Quit Smoking
Use Self Hypnosis for Smoking
If you have tried to quit cold turkey,
or with the aid of a commercial product seen on
television,and you are still smoking, you may find
success with self hypnosis. Trance state hypnosis is a
form of self hypnosis that is enabling many people to
quit smoking effortlessly. Hypnosis represents a
powerful behavior change strategy that will accelerate
the process of a lifestyle change such as smoking and
prevent relapse.
Self hypnosis teaches smokers how to
talk to themselves in ways to help them quit and prevent
a relapse of their habit. Hypnosis can include prompts
and coping statements that reassure the smoker and
remind them of the reasons why they are quitting. Self
hypnosis for smoking works. Thousands of people have
kicked the habit with hypnosis as their proven method.
Hypnosis can free even the hard-core smoker of their
need for the taste, smell and fear of cigarettes or
Hypnosis is a heightened state of
awareness that enables you to reach intense
concentration directed toward a specific task, in this
case smoking being the task. Hypnosis improves
motivation and heightens relaxation and suggestions can
then be made to the subconscious mind. These suggestions
to the subconscious mind will help the person change
habits and build a healthy behavior. Self hypnosis for
smoking is a matter of training your mind to control
your body’s behaviors through deep relaxation and
How does hypnosis work? You gradually
relax, alternating between tension and relaxation in
muscles from your head to toes. With such a deep state
of relaxation, you are then able to concentrate on the
positive suggestions needed to become a non-smoker. For
many people, self hypnosis for smoking can be perfected
over time for the mind to change habits and adopt a new,
healthy behaviour.
Diminish Alcohol Abuse
Tips On How To Stop Drinking and
Diminish Alcohol Abuse
If you drink too much and recognize
that this is a problem in your life, there are many ways
to learn how to stop drinking. There are also many
health benefits: you’ll have better overall health,
better relationships with family and friends, and
you’ll be more productive both at home and at work.
The key is to educate yourself and get support, because
learning how to stop drinking can be tough, but you can
do it!
Many people use Alcoholics Anonymous
to learn how to stop drinking. They have meetings in
many countries all over the world, and there will be
people there who have been through exactly what you are
going through. You’ll meet others who are at the
beginning of their journey to sobriety, just as you are,
as well as people who are at various stages along the
way. The most important thing about these groups is the
acceptance and support you’ll receive, which are
crucial to your success.
Hypnosis can also help you learn to
stop drinking. Your mind is divided into two parts: the
conscious and the unconscious. The conscious is what we
use when we are awake and alert, and the unconscious is
where we store our thoughts, dreams, and fears. Hypnosis
can help you easily access your unconscious mind and get
to the very root of why you drink. You will be able to
replace your drinking habit with something healthier,
and you will find that afterwards, you are very relaxed
and refreshed, and your desire to drink will be
diminished, if not completely gone.
Using Hypnosis for Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse can ruin your life. It
can drive all of your friends and family members away,
it can cost you your job, and it can destroy your
health. If you have an alcohol problem, you probably
already know or are learning that this is true. You may
even have tried to stop drinking on your own or with a
group support system and failed. Like any addiction,
alcohol abuse can be very hard to break, and if you’ve
had trouble kicking the habit, you may want to consider
hypnosis for your alcohol abuse.
If you’ve ever seen a hypnosis stage
show, you may have gotten the wrong impression of what
hypnosis really is and what it can do. You won’t go
into a trance and cluck like a chicken; you won’t do
anything at all that you wouldn’t normally do because
you are never out of control of yourself. At all times,
you are aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Hypnosis is a completely safe and natural way to treat
an alcohol problem.
It works like this: your mind has two
parts, the conscious, which we use when we are awake and
alert, and the unconscious, where we store thoughts and
fears. Addictions are stored here, too. There is a
barrier between the two minds that is very hard to
breach on your own. You need to be in a super-relaxed
state to access your unconscious mind, and that is what
hypnosis does. Through deep breathing and other
relaxation techniques you can get into your unconscious
mind and into the root of your addiction. You can
discover why you abuse alcohol and learn to replace that
destructive behavior with something healthier and more
Rameshwar Prasad
invites you to the Wonderful Spiritual World
Engineer Rameshwar Prasad (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A.,
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B, SFS
Mayur Vihar,
New Delhi - 110096,
TeleFax : +91-11-22615299 (Landline), Mobile : +91-
e-mail : vaastuinternational@yahoo.com
