Business card is the first thing you should do after the
registration of your company. Right business card is your assistant on the
market. Your business card represents your
business image and the attitude towards you and your business. Using Vastu and
shui in design of the business card
gives the incontestable advantage before your business competitors. So
follow simple principles and enjoy the number of clients, sales and the cash
to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, each colour symbolizes a different element ( fire, earth,
water, Wind & Space). The colours of your office space, business logo,
marketing materials & business card will affect the success of your
business. If you pick the right colours to represent your business, you have
more success. A choice of colours depends on the type of your business.
For example, the colour green or blue are very calming. So if your business is
related to pharmaceuticals, these colours are highly recommended. You may
incorporate these colours in your logo and on any communications you mail out.
To decide which colours to use, spend some time thinking about the true nature
of your business. When you decide on what the "essence" of your
business is, you must pick a corresponding colour to enhance the right vastu
element. High-tech electronic multi-tasking offices can be balanced with mild
green on the walls and wood furnishings.
Get More Business
From Your Business Card
Business Owners and Entrepreneurs! May be you don't really give much thought to
the design of your business card although you use it almost every day. To many
people, a business card is just a little bit of cardboard, on which is printed
their name, telephone number and other details about their company.
It’s also amazing how much money you are letting slip through your fingers if
you are constantly handing out business cards that do not generate sales for
You see, most business cards are ineffective and do not generate business.
According to our research statistic, we discovered 4 types of business cards:
70% are blunt business cards. The business cards have a business name, contact
information and a personal name, but tell no reason why they are better than
their competitors.
12% are branded / corporate business cards. The business cards have a clean,
branded look that no one knows what business they are in. Branded cards may have
a stylish and classy look, but the card does not tell much about their business.
It is not suitable for low budget business. This design needs a huge advertising
and promotion budget.
are billboard business cards. These cards tell people what they have to offer,
but lack of a compelling advertising message. But at the very least, they are
4% are persuasive business cards. They sell by the products and services like a
silent salesman.
Your business card should have a compelling image and message. If some one gets
your business card, they should not forget from whom they got it from. The
emotion associated with your business card must be so strong that the product
sells itself. This is a super effective business card.
But, how many business card actually do so ? Rarely. Do you remember? Now let
your business cards Advertise your business, product or services for you. In
other words, let your business card speak for you!!! Let it help promote your
business !!! Let it create an instant impact on those who receive it!!! People
always put more trust into printed communication than verbal communication.
Printed communication spells authority and professionalism. It also allows your
prospects to have a glimpse of how you deliver your products and services.
What happened to those business cards that you have collected in the networking
events? Do you remember whom you have exchange business cards with? How many
cards have you thrown away because you have forgotten whom the business card
belongs to and what they do for a living?
Now, go to your rolodex and look at those business cards you have collected.
Chances are that you retain those cards for a valid reason – you may know the
person or the person has a product or service that you may need in the future.
With that in mind, now ask yourself – does your business card deserves the
trash can or rolodex?
After all the money invested in your business, I am sure you want to make money
out of it. Your business card is the Silent Salesman for your company. It is a
tool you use to keep in touch with other businesses. If you want an above
average sales result, don’t your business card also deserve an above average
After looking at the above business cards, just ask yourself which business card
stand a better chance of getting sales from you if you were to buy. The answer
is obvious. The redesigned cards look more vibrant and professional compared to
their previous designs.
Business Card with Effective
Numerological, Astrological Analysis and Right Vastu-Feng Shui placements will
create a Better
Chance to Succeed..
Don't overlook the significance of your business card. It may be one of the
smallest items you carry around with you; yet, if the design of your business
card is inauspicious, then it can wreak havoc on the running of your entire
So, how do you Vaastu - Feng Shui your business card?
Begin by using auspicious Vaastu - Feng Shui dimensions. At least one side of
your business card should be less than 5.1 cm (2 in). This is because anything
from 5.1 cm to 16.5 cm (6½ in) is inauspicious.
that, you should always try to use harmonious color combinations that are
auspicious as well. Since black printed on white is better than black printed on
beige, white business cards are preferred over beige ones. Other auspicious
color combinations include black with green, black with brown, black with blue,
and black with all metallic colors. Avoid inauspicious color combinations such
as black with red, black with orange, and black with yellow.
Lastly, aim for a well-balanced design for your card; since, Vaastu - Feng Shui
is actually all about achieving balance and being in harmony with your
So you see, when you Vaastu - Feng Shui your business card, you generate more
luck for your business as well.
Other than a good graphic design, you should also look into the energy vibration
or Vastu - Feng Shui aspect of your business card. Without good Vastu - Feng
Shui, your business will not be doing well either. The effect of Vastu - Feng
Shui Business Card is statistically proven to affect the well being of a
Tips for the Best Business Card (Visiting Card)
1. Avoid using sharp points in the logo. Such logos generate negative energy
and have an adverse affect on you work. Never use spears, knives or swords in
your logo
2. Your company name should be written bigger and bolder fonts to signify the
trustfulness to the company and the strong of the company
3. Your name should follow the name of the company
4. Your business card should clearly state the type of your business (what do
you do)
5. The bottom of your business card is for additional and unimportant
6. The design of your business card should use rounded or curved shapes
(metal element = money)
7. Divide your business card for several squares with positive sizes
according to ancient Chinese ruler or Vastu Calculations.
8. Design your business card in accordance with your lucky business
individual Feng Shui colors (according to your birth date) it can be Wood, Fire, Earth,
Metal and Water.
9. Design your business card in accordance with Your business element
(the nature of business) according to your profession (Each specific type of
business has its own business element. For instance, if you work in furniture or
paper business, education, hospital or design studio your Feng Shui business element is Wood. If you work in real estate, financial,
construction, accounting or funeral business, your Feng Shui business element is Earth.)
10. Use the upper lined objects, everything that grows or stimulates the
visual growth Business card with good Vastu and Feng Shui will improve business, increase profits as well as attract more clients
and brings your business to incredible success. So use ancient Vastu and Feng
Shui T traditions and Principles to protect yourself and put yourself to the
you can design a business card that attracts business or design
one that makes your potential clients and customers throw away your business
cards and deny you the opportunity to do well.
General Principles to have a
Good Business Card Design are:
- A good business card would typically have your company name with bigger
fonts to signify a strong company below your name just below that on the
right, followed by your designation, telephone number and e-mail id.
- If your personal name is above that of the company then it means that the
company cannot overwhelm you. However in turn the company needs to have a
much bolder fonts to represent a strong ship that can take you to greater
- On the left corner you can put your address and the product details can be
put on the bottom right.
- Normally for empowerment the placement is on the right.
- Left placing is normally used for address and other less important
Depending on your needs we can design a Vastu - Feng Shui Business Card that can
more sales and income
with more business opportunities
your business faster
more high quality clients & customers
more unique products and services
from your employees
cash flow
your company or business reputation
business stability
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Numerology
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail :
