A Multi Disciplinary Approach To Vaastu Energy


Feng Shui for Love


Chi - the primary source of purity and luck -- is also very vital for a healthy love life. For a typical fast-moving DINK (Double Income No Kids) couple, bonding often takes a back seat, give individual ambitions and professional aspirations. Feng Shui alterations can help you set your relationships right.

Always keep in mind that the southwest corner of your house is where love reigns -- it governs the luck of love, romance and family happiness. So, pay special attention to this area. The simplest way to spruce up your existing relationship is by placing a photo of you and your spouse in the southwest corner. Make sure it is a happy photo, though! If you wish to enhance the quality of your romantic encounters, also place a dragon-headed tortoise with a piece of red ribbon in its mouth. Feng Shui charms like these are freely available in gift shops.

The right kind of lighting also goes a long way in strengthening relationships. Hanging a chandelier or an illuminated crystal sphere in the southwest corner of your home activates the Chi energy that stimulates romance. This introduces fire into this segment, which has earth as it's presiding element, to bring love luck.

Soft or pastel colour lampshades with soft lighting in the southwest should also do the trick. They create an atmosphere of romance. Harsh lighting and spotlights are to be strictly avoided. Bright lights may get prosperity but it scares love away, is what Feng Shui believes.

Candles and crystals in all shapes, sizes and colour are welcome. Apart from creating a warm glow, they improve the entire look of your home, while enhancing romance. Natural crystals are the best natural charms; rose quartz and yellow citrine are crystals that work well to bring you lots of erotic and romantic times. Place these crystals in the form of pebbles or larger forms like the raw amethyst in the southwest corner of your living room to energise love and activate Chi.

However mischievous this may sound, pink sheets and curtains raise subtle yang energy, which enhances feelings of affection and togetherness in those who seek conjugal bliss in the bedroom. Besides this, talk openly about your relationship and ways to improve it in your living room - with mellow lighting.

If possible, place an indoor water fountain in the south-west corner of your home, you will be amazed at the effect this can have on your relationship; it could even encourage a new one.

Er. Rameshwar Prasad invites you to the Wonderful World of Feng Shui

Engineer Rameshwar Prasad

(B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A., P.G.D.M.)

Vaastu International

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