different cultures have utilized the power of crystals
for as long as humans have inhabited the earth. The
oldest legend leads us all the way back to Atlantis
where this civilization used crystals as beacons of
light that would communicate telepathically to their
universal forefathers. It is said that the reason this
evolved civilization was destroyed was the misuse of the
awesome power crystals hold for egocentric purposes.
Survivors of Atlantis continued to perpetuate the
knowledge of crystals in Egypt, South America, and
Tibet. They built pyramids using the crystalline
theories. The perfect geometric shape duplicates the
laws of crystal physics and channels high frequency
universal energy onto the planet. It is believed that
the Great Pyramid in Egypt was originally capped with a
giant crystal to assist in the grounding of this cosmic
is written in Exodus in the Bible that a breastplate
made of 12 precious jewels, combined specifically
together in four rows, worn over the heart would endow
Aaron with the power of God. It is not known what 12
stones were used in the construction, however, it is
recorded as having incredible spiritual powers.
in ancient India were advised to collect the very best
gems to protect themselves from harm. As early as 400
B.C., astrologists made elaborate observations on the
origins and power of stones. In fact, they advised
people struck with misfortunes to wear different
crystals to counteract the negative effects of the
and crystals have long been associated with royalty.
They were laid in swords, embedded in thrones, and worn
in crowns. When the tomb of King Tut of Egypt was
opened, the amount of gems and crystals was astonishing.
and American Indians have used crystals for the
diagnosis as well as the treatment of disease. Mexican
Indians believed that if you lived a good life, your
soul went into a crystal when you died. If someone was
fortunate enough to find that crystal, it would speak
directly to their heart, heal, guide, and make their
dreams come true.
power and potential of crystals cannot be overstated.
They can be used in meditation to develop the intuition
and learn from the higher senses. I must issue a warning
that true intentions or humanitarianly pure intentions
must be used when working with crystals or some believe
the power can be turned against the user. The following
is a list of a few of my favorite crystals to work with.
From time to time I will add or update this page as I
have has time to experiment with certain crystals in my
healing practice, so you should check back
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful World of Reiki
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com
