Bhakti Sutra is one of the many well-known Surtras of
Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism).
Sutra was pronounced by Sri Narada Muni - one of the
most famous and adorable saints in Sanatana Dharma
(Hindu) Mythology. Sri Narad plays an important role in
most of the ancient Hindu texts and scriptures. He is
one of the most beloved and revered saints. He is also
known as Devarshi - or the Rishi (Saint/Seer) of Gods.
Sutra (prayer/description/text/instruction) describes
Bhakti or devotion.
Narad Bhakti Sutram
(Sanskrit Only)
Prathmo Adhyaye
(Par Bhakti Svaroopam)
- Athato Bhakti
- Sa Tva Asmin
Parama Prema Rupa
- Amrita Svarupa
- Ya Labdhva
Puman Siddho Bhavaty Amrito Bhavti Tripto
- Ya Prapya Na
Kinchid Vaanchati Na Sochati Na Dveshti Na
Ramte Na Utsahi Bhavati
- Yaj Gyatva
Matto Bhavati Stabdho Bhavti AtmaRamo
- Sa Na
Kamyamana Nirodha Rupatvat
- Nirodhas Tu
Loka Veda Vyapara Nyasah
- Tasmin
Ananyata Tad-Virodhis Udaseenita Cha
- Anya
Ashryaanam Tyago Ananyata
- Lok Vedeshu
Tad Anukul Acharanam Tad Virodhis Udaseenta
- Bhavatu
Nischayadaardyaad Urdhvam Shastra Rakshanam
- Anyatha
Patitya Shankya
- Loko Api
TavadEv Bhojan Adi Vyaparstva Shareer
- Tal
Lakhshanaani Vachyante NanaMatBhedaat
- Pooja Aadishva
Anuraga Iti Parasharya
- Katha
Adishviti Garga
- Aatmaratya
Virodheneti Shandilya
- Naradaste Tad
Arpit Akhilaacharta Tad Vismarne Param
- Asty Evam Evam
- Yatha Vraj
- Tatra Api Na
Mahatmya Gyana Vismritya Apavada
- Tad Viheenam
- Na Asteva
Tasmin Tat Sukha Sukhitvam
Dvityo Adhyaye
(Par Bhakti Mahatvam)
- Sa Tu Karma
Gyan Yogebhyo Api Adhiktara
- Phala
- Iishvarasya
Api Abhimaan Dveshitvaat Dainya Priyetvaat
- Tasya Gyan Mev
Sadhanam Ityeke
- Ananyo Anya
Ashryatvam Itya Anye
- Svayam Phal
Roopat Iti Bhrahm Kumara
- Raj Grah
Bhojan Aadishu Tathaiv Dhrishtvat
- Na Ten Raja
Paritosha Khuchantirva
- Tasmat Saiv
Grahya Mumukhubhi
Trityo Adhyaye
(Bhakti Sadhnani)
- Tasya
Sadhanaani Gayanti Aacharya
- Tattu Vishya
Tyagat Sanga Tyagat Cha
- Avyavrit
- Loke Api
Bhagvad Guna Shravan Keertanaat
- Mukhyatastu
Mahat Kripyaiv Bhagwat Kripaleshaad Va
- Mahat Sangastu
Durlabho Agamyo Amoghas Cha
- Labhte Api Tat
- Tasmins Tat
Jane Bheda Abhaavaat
- Tdev Sadhyatam
Tdev Sadhyatam
- Dussanga
Sarvaithava Tyaajya
- Kaam Krodh Moh
Smriti Bhransh BuddhiNaash Karantvaat
- Trangita
Apeeme Sangaat Samutraayante
- Kas Tarati Kas
Tarati Maayam Yah Sanga Tyajti Yo
Mahaanubhavam Sevate Nirmamo Bhavti
- Yo Vivikta
Sthaanam Sevate Yo Lok Bandham Unmoolyati
Nistrai Gunyo Bhavti Yoga Kshema Tyajati
- Ya Karma
Phalam Tyajti Karmaani Sanyssyati Tato
Nirdvindvo Bhavti
- Yo VedanApi
Sanysyti Kevalam Avichinna Anuraagam Labhte
- Sa Tarati Sa
Tarati Sa Lokans Taaryati
Chaturtho Adhyaye
- Anirvachniyam
Prem Svaroopam
- Mooka
- Praashte
Kvaapi Patre
- Gun Rahitam
Kamna Rahitam Prati-Kshan Vardhamaanam
Avichinnam Sookshamtaram Anubhav Roopam
- Tat Prapya
Tdev Avlokati Tdev Shranoti Tdev Bhashyati
Tdev Chintyati
- Gauni Tridha
Gun Bhedaad Arta-Aadi Bhedaad Va
- Uttarasmad
Uttarasmat Poorva Poorva Shreyaaye Bhavti
- Anya Maat
Saulabham Bhaktau
- PramaanAantarsyaanApekhshavaat
Svayam Pramaantvaat
- Shaanti Roopat
Parma Aanand Roopa cha
- LokHanau
Chintaa Na Kaaryaa Nivedit Atma Lok Vedtvaat
- Na Tat Siddhau
Lok Vyavharo Heye Kintu Phal Tyagaat Tat
Saadhanam Cha
- Stri Dhan
Naastika Charitram Na Sravaneeyam
- Abhimaan
Dambha Aadikam Tyaajyam
- Tad Arpit
Akhilaachar San Kaam Krodha Abhimaan Aadikam
Tsminnev Karneeyam
- Tri Roop
Bhanga Poorvakam Nitya Daasya Nitya Kaanta
Bhajanaatmakam Prem Karyam Premaiva Kaaryam
Panchamo Adhyaye
(Mukhya Bhakti Mahimaa)
- Bhakta
Ekaantino Mukhyaa
- Kanthaavrodha
Roma Aashrubhi Parasparam Lapmaana Paavyanti
Kulaani Prithveem cha
- Teerthi
Kurvanti Theerthaani Sukarmee Kurvanti
Karmaani Sat Shastree Kurvanti Shaastraani
- Tanmayaa
- Modante Pitro
Nrityanti Devatah SaNaatha Cheyam Bhur
- Na Asti Teshu
Jaati Vidya Roopa Kul Dhan Kriya Aadi Bheda
- Yatas Tadeeyah
- Vaado
- Bahulya
Avakaashatvaaad Aniyatattvaa cha
- Bhakti
Shastraani Manneeyaani Tad Udbodha Karmaani
- Sukha Dukha
Iccha Labha Aadi Tyakte PrateekshyaMaane
Kshana Aardhamapi Vyartha Na Neyam
- Ahinsa Satya
Shaucha Daya Astika Aadi Charitryaani
- Sarvada Sarva
Bhaaven Nischintai Bhagwaaneva Bhajaneeya
- Sa Keertyamaan
Sheeghram Eva Avirbhavti Anubhaavyati
- Tri Satyasya
Bhaktir Eva Greeyasee Bhaktir Eva Greeyasee
- Gun-Mahaatmya
Aaskti Roop Aasakti Pooja Aaskti Smaran
Aaskti Daasya Aaskti Saakhya Aasakti
Vaatsalya Aaskti Kaantaa Aaskti
AatmaNivedana Aasakti Tanmyataa Aasakti
ParamVirhaa Aasakti Roop Ekdhaa Api
EkaaDashdhaa Bhavti
- Itevam Vadanti
Jana Jalpa Nirbhyaa Ek Matah Kumar Vyaas
Shuk Shaandilya Garga Vishnu Kaundinya
SheshodhVaruni Bali Hanumad Vibheeshana
Aadyo Bhaktyaacharya
- Ya Idam Naarad
Proktam Shivaanushaasanam Vishvasiti
Shradhte Sa Bhaktimaan Bhavti Sah Preshtam
Labhte Sah Preshtam Labhte
Narad Bhakti Sutram
(With Translations)
Prathmo Adhyaye
(1st Chapter)
(Par Bhakti Svaroopam (Description of Bhakti)
- Athato Bhakti
Vyakhyasamah: Thus Bhakti is described
- Sa Tva Asmin
Parama Prema Rupa: That is highest love
- Amrita Svarupa
Cha That is like Amrit - Nectar
- Ya Labdhva
Puman Siddho Bhavaty Amrito Bhavti Tripto
Bhavti Finding which, a person becomes
perfect. He becomes immortal. Becomes
- Ya Prapya Na
Kinchid Vaanchati Na Sochati Na Dveshti Na
Ramte Na Utsahi Bhavati Finding which, he
desires nothing more. Neither grieves, nor
hates. Neither engages and neither gets
enthusiastic about any thing else.
- Yaj Gyatva
Matto Bhavati Stabdho Bhavti AtmaRamo
Bhavati Having known which, he becomes as if
drugged, lost as if. Stunned, surprised, and
dwells in his own self.
- Sa Na
Kamyamana Nirodha Rupatvat By nature it is
free of desire.
- Nirodhas Tu
Loka Veda Vyapara Nyasah Having the nature
of unconcern with the worldly affairs.
- Tasmin
Ananyata Tad-Virodhis Udaseenita Cha
Exclusive devotion toward that, and
unconcern toward any thing that contradicts
- Anya
Ashryaanam Tyago Ananyata Giving up of other
shelters, and exclusively taking the shelter
of that.
- Lok Vedeshu
Tad Anukul Acharanam Tad Virodhis Udaseenta
Even when interacting with this world, or
conducting worldly affairs, living according
to that, and having unconcern toward any
thing that contradicts that.
- Bhavatu
Nischayadaardyaad Urdhvam Shastra Rakshanam
Still, the word of the scriptures must be
- Anyatha
Patitya Shankya Else, doubt of falling.
- Loko Api
TavadEv Bhojan Adi Vyaparstva Shareer
Dharanaavdhi Bodily creatures need to attend
to this world, need to eat, work etc.
- Tal
Lakhshanaani Vachyante NanaMatBhedaat Its
signs are told as following as per different
- Pooja Aadishva
Anuraga Iti Parasharya Worship etc. and
affection, thus, says Parashar Ji.
- Katha
Adishviti Garga Descriptions of Character,
acts, Glory, stories - Garga Ji.
- Aatmaratya
Virodheneti Shandilya What ever does not
oppose dwelling in the self - Shandilya Ji
- Naradaste Tad
Arpit Akhilaacharta Tad Vismarne Param
Vyakulateti According to Narad Ji - Offering
all affairs, leaving every thing to him,
Great anguish and anxiety on forgetting him.
- Asty Evam Evam
All these are true
- Yatha Vraj
Gopikaanaam Like the Gopis of Vraj
- Tatra Api Na
Mahatmya Gyana Vismritya Apavada There they
cannot be blamed for forgetting His
- Tad Viheenam
Jaranaamiv Without that, it is like love of
ordinary lovers.
- Na Asteva
Tasmin Tat Sukha Sukhitvam
In such devotion
(without knowing his Glory), feeling of Joy in
His Joy does not exist.
Dvityo Adhyaye
(2nd Chapter)
(Par Bhakti Mahatvam)
- Sa Tu Karma
Gyan Yogebhyo Api Adhiktara This is greater
than Karma or Gyana yoga (Selfless action or
Renunciation through Knowledge).
- Phala
Roopatvat Having the form of fruit itself.
- Iishvarasya
Api Abhimaan Dveshitvaat Dainya Priyetvaat
Cha God does not like proud, and is
affectionate toward who is meek, soft and
- Tasya Gyan Mev
Sadhanam Ityeke Knowledge is the means for
this, according to some.
- Ananyo Anya
Ashryatvam Itya Anye Others say Knowledge
and Devotion are independent.
- Svayam Phal
Roopat Iti Bhrahm Kumara Sri Brahma Kumaras
(The 4 great Rishis) say Bhakti is its own
- Raj Grah
Bhojan Aadishu Tathaiv Dhrishtvat Just by
seeing his Kingdom, Palace, Food etc.
- Na Ten Raja
Paritosha Khuchantirva The king is not
satisfied, and hunger does not go away.
- Tasmat Saiv
Grahya Mumukhubhi
seekers of Mukti, freedom should themselves take
to it.
Trityo Adhyaye
(3rd Chapter)
(Bhakti Sadhnani - The means to Bhakti)
- Tasya
Sadhanaani Gayanti Aacharya The following
means to that have been told by Acharyas
- Tattu Vishya
Tyagat Sanga Tyagat Cha Giving up pleasures
and concerns, as well as attachments.
- Avyavrit
Bhajanat Continuously
- Loke Api
Bhagvad Guna Shravan Keertanaat Even in the
middle of this world, remembering and
reciting the qualities of Bhagwaan (Lord).
- Mukhyatastu
Mahat Kripyaiv Bhagwat Kripaleshaad Va And
most of all, by grace and kindness of Great
Souls or the Lord himself.
- Mahat Sangastu
Durlabho Agamyo Amoghas Cha The company of
Great Souls, is hard to attain, hard to
understand, and free from all vanity.
- Labhte Api Tat
Kripaiva One finds such company though by
His mercy and kindness.
- Tasmins Tat
Jane Bheda Abhaavaat There is no difference
between Him and His beings, the Great Souls.
- Tdev Sadhyatam
Tdev Sadhyatam Strive for him, Strive for
- Dussanga
Sarvaithava Tyaajya Completely giveup all
bad company.
- Kaam Krodh Moh
Smriti Bhransh BuddhiNaash Karantvaat
Desire, Anger, attachment are the reasons
for delusion of memory and destruction of
- Trangita
Apeeme Sangaat Samutraayante These waves
gather into a vast ocean
- Kas Tarati Kas
Tarati Maayam Yah Sanga Tyajti Yo
Mahaanubhavam Sevate Nirmamo Bhavti Who can
cross these? Who can cross this delusion?
Who gives up attachment, and who the greatly
experienced, and become self-less.
- Yo Vivikta
Sthaanam Sevate Yo Lok Bandham Unmoolyati
Nistrai Gunyo Bhavti Yoga Kshema Tyajati
Those who like secluded places, and renounce
attachments to this world, renounce the
three Gunas (become neutral among Gunas),
and who give up concerns of gain and
- Ya Karma
Phalam Tyajti Karmaani Sanyssyati Tato
Nirdvindvo Bhavti Those who give up the
fruits of action, give up unnecessary
actions, and renounce duality.
- Yo VedanApi
Sanysyti Kevalam Avichinna Anuraagam Labhte
Those who even renounce the word of the
Vedas (or give up concerns of success and
prosperity), find unending pure affection.
- Sa Tarati Sa
Tarati Sa Lokans Taaryati
They swim across,
They smim across, and they help the world swim
Chaturtho Adhyaye
(4th Chapter)
- Anirvachniyam
Prem Svaroopam Cannot be spoken of, having
the form of affection.
- Mooka
Svaadanvat Speaking of it would be like
asking to describe the taste from someone
who can't speak.
- Praashte
Kvaapi Patre However, the deserving get
- Gun Rahitam
Kamna Rahitam Prati-Kshan Vardhamaanam
Avichinnam Sookshamtaram Anubhav Roopam
Devoid of qualities, devoid of esires,
always increasing and unceasing, subtle, it
is only experienced.
- Tat Prapya
Tdev Avlokati Tdev Shranoti Tdev Bhashyati
Tdev Chintyati Having attained it, one sees
only it, one hears it alone, one speaks of
it alone and one thinks of it alone.
- Gauni Tridha
Gun Bhedaad Arta-Aadi Bhedaad Va Having
qualities, like based on the three Gunas,
and also based on the states like affliction
- Uttarasmad
Uttarasmat Poorva Poorva Shreyaaye Bhavti
However, each succeeding state is better.
- Anya Maat
Saulabham Bhaktau A Devotee has it easier
than others.
- PramaanAantarsyaanApekhshavaat
Svayam Pramaantvaat Because it does not need
any proof, being a proof by itself.
- Shaanti Roopat
Parma Aanand Roopa cha Peaceful, full of
supreme joy.
- LokHanau
Chintaa Na Kaaryaa Nivedit Atma Lok Vedtvaat
Do not worry of worldly loss, having left
the concerns of worldly affairs to Him.
- Na Tat Siddhau
Lok Vyavharo Heye Kintu Phal Tyagaat Tat
Saadhanam Cha Even on having attained
success, do not give up worldly duties,
however, giving up of the fruits is the
- Stri Dhan
Naastika Charitram Na Sravaneeyam Do not
find entertainment in tales of Women, Money
or devotionless people.
- Abhimaan
Dambha Aadikam Tyaajyam Give up pride,
arrogance etc.
- Tad Arpit
Akhilaachar San Kaam Krodha Abhimaan Aadikam
Tsminnev Karneeyam Giving up all states and
affairs to Him, give up desires, anger,
prides etc. all to him.
- Tri Roop
Bhanga Poorvakam Nitya Daasya Nitya Kaanta
Bhajanaatmakam Prem Karyam Premaiva Kaaryam
Destroying the
three forms (the modes or qualities), remain in
constant servitude, constant affection,
remembering him, doing loving actions,
affectionate actions.
Panchamo Adhyaye
(5th Chapter)(Mukhya Bhakti Mahimaa)
- Bhakta
Ekaantino Mukhyaa A single-minded Devotee is
the highest.
- Kanthaavrodha
Roma Aashrubhi Parasparam Lapmaana Paavyanti
Kulaani Prithveem cha With choked throats,
hair rising on their ends, eyes full of
joyous tears, such great souls, talking of
Him to each other, purify their families and
this whole earth.
- Teerthi
Kurvanti Theerthaani Sukarmee Kurvanti
Karmaani Sat Shastree Kurvanti Shaastraani
They give holiness to holy places, the
goodness to good actions, and truth to
- Modante Pitro
Nrityanti Devatah SaNaatha Cheyam Bhur
Bhavti The forefathers rejoice, Gods dance,
and the earth feels protected.
- Na Asti Teshu
Jaati Vidya Roopa Kul Dhan Kriya Aadi Bheda
Differences of caste, education, looks,
family, finances, work etc. don't exist in
such Devotees.
- Yatas Tadeeyah
For they belong to Him.
- Vaado
Naavlambyah Do not engage in debates.
- Bahulya
Avakaashatvaaad Aniyatattvaa cha They
consume too much time, and are
inconclusive.Bhakti Shastraani Manneeyaani
Tad Udbodha Karmaani Karneeyani Accept and
follow the Scriptures which teach Devotion,
and perform the actions prescribed in them.
- Sukha Dukha
Iccha Labha Aadi Tyakte PrateekshyaMaane
Kshana Aardhamapi Vyartha Na Neyam Giving up
Joy, Sorrow, Desire, Profit etc., just
waiting out, don't waste even half of a
- Ahinsa Satya
Shaucha Daya Astika Aadi Charitryaani
Paripaalneeyaani Nurture and develop the
qualities of Non-violence, truth,
cleanliness, kindness, believing in God etc.
- Sarvada Sarva
Bhaaven Nischintai Bhagwaaneva Bhajaneeya
Always, with full devotion, without worries,
worship God.
- Sa Keertyamaan
Sheeghram Eva Avirbhavti Anubhaavyati
Bhaktaan Having Glorified, very soon, He
reveals Himself to His Devotees and lets
them experience Himself.
- Tri Satyasya
Bhaktir Eva Greeyasee Bhaktir Eva Greeyasee
Bhakti is precious, Bhakti is precious, this
is true, over and over again.
- Gun-Mahaatmya
Aaskti Roop Aasakti Pooja Aaskti Smaran
Aaskti Daasya Aaskti Saakhya Aasakti
Vaatsalya Aaskti Kaantaa Aaskti
AatmaNivedana Aasakti Tanmyataa Aasakti
ParamVirhaa Aasakti Roop Ekdhaa Api
EkaaDashdhaa Bhavti
Attachment to His
Glories and qualities, to the Looks, to Worship,
to Remembrance, to Servitude, to Friendship, to
loving as a Parent, to Affection toward Him, to
taking His Refuge, to being One with Him, to
feeling anguish at Missing Him - having eleven
forms but in reality all these are just one.
- Itevam Vadanti
Jana Jalpa Nirbhyaa Ek Matah Kumar Vyaas
Shuk Shaandilya Garga Vishnu Kaundinya
SheshodhVaruni Bali Hanumad Vibheeshana
Aadyo Bhaktyaacharya
Thus tell,
without fear of gossip, with one opinion, the
Brahma Kumaras, Sri Vyasa Ji, Sri Shuk Ji, Sri
Shandilya Ji, Sri Garga Ji, Sri Vishnu Ji, Sri
Kaundinya Ji, Sri Shesh Ji, Sri Udhava Ji, Sri
Aruni Ji, Sri Bali, Sri Hanumaan Ji, Sri
Vibheeshan Ji etc. - the Devoted Teachers.
- Ya Idam Naarad
Proktam Shivaanushaasanam Vishvasiti
Shradhte Sa Bhaktimaan Bhavti Sah Preshtam
Labhte Sah Preshtam Labhte
Those who
believe, and become devoted to these
instructions spoken by Sri Narad Ji, they become
devoted, they find the Dearest Lord, they find
the Dearest Lord.
Just English
1st Chapter
Thus Bhakti is described.
That is
highest love. That is like Amrit - Nectar. Finding
which, a person becomes perfect. He becomes immortal.
Becomes satisfied. Finding which, he desires nothing
more. Neither grieves, nor hates. Neither engages and
neither gets enthusiastic about any thing else. Having
known which, he becomes as if drugged, lost as if.
Stunned, surprised, and dwells in his own self.
By nature
it is free of desire. Having the nature of unconcern
with the worldly affairs. Exclusive devotion toward
that, and unconcern toward any thing that contradicts
it. Giving up of other shelters, and exclusively taking
the shelter of that. Even when interacting with this
world, or conducting worldly affairs, living according
to that, and having unconcern toward any thing that
contradicts that.
the word of the scriptures must be followed. Else, doubt
of falling. Bodily creatures need to attend to this
world, need to eat, work etc.
Its signs
are told as following as per different views. Worship
etc. and affection, thus, says Parashar Ji. Descriptions
of Character, acts, Glory, stories - Garga Ji. What ever
does not oppose dwelling in the self - Shandilya Ji.
According to Narad Ji - Offering all affairs, leaving
every thing to him, Great anguish and anxiety on
forgetting him. All these are true. Like the Gopis of
Vraj. There they cannot be blamed for forgetting His
Greatness. Without that, it is like love of ordinary
lovers. In such devotion (without knowing his Glory),
feeling of Joy in His Joy does not exist.
2nd Chapter
This is
greater than Karma or Gyana yoga (Selfless action or
Renunciation through Knowledge). Having the form of
fruit itself.
God does
not like proud, and is affectionate toward who is meek,
soft and humble. Knowledge is the means for this,
according to some. Others say Knowledge and Devotion are
independent. Sri Brahma Kumaras (The 4 great Rishis) say
Bhakti is its own fruit.
Just by
seeing his Kingdom, Palace, Food etc. The king is not
satisfied, and hunger does not go away. Therefore,
seekers of Mukti, freedom should themselves take to it.
3rd Chapter
following means to that have been told by Acharyas
(Teachers). Giving up pleasures and concerns, as well as
attachments. Continuously Remembering/Worshipping. Even
in the middle of this world, remembering and reciting
the qualities of Bhagwaan (Lord). And most of all, by
grace and kindness of Great Souls or the Lord himself.
The company of Great Souls, is hard to attain, hard to
understand, and free from all vanity. One finds such
company though by His mercy and kindness. There is no
difference between Him and His beings, the Great Souls.
for him, Strive for Him. Completely give up all bad
company. Desire, Anger, attachment are the reasons for
delusion of memory and destruction of wisdom. These
waves gather into a vast ocean. Who can cross these? Who
can cross this delusion? Who gives up attachment, and
who serves the greatly experienced, and become
self-less. Those who like secluded places, and renounce
attachments to this world, renounce the three Gunas
(become neutral among Gunas), and who give up concerns
of gain and security. Those who give up the fruits of
action, give up unnecessary actions, and renounce
duality. Those who even renounce the word of the Vedas
(or give up concerns of success and prosperity), find
unending pure affection. They swim across, They smim
across, and they help the world swim across.
4th Chapter
Bhakti is
indescribable, having the form of affection. Speaking of
it would be like asking to describe the taste from
someone who can't speak. However, the deserving get
enlightened. Devoid of qualities, devoid of desires,
always increasing and unceasing, subtle, it is only
attained it, one sees only it, one hears it alone, one
speaks of it alone and one thinks of it alone. Having
qualities, like based on the three Gunas, and also based
on the states like affliction etc. However, each
succeeding state is better.
A Devotee
has it easier than others. Because it does not need any
proof, being a proof by itself. Peaceful, full of
supreme joy. Do not worry of worldly loss, having left
the concerns of worldly affairs to Him. Even on having
attained success, do not give up worldly duties,
however, giving up of the fruits is the means. Do not
find entertainment in tales of Women, Money or
devotionless people. Give up pride, arrogance etc.
Giving up all states and affairs to Him, give up
desires, anger, prides etc. all to him. Destroying the
three forms (the modes or qualities), remain in constant
servitude, constant affection, remembering.
5th Chapter
single-minded Devotee is the highest. With choked
throats, hair rising on their ends, eyes full of joyous
tears, such great souls, talking of Him to each other,
purify their families and this whole earth. They give
holiness to holy places, the goodness to good actions,
and truth to scriptures. Fully devoted. The forefathers
rejoice, Gods dance, and the earth feels protected.
Differences of caste, education, looks, family,
finances, work etc. don't exist in such Devotees. For
they belong to Him.
Do not
engage in debates. They consume too much time, and are
inconclusive. Accept and follow the Scriptures which
teach Devotion, and perform the actions prescribed in
them. Giving up Joy, Sorrow, Desire, Profit etc., just
waiting out, don't waste even half of a second. Nurture
and develop the qualities of Non-violence, truth,
cleanliness, kindness, believing in God etc. Always,
with full devotion, without worries, worship God. Having
Glorified, very soon, He reveals Himself to His Devotees
and lets them experience Himself.
Bhakti is
precious, Bhakti is precious, this is true, over and
over again. Attachment to His Glories and qualities, to
the Looks, to Worship, to Remembrance, to Servitude, to
Friendship, to loving as a Parent, to Affection toward
Him, to taking His Refuge, to being One with Him, to
feeling anguish at Missing Him - having eleven forms but
in reality all these are just one.
tell, without fear of gossip, with one opinion, the
Brahma Kumaras, Sri Vyasa Ji, Sri Shuk Ji, Sri Shandilya
Ji, Sri Garga Ji, Sri Vishnu Ji, Sri Kaundinya Ji, Sri
Shesh Ji, Sri Udhava Ji, Sri Aruni Ji, Sri Bali, Sri
Hanumaan Ji, Sri Vibheeshan Ji etc. - the Devoted
Those who
believe, and become devoted to these instructions spoken
by Sri Narad Ji, they become devoted, they find the
Dearest Lord, they find the Dearest Lord.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful Spiritual World
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com

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