land of novelties of ancient architectures, and it's rich
Vaastushastra works on the basic
theme of of Matter and Energy and describes the complete matrics
of architecture, geometry of objets, orientation with respect to
directions,measurements, proportions with view to the place and
the occupant.
In Vaastushastra as
well as modem architecture, the shapes like square and rectangle
indicate safety, completeness and stability. But, the aesthetic
shapes like triangle and rounded shapes representing grace and
progress, which are popular in modern architecture, are avoided in
Vaastushastra. Vaastushastra considers that the energetic space
within a square or rectangular form create vibrations appropriate
for peaceful and tranquil pattern of life.
defines spaces and creates special forms in order to allot living
spaces and utilitarian spaces amongst the occupants of a dwelling.
Modem architecture sometimes gets so much obsessed with the ideas
like economy, lifestyle, function, and efficiency that it almost
forgets the inherent psychological needs like peace and
tranquility of a human being occupying the structure. Sometimes,
the hands of an architect are forced because of professional
compulsions like satisfying the demands of builders and
developers. The individuality in architectural creations, visible
in earlier times has in recent times been lost to problems
associated with group or mass housing techniques.

Vaastushastra deals
with four kinds of spaces - space within human form, constructed
space, terrestrial space, and cosmic space. A designer with
Vaastushastra insight achieves harmony between all these spaces,
and in the process creates microcosm in the built-up space that
replicates the qualities of the macrocosm. Vaastushastra ideas
result in design of houses, which are beneficial to the body and
mind of the dweller.
architecture, though outwardly elegant, is yet to imbibe the
smooth way in which Vaastushastra has found balance between
symmetry and asymmetry in designing structures. But the trends are
changing. Architects have started borrowing from concepts of
climatology, environmental engineering, and cosmic energy flow
principles to design dwellings that are in harmony with nature and
closer to Vaastushastra logic.
It is
confounding/puzzling to note, that Vaastushastra and old cosmic
diagrams(Mandala) are being dismissed in architecture as mere
tradition and memory architecture. Vaastushastra is far beyond
this process. Vaastushastra is a source of ideas and as such can
be of great help during planning/Designing stage, construction
stage, or finishing and decoration stage.
encompasses the phenomenon of Pyramids, for correcting residential
plots, These pyramids are energy generators at the centre.
Experiments carried out on small pyramid models essentially
conforming to the dimensions of the pyramid of Giza of have
conclusively proved that, inside a pyramid a distinct atmosphere
exists which is protective and energy giving.
Role of Shapes
shapes like square and rectangle are popular for safety,
completeness, and stability. Nowadays, architects are introducing
round & triangular shapes in the structures to be constructed.
But, infact it is prohibited in Vaastushastra. Modern architecture
is yet to digest the balance between symmetry / asymmetry which is
evident in structures, designed as per Vaastushastra principles.
& Modern Architecture
People, these days
are more & more concern about their designs of structures to
be built on the basis of Vaastushastra which would satisfy their
logical & Psychological requirements by their architects.
Certain important observations can be made as regards architecture
being practiced today, as against concepts found in ancient texts
on Vaastushastra.
The North Mark
on architectural drawing
Marking the North
direction on a drawing has now become a mere ritual / custom. The
significance of the organic electromagnetic flux lines emanating
from the North, is totally lost on the present day practitioners
of architecture, who use North pointer for designating the roads
and placement of plots. In ancient Vaastushastra practice immense
importance was given to alignment of the geometric axis of the
Vaastu and the geomagnetic axis. Hence, the North flow and the
North marking were paid special attention in planning of a Vaastu.
The energetic of the Vaastu is influenced by the North flow, as
discussed elsewhere in the book.
Windows and
In the tropical
countries like India, the path of the sun is normally along the
East, Southeast,South, and Southwest directions. Almost throughout
a year, we are directly exposed to the radiations of the sun. To
keep the house in shady cool zone it is necessary to avoid the
hateful radiations of solar radiations and , openings towards the
South direction should normally be avoided. In old times this
factor was given due consideration, and thickening of the walls on
the South side and provision of entrances on the North side was a
standard practice.
Water Pools in
the North/North-East Zones
In most of our
olden temples, a small lake of water or water pools were always
found in the Northeast zone. This practice has a scientific base
as far as dynamics of human mind are concerned.
Roof slopes
Generally the roofs
slopes should be kept towards the North, Northwest & Northeast
to protect excessive exposure of the area to solar radiations,
leading to a very hot and unhealthy environment inside the
The Directions
East - Directions of Organic Flow
Wide openings
towards the East always channelise the Organic energy throughout
the house. On the other hand, toilets and staircases in the East
block the morning solar bliss.
Sunlight is
essential for life processes and the natural synthesis of vitamin
'D' in human body largely depends on absorption of sunlight
through the skin. Further, Yoga also suggests that early morning
sunlight is a rejuvenator for the body. Ventilators / blinds and
open spaces towards the East ensure that the entire house is
exposed to the beneficial early morning sunlight for a maximum
possible duration.
Large Openings
to the Southwest
In tropical
countries like us, the direction of the wind is generally aligned
to the West, Northwest, and Southwest directions. The Indian
Vaastu concepts dismiss the wind as a carrier of dust and believe
in creating shadow regions for cooler homes that do not need wind
for ventilation. By providing thick walls in the South direction
and openings in the North direction, the houses are made thermal
radiation -proof. The concept of providing ample ventilation from
the West may lead to air-borne diseases.
Symmetry and
The surfaces that
receive the maximum solar radiation, apart from the roof areas,
are the Southeast, South and Southwest walls. The Northeast,
North, and Northwest walls are less exposed. As, most of India
lies between the latitudes 90N and 350N. This implies that overall
building form should be such that the exposure to the sun is
This is possible in
buildings with shorter North and South walls and larger East and
West walls. Vaastushastra principles talks about the length of
North-South axis of a Vaastu should be greater than the East-West
Use of Local
Materials in Construction
Houses built from
locally available materials, are considered to give happiness
through organic harmony and interrelationship between matter and
energy spectrums.
These days we are
turning ourselves towards eco-friendliness and environment.
Environment can itself act as a source or a sink for natural
resources, man-made products and Byproducts In his search for
exotic materials for construction and decoration, man has created
pollutants which did not exist in nature and which cannot be
disposed off by nature. By utilizing local resources
intelligently, it is possible to preserve the environment in a
state of equilibrium and construct dwellings having maximum
virtues as per Vaastu principles.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Vaastu
Engineer R. Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
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