Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method
that involves working with a person's guardian angels
and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of
life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly
receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.
Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform
God's will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves
to hear our angels' messages, every aspect of our lives
become more peaceful.
Angels are spiritual beings that
communicate and interact with people here and now, not
just long ago. There are myriad angels serving in just
about every capacity imaginable, from helping us tend to
the care and health of our body, to finding parking
spaces, passing tests, mending relationships, cleaning
up oil spills and stopping wars.
Angels are messengers of light whom
the Father/Mother God created to minister to souls on
earth as their guides, guardians and friends. (The word
“angel” is derived from the Greek word angelos and
the Latin word angelus, both meaning “messenger.”)
They embody the frequencies of the divine mind and make
God’s vibrations readily accessible to people.
While Spirit is formless, angels are
the essence of the Creator in form, vibrating at
spiritual frequencies that are not usually visible. They
appear to have wings because the light radiates out from
their being in rays or waves that look like feathers.
Angels are charged by the Creator to affect people and
the environment with intensely positive feelings and
vibrations. Their nature enables them to infuse matter
with the constructive qualities of divine consciousness,
bringing about profound changes that can actually
transform a person’s body and soul. Angels accomplish
such transformations by causing movement at the
molecular level that can alter matter, and causing
movement within the neurons of the brain and nervous
system that can alter the mind. The resulting changes
are often called miracles.
With numberless angels moving in time
and space, it is to our advantage to learn more about
them and how to work with them. And the archangels are
among the most widely known angels working with mankind.
The archangels are the captains of all
the angelic hosts, having been created as the foremost
hierarchs in the angelic kingdom. They are majestic
beings who personify divine attributes and are at the
service of the mankind of earth. They work tirelessly to
defeat evil and promote good. The archangels have divine
complements or twin flames, just as people do. Their
feminine counterparts are called archeiai. (The singular
noun is archeia, and the plural is archeiai.) Together
the archangels and archeiai focus the masculine and
feminine, or alpha and omega, polarities of the
particular color, or ray, of spiritual light on which
they serve. Praying to one always invokes the assistance
of the other as well.
The archangels predate us by millions
of years and are reported to have been our first
teachers on the spiritual path. They are also described
as divine architects, whom God uses to draft and execute
the plans for his projects. They are cosmic builders and
designers in the grandest sense of the word, arcing to
our minds the divine blueprint for every endeavor, from
the smallest to the greatest.
All of the archangels are also healers
who come as master surgeons to mend our souls and four
lower bodies-etheric, mental, emotional and physical.
Imagine the power of the archangels, who for millions of
years have done nothing but affirm the reality of God
and expand spiritual light in their being. Then when
they are in our midst, they minister to us and purify us
by transmitting the immense increments of light that
they have garnered. Using this boost of energy from the
angels properly can help us make much greater progress
in our daily life and on the spiritual path.
The most familiar archangels serve on
the seven rays of spiritual light that correspond to the
light focused within the seven major chakras in man.
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful Spiritual World
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com
