geometric structure of pyramid attracts energy into it
has been proved thousands of years ago. The great
pyramids of Egypt are the established proved factor of
this theory. The mummies kept under them have not
perished is one of the qualities of pyramid structure.
To start any Reiki healing we always draw three
dimentional pyramids(or triangles) over palms, heart,
healee and our body intending to increase the flow of
positive energy and to safeguard ourselves from any
negative effect.
The use of pyramids in any healing is the same. That is
to gather energy and that the structure does by itself.
Pollution, greed, ignorance is degrading our planet. Our
bodies and mind have to deal with negative energy every
day. When you use the pyramids as they are designed,
they will energize you with a high level of energy
channeled to you by your spiritual guides or guardian
angels. When you use the meditation exercises provided
with your pyramid some will experience seeing different
colors, see visions, feel tingling, heat or coldness or
both at the same time or all of the above. What you
experience will be determined by your spiritual
evelovment. All will be different. Following the
instructions is important. They do not recommend that
you stay longer than two hours under the pyramid (ANAND
1). You may experience light headedness or dizziness or
a little wobbly when you get up this will pass with no
side effects. The ANAND SUPER pyramid model should be
used in a group or by a trained medium or a spiritual
healer. This produces a very high level of energy more
than the ANAND 1 pyramid model. If you decide to use the
ANAND SUPER pyramid model individuality, you must not
over do the time spent under it. Twenty to thirty
minutes should be more than enough, if you are
experienced with meditation or healing you can most
likely handle more energy. Using pyramid with Reiki,
will help to balance the energy while working on the
The smaller pyramids can be used for healing the
chakras, by keeping them on the spine of the object for
aroud fifteen minutes, use of crystals and beaming Reiki
from a distance gives manifold results.
The small pyramid grids have proven to give faster and
better results in menifestations with Reiki symbols.
these pyramids enhance all kinds of energy, being in a
positive frame of mind is important. If you are
negative, it will make you more negative and block the
benefits you will receive.
experiment you can try is take a picture of the pyramid
sometimes you can capture the aura of the pyramid or a
spirit above or near the pyramid. Another experiment you
can try. Take a bottle of wine and empty one half of it
and save, put the other half under the pyramid. You will
notice how much the flavor improved. Try this with
coffee or food or other drinks. Some items may take
longer than others to change. Your pets and plants will
love it.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Reiki
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail :
