Vaastu for Plot Selection
In the contemporary times, more and
more people are consulting a Vastu expert, while
selecting a plot, irrespective of the fact whether
they want to use the plot for residential or
commercial purposes. Vastu for plot selection goes a
long way in keeping away the negative energies, which
lead to severe health and loss of money.

advice for plot selection is based on the study of
multiple factors, which include direction of the site,
type of soil on the site, shape of the plot,
surroundings of the plot and many more. Check out some
Vastu tips for plot selection, in the following lines.
The geometrical axis of the plot should be
aligned with earth's magnetic axis; one of the plot sides should
parallel to the north south directions and other should be
parallel to east-west directions. If the plot is not aligned in
the north south direction, the land is poor for overall growth,
peace and happiness. The shape, size, levels and angles of the
plot should be examined. If it does not comply with the Vaastu
principles the necessary additions and alterations should be done
to the plot.
Slope of Plot -
The land should be elevated towards the south and west sides and
it should be lower in North and east sides overall growth and
Shape of plot
- Ideally it should be a square.
- Rectangle is also good provided the breadth
and length ratio should not be more than 1:2
- Triangle, round and all other odd shapes are
not considered good.
Angles of the plot ·
- If all angles are 90 degrees, it is considered
best .
Square site: If the ratio of two adjacent sides of a
site is 1:1 and every corner is a 90 degrees angle, it is
called a square and is best for overall growth. ·
- South west angle should be 90 degrees North
west and south east angle should be close to 90 degrees or
more. ·
- North east should be close to 90 degrees or
less but should never exceed 90 degrees.
If the ratio of width and depth of a site is within 1:15 and
all corners are of 90 degrees, it is also good for growth. If
the depth is more than twice the width, the site becomes
weaker for growth. The symmetrical geometry of shape is good
in general. The unsymmetrical shape is not always good. The
various shapes and their possible effects are as below :
Square : Overall growth Rectangular : Overall growth
Circular : Increases mental capabilities
Hexagonal : Prosperity
Unsymmetrical / Irregular Shapes : Oval Shape: Inauspicious
Triangular : Loss due to fire, Govt. harassment, Penalty etc.
Parallelogram : Financial losses, Quarrels in family.
Star : Quarrel and litigations, Destruction of peace.
Location and direction of plot ·
East and north facing sites are preferred over
west and south facing plots.
1.This is the direction where Sun rises and gives light and heat
to earth.
2.Lord of this direction are Indra-Planet ruling is Moon.
3.Other Lords influencing this direction are Shikhi, Parjanya,
Jayant, Indra, Sun, Satya, Bhusha, Sky and Agni.
4.This is the best direction so keep it as open as possible so
that resident gets sun's rays in full.
5.This direction should keep low as low as possible.
6.This direction is kept open and at low level native gets famous
and is honored in society.
7.Entrance in this direction are beneficial so keep entrance door
preferably in East.
8.Do not do evil deeds in this direction.
9.Bath room in this direction is good because resident gets
advantage of sun's rays while taking bath.
10.Owner should use this direction for himself and should not give
this portion on rental-once rented-owner will never get back.
Plots having two or more roads ·
- It is good to have roads on all four sides of
the plot - gives all round happiness to the native.
- It is good to have more than one road.
- North and east roads are the best.
- South and west roads are good for business
- South and east roads are good for women and
women organisations.
Plot and levels
Levels inside the plot
- The ground levels should be high in the south
and west.
- The ground levels in the north and east
should be lowest in the plot.
- Levels in the south east and north west
should be more or less equal.
- North should be lower than south and east
should be lower than west.
Levels outside the plot
- East and north levels of the adjoining plot
or road should be low.
- Hillocks and mounds are preferred towards
south and west.
- Water bodies are preferred on north and east
for good results.
- A high building towards south or west or
south west bring good prosperity.
- Water bodies, depressions and low levels are
considered bad towards south west of the plot.
Vaastu Tips For Plot Selection
- Choose a plot that doesn't have an irregular
shape. Square or rectangle shape plot is considered good. Make
sure that the plot doesn't have any cracks.
- A plot that has more length in the east or
west direction is good for purchasing purpose.
- As per vastu, buying of such a plot that has
more of open space in southern portion as compared to the
northern side is not suggested, as it is likely to cause some
sort of destruction.
- It is advisable to buy a plot that has the
main entrance in the mid-west or in the northern portion of
the plot.
- It is not recommended to buy a plot facing
the west direction.
- A plot-facing road from all sides is
considered auspicious.
- People of different occupations are affected
by certain directions chosen for plot. For instance, a plot
facing east is considered favorable for scholars,
philosophers, priests, teachers and professors. For people
handling administration of a firm, selecting a plot facing
north is good. Government employees can also choose a plot
facing north.
- In case you are a business person, then
purchase a plot that faces south. For the people providing
services to the society, opting for a plot facing west is
- According to vastu shastra, fertile plot
with greenery surrounding it is considered auspicious.
- Make sure that there is no graveyard or tomb
in the front, back or adjacent to your plot.
- Avoid the plot that is located in the
vicinity of schools, colleges or cinema theatre.
- Do not purchase a plot, to which rain water
from the roof of the neighborhood falls.
- Make sure that there is not tall building
located in the north eastern side of your plot, because it
would ruin your mental peace. However, if the high-rise
building is located in the south, south west or western side,
you may purchase the plot.
- Avoid purchasing a plot with rivers or canal
flowing on west or south side of the plot.
- Make sure that there is no pillar, electric
or post nearby your plot.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Vaastu
Engineer R. Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com
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