Vaastu Authenticity
Vastu is one of the most ancient
sciences of Indian architecture and is composed of
specific rules, regulations and directions, set down
by sages of the vedic times. For the modern society it
is the highly evolved, comprehensive building
According to vastu, a building or a
premises is a living organism and can be designed in
harmonic resonance with the underlying energy
structure of the universe.

Such a building or premises
becomes a generator of coherence, attuning the
occupants to the universal laws and increasing health,
wealth and spiritual well being.
The biggest Proof of vaastushastra can be found
during the time of Ramayan and Mahabharat. Even in the cities of
Mohanjodaro and Harappa the application of vaastushastra can be
seen. Since the science goes far back to the times of Lord Rama
and Lord Krishna there are many interesting mythological stories
concerning the origin of Vaastupurush (the deity).
If you consider it a mythological fact then here are the most
unbelievable examples that Vastu is a science and one must follow
it wholeheartedly.
Geographical situation of an area affects the nature thus the
vastu for every place changes. We see that some countries are much
advanced, developed and prosperous while others are much backward.
For e.g.
- Japan, existence of deep water in North and
the East is considered most auspicious according to vastu
shastra. The eastern side of Japan is widely spread and open.
Thus Japan gets full benefit of the rays of the sun. This is
why Japan is rich and prosperous. There is sea in Southeast
and south of Japan, which is a place for Fire, this is why it
suffered the attack of atom bombs explosion and earthquake.
- If we take Africa as a continent, we all know
the northeastern corner of this continent is interjected.
Northwest portion is projected, southeast and south have
unlimited water, these all conditions are inauspicious
according to vastu, that's why African countries are backward,
uneducated, poor. But on the contrary, in the north of this
continent, there exists Mediterranean Sea, which is favorable
according to vastu. In the eastern part, river Nile flows and
that's why civilization developed in Egypt and now Egypt got
name and honour for it's world famous pyramids.
- Why to go far, lets discuss our own INDIA, we
know we have the Himalayas in the North and Northeast side of
our country which is against vastu, thus there is lot of
poverty in our country. There is water in Southwest and
southeast side of our nation, thus we have to face the attacks
of foreign empires. One thing that makes India famous is that
we have our slope towards east, which is a very favourable and
auspicious sign
Apart from the geographical
conditions and different nations, if we take examples within our
country, you will be surprised to see. Have you ever thought that
why tajmahal is so famous that it has become the 7th wonder of the
earth and why exactly similar structure called"chandbibi ka
makbara" situated in Aurangabad is not yet known to the
people. Why is so that the Tirupati balaji is world famous and
other temples situated in the same regions are still waiting for
the pilgrims to come…. This is all vastu , they are famous
because they are made according to vastu.
Thus to achieve the happiness, peace and prosperity, one must
follow the principles of vastu.
Vaastu is an empirical science. Over the years, based on the
knowledge in the Vedas, repeated studies on a number of buildings,
offices, temples, houses, apartments have shown a positive
correlation between the application of Vaastu principles and
success. It can be extensively applied to various edifices natural
and man made land masses, temples, factories, homes, office
buildings and corporate headquarters.
Water in the Northeast is considered most auspicious and Japan has
the largest water body in this direction, a reason for its being
one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Mumbai again
has water in the North East and the Atomic Power Plant (Agni) in
the South East thus according to Vaasthu principles and the most
powerful, prosperous place in India.
The location and construction of the famous Balaji Temple, the
most prosperous in India, are all according to Vaastu: Water tank
in the Northeast, Kitchen in Southeast, and the Lord in Southwest
facing East and so on. Studies conducted on cities like New York,
London, Singapore, Hong Kong etc have shown they are according
Vaastu principles.
The most famous prosperous industrial houses have also been
studied: The Tata Head Office in Mumbai, Akbarallys the most
successful retail store in India, factories of FACOR a highly
successful industry in A.P. and many others have been found to be
according to Vaastu.
Prosperity of Famous Tirupati Temple
World famous Tirupati temple is found adhering
to the principles of vastu shilpa shastra. Its prosperity
legendary thanks mainly to the exemplary implementation of the
principles of Vastu Shastra. The main temple is situated on the
South - West side of the temple complex. On its North - East
direction is a lake and pond. The dining hall of the temple is on
South-East side while the North-West and North side of the temple
is allocated to the godown for grains and items require in the
kitchen. The entire temple complex is of square shape as a result
of which its axis and that of the Earth are perpendicular to each
other. The main temple is occupying only the one fourth area of
the total areat and on its Eastern and Northern side is open area.
Thus the Tirupati temple of Lord Balaji is an ideal place
according to the norms of Vastu Shastra which is why it is the
most prosperous temple on the earth.
Prosperity of Japan
Inspite of a small country, Japan has progressed
tremendously. It has a large water body - the Pacific ocean in its
North-East direction. The eastern side of Japan is widely spread
and open. Thus Japan gets full benefit of the rays of the sun.
This gives Japan a maximum benefits of Vastu & made this
country rich and prosperous. But it has sea in Southeast and
south, which is a place for Fire, this The Japan has suffered the
attack of atom bombs explosion and earthquake ,as it has sea in
south east and south.
Prosperity of London
Prosperous city London is ideally situated
according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. The Thames river is
in the east direction. It has more parks & garderns in the
North west & East. Many famous Educational institutes &
universities are located in the North east corner. The boundry of
the England is more towards North & East directions- a
positive directions to capture benefical morning sundrays
,according to vastu.
Prosperity of America
Looking at the map of America, the country is
more located towards east side than west. Also the extention is
more towards north east, which is auspicious. It has huge lakes in
the north east location. As one progresses towards North-East in
United States of America the land becomes richer and richer, it is
At the root of the progress and prosperity of
the cities like New York, London, Mumbai, Singapore, Hong Kong
etc. are always the benedictory principles of Vastu Shastra, it is
Prosperity of Mumbai
Mumbai, a rich port has a water body to its
Northeast. All major lakes for drinking water are situated in the
North east direction of Mumbai. It has an atomic plant represting
Agni (Fire) in the south east of the Mumbai. Fire is a key factor
in prosperity of any vastu premises or location. It has more ocean
in the West, the perfect location for Vayu (Air).
Spiritual prosperous India
In India, Slope is more towards east, which is
auspicious. All important rivers are flowing towards east, that is
why country is more rich in spirituality. Thousands of westerners
flock to India for spiritual enlightenment. India has the
Himalayas in the North of the country which is against vastu, thus
there is lot of poverty in the country. There is water in
Southwest and southeast side of our nation, thus we have to face
the attacks of foreign empires & lot of expenditure on defence.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Vaastu
Engineer R. Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com
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