
again and again but never give up
We work for a better tommorow,but when "tommorow"comes,instead of enjoying,we again think of a better tommorow. So,let us have a better today.
Whatever you are by nature,
keep to it,
Never desert your line of talent.
Be what nature intended you for
you for sure will succeed.
empathy …
Lift us above the
simple beasts
define humanity
The secret of health
for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future,
nor to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present
moment wisely and earnestly.
" It is good to remember the past but don't let the past capture your future. The greatest thing about life is that it moves ahead and never goes back. Just remember when it moves ahead, a new beginning starts."
Learn from yesterday,
live for today,
hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is
to not stop questioning.
As far as u think 'NOT NOW',Succes bcoms 'NEVER'..But as soon as u think 'WHY NOT NOW', Success surely will become 'YOURS'.!
Always have the determination of a Mirror,
which never loses its ability to reflect
in spite of it being broken into pieces!
Keep shining!
" DON'T get disappointed whenever U fall, because only fallen leaves have the power to touch great heights when wind blows..."
A race horse that consistently
runs just 1 second faster
than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don’t compromise on 2nd position in life.
Do not limit your challenges; challenge your limits”.
Born with personality is an accident,but living as a personality is an achievement…
Life is not always smooth and soft.
There may be narrow ways,
up and downs,
darkness and shadows.
Overcome everything with wisdom and patience.
Never waste an opportunity 2 say
‘I love U’ to someone U really like
B’coz it is not everyday U’ll meet the person
Who has the magic to let U fall in love.
If you talk or say something
without thinking about it
this is not a success.
If you think and talk or say something
this is real success of your life.
Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things,but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.
Don’t read success story.
Read only failure story,
B’coz, failure story gives you new idea to win,
from Success story you can get only message.
You must have
long range goals
to keep you
from being frustrated
by short range failures.
Don’t be scared by a person
Who practices a 100 kicks one time,
Fear a person
Who practices 1 kick a 100 times.
Legendary words by Charlie Chaplin,
“Life laughs at you when you are Unhappy,
Life Smiles at you when you are Happy,
but Life Salutes you when you make others Happy”
Dont See Othrs Doing Better Than You,
Beat Your Own Records Everyday,
Because Success Is a Fight Between YOU & YOURSELF
1. Money cant buy happiness but somehow its more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a cycle!
2. Forgive ur enemy but remember that bastard's face!
3. Help a man wen he is in trouble & he'll remember u wen he is in trouble again!
4. Many ppl r alive only coz its illegal to shoot them..
5. Alcohol doesn't solve any problem, but then neither does milk!
6. Thr's always a li'l truth behind 'just joking'.. ;-)
Life is a rope
that swings us through hope
Always believe today is better than yestrday
tomorow will be much better than today.
Life has no rewinds no forwards.
It unfolds itself at its own pace.
So never miss a chance to live today
to make a beautiful story of tomorrow!
Gööd Morning!
Wen Kids Learn 2walk,
They Keep Falling
But 2them Its Not Failing, It’s Learning.
So There’s Nothing Called Failure.
Everything Is A Learnig
When one door of happiness closes, another opens;
But often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has opened for us.
If we desire to blossom
like a rose in the garden,
then we must learn
the art of adjusting with the thorns
Difficulties will make you shine.
Laugh like you have never cried,
Play like you have never lost,
Love like you have never been hurt,
Live like there is no tomorrow…!
