My eyes R hurting coz I can't C U, My arms R empty coz I can't hold U, My lips R cold coz I can't kiss U but, My heart is breaking coz I'm not with U!
Between a thousand yesterdays
and a million tomorrows,
there is only one “TODAY”
and I will not let it pass
without remembering you.
I MISS YOU in every beats of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of Time and...
In every moment of the Day!
I would cross a thousand oceans
just to hold you tight.
I would climb a thousand mountains
just to be with you every single night.
Darling I miss you so much.
have I missed
i missed "U"
Excuse Me
Is someone care about me?
Is someone has feelings for me?
I am the only person who misses everyone.
Who will miss me?
Please Miss me.
Good Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night Time,Work Time,Off Time,Happy Time,Sad Time,Sleep Time,In the Mean Time...I MISS YOU all the Time.
My hands never pain
when typing message for you..!
But my heart always in pain,
when there is no reply from you…!
Close your Eyes,
Relax your Body,
And stop your Breathing as long as you can...
I Miss you as much as YOU MISSED THE AIR!
Is that love I see in your eyes,
or merely a reflection of mine?
I hide my tears when I say your name,
but the pain in my heart is still the same.
Though I smile and seem carefree,
there’s no one who miss you more than me!!
Last night i wanted to send u a msg, but all i could write was: "noh ss!w !". it didn't make much sense until i read it upside down...
Your sms is part of my Heart.
Your miss call is beat of my heart.
Your call is blood circulation of my heart.
So continue to contact me and keep active my heart.
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile & Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME!
Just Wondering..!
Wud U Smile At Me If I Smile At U..?
Wud U Say Hello If I Greet U..?
Wud U Talk 2 Me If I Talk 2 U..?
Wud U Add “Too” If I Tell U “I Miss U”..?
Darling Really I Miss U From The Core !
I heard some whisper ur name,but when i turned around 2 see u who it was , i notice i was alone, i realized it was my heart telling me that I MISS U
Value of relation is not,
That how much one feels
happy with someone.
But it is the lonliness,
That one feels without someone.
when i close my eyes before sleeping i watch u in the dark, When im sleeping i watch u in my dreams, When i open my eyes i found u before my eyes..And then I start Missing u for all the Day..
I miss you in every beats of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of time and
In every moment of the Day !
Door of memories will never close.
How much we miss our dears no one knows.
Days will pass like years,
and we will remember
the memories in silent tears.
143 is numerically saying "I MISS YOU" What if I ask u 23423 same as "DO YOU MISS ME TOO? Would u answer me 312 same as "YES I DO"
Sometimes missing is more precious
than being together.
Becoz we miss only those
whom we don’t want to miss
I may not always text you,
But our distance makes me miss you.
I may not always stay in touch,
But I care for you very much.
I may not always stop to say hi,
But I hope never to say good bye.
I may not prove to be the perfect friend,
But I hope the friendship we share,
never reaches an end….
In My Lyf..I learned how 2 smile.How 2 Laugh.How 2 HardWork.How 2 Love.How 2 cry..but i neva learned how 2 stop MISSING YOU...em MISSIN YA SO MUCH Dear
I liked lots of people and missed very few,
but no one has been as special as you!
I’d stand and wait in the world’s longest que
just for pleasure of being with you!
Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid, some feelings are left unexpressed, but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed.
When nights are long and friends are few.
I sit by my window and think of you.
A silent whisper and a silent tear.
With all my heart I wish you were here.
I am in casualty now, don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to ICU. Doctor told, I will die if I don't STOP.. Missing You
Am simple BYE make us cry, A simple JOKE make us laugh, simple CARE make us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me. I miss you.
when you wait for someone for few mins,
its your NEED.
when you wait for someone for few hours,
its your TRUST.
when you wait for someone for few weeks,
its your friendship
But to wait when you know,
the person will not come,
its your LOVE.
A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I'm missing you.
To live a life I need heartbeat,
To have heartbeat I need a heart,
To have heart I need happiness,
To have happiness I need a friend,
To have a friend I always need you.
My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u, my lips are cold coz I can’t kiss u & my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.
In My Life..
I learned how 2 smile.
How 2 Laugh.
How 2 HardWork.
How 2 Love.
How 2 cry..
but i neva learned how 2 stop MISSING YOU…
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
When I miss you,
I read your SMS.
When I want to see you,
I just close my eyes.
When I want to listen you,
I simply throw a stone over a Donkey.
I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry. Miss you.
R: is for red.
RED: is for blood
BLOOD: is for heart
HEART: is for love
LOVE: is for you
YOU: is for me
ME: is for you.
:: I MISS YOU ::
There's no Special reason for this msg, I just wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life & hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.
Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
running and back at garden again.
The place just isn”t the same without you
Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go... I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.
When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another
Missing you
No rhythm
No reason
No occasion
No season.
Just felt like saying Hi!
I hav been missing my friend,
ever since the last time we said bye
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.
You are feeling down
and so am i with u NOT around.
Hope you get back in
the swing of things real soon.
What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!
People say that
any number multiplied by zero it become zero,
then why doesn’t the same happen
when I multiply zero with
the distance between you and me
Sometime I don’t say you Hi….
Some time I don’t reply…
Sometime I don’t SMS you…
It dosn’t mean, I forget you.
It means,
I am giving you time to miss me.
Whenever you Miss someone..
Look at The Sky..
Although you might not See the Person There..
But Feel Happy that you Two Are Under the Same Sky.
My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u,
my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u,
my lips are cold coz I can’t kiss u
& my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.
You may find someone better than me,
important than me,
dearer than me,
but not the one
who miss you more that me..
Good time,
bad time,
night time,
day time,
work time,
off time,
sad time,
happy time,
in the mean time i’m thinking of you all the time.
Under the sea, there lays a rock.
In the rock, there is an envelope.
In the envelope, there is a paper.
On the paper, there are 3 words
‘Forget me not’
Can u do something for me?
go to the window….look to the sky
can u see the stars?
can u count them ?
this is how much i miss u and even more !!!
Having No Communication With You
For A While Is Like Driking Coffee Without Sugar,
Its Not Complete Or Should I Say
My Life Isn’t Complete
When You Are Not Beside Me
I Miss U
i may seldom tell u how special u are, i may not be able to reach u coz we're both busy, but inspite of all, u know u are someone i really miss and care about.
I Don’t Have To Speak Loud
Just To Say What..?
I Wanna Tell You A Soft Whisper Of
“I Miss You”
Is Enough Coz
Its Not My Mouth That Really Speaks Its My Heart..
It’s hard to say Hello! because i might be goodbye,
It’s hard to say I’m okey because sometime I’m not!
But it’s easy to say I MISS YOU! because i know that i really do !
when i miss you i cry, when i see you i smile,
but when am with you i have nothing to say,
because the urge to KISS you take me breath away.
I miss you.
Missing You. . .
Is Not The Hard Part !!!
But . . .
Knowing That
I Once Had You …
Is What Breaks My
Heart . . . !!!
You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind”
You must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart”
And i m always a bad shooter because I MISS YOU ALWAYS
Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid,
some feelings are left unexpressed,
but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed
The pain is not on the day of missing our dear ones.
The pain is really when u live without them
with their presence in your mind.
Tears Are The Silent Language of Love:
When The Tears Come with Reason,
Means You Got Some Problem.
When Tears Come Without Reason,
Means You Are Missing SOMEONE.
A rain drop look too small
somewhere a thirsty flower wait for its fall.
A small sms may seen small to you
its mean someone somewhere remembers you.
Sometimes My eyes get jealous of my Heart!!!
You Know Why?
You Always Remain close to my HEART
and far from my EYES.
Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
you see who’s thinking of u!
It’s me.
M: My lovely wife.
I: Is i am wrong in my sms?
S: Sex is not only thing in the life.
S: See, we have everything in our life you, me & our kids & good salaries and home also.
Y: You are everyting to me, my life my wife my jaan.
O: Our life is just a good enough for us.
U: U are the lucky one in my world… gave me our sweet family.
When I don’t get your SmS!
A little pain in my heart.
A small tear in my eyes
And sadness falls on my face
What is this?
Its nothing
“missing u”
Miss me
Hate me
both r in my favor,
If u miss me
I’ll always b in ur heart,
If u hate me
I’ll always b in ur mind
In the flower my rose is you.
In the jewel my diamond is you.
In the sky my moon is you.
I am body my heart is you.
That’s why I always miss you.
Whenever I miss You,
I wont look for you in my dreams
or try to hear your voice in your messages.
I just put my right hand across my chest and feel you!
i heard someone whisper ur name, but when i turned around to c who it was, i notice i was alone, then i realize it was my heart telling me that i miss u.
4getn u is hard 2 do, 4gtn me is up2 u, 4gt me not, 4gt me neva, but don’t 4get, we’re gr8 2gether
among ur frens i care 4 u da most, among ur frens i lov u da most, among ur frens u hurt me d most coz....i know dats all im 2 u... among ur frens
Luv will fly if held too lightly.Love will die if held too tightly.How should I hold u.How do I know if I'm still keeping you or I'm letting go...
Luv can be bad,it can treat u lik dirt.Theres always a risk of u getting hurt.Luv is restless & luv is a flirt.Luv has places to go and people to hurt.
It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone & a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone
i hide my tears when i say your name but the pain in my heart is stil the same.though i smile and seem carefree theres no1 who misses u more than me!!
Wot u see as truth wot u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies.although we may change & drift apart,ill always value u deep within my heart!
I miss u wen ur far away.I think about u every nite & day.Even if we cant b 2gether.I will miss u now & forever!
i luved u once u luved me not.i luved u twice but i 4got.u neva luv me u neva will but even so i luv u still.
Weve gone our own way our lives grew apart & weve made a life wiv another.but despite of how far apart we grew 2 me there still is no other!
Remember me and bare in mind A faithful girl is hard to find This is always good and true So dont go changing old for new!
i no u think dat u broke my heart but i knew ur game rite from da start. i saw ur game and played it 2 so look here playa da jokes on u!
So btween da miles & btween da years ts inevitable but its true.dat seasons may change & people may change but my heart always belonged 2 u!
Wen life changes & we go our separate wayz.u will still be in my heart til my dyin dayz.i tell no lie dis is true.da world has nva seen a freind like u.
I'd climd the highest mountain.I'd swim the ocean blue I'd do anything at all my dear- Just to get away from you.
As we go on we rememba all d times we had 2gether.&as our life changes cum whateva we will still be "friends forever"
Ur the one i love.the one I need.but bad mistakes Ive done indeed.in search for forgivness and happyness too. I want to say that I love u.
