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Energy in Vaastushastra

Existence and all the active systems go through the three stages - Generation, Organisation, Destruction, i.e., G.O.D. All good organised healthy systems have the right amount of life generating force from the very beginning, while all the sick systems imbibe destructive forces at the generation stage itself. The two-stream theory in Vaastushastra follows the same logic.

Ida, the Chandra Nadi or the Moon Stream has direct relationship with the energy source directions - the North and the East. This stream showers on the Vastu the blessings of all the good things, bliss, happiness, contentment, peace, and tranquillity.

Pingala, the Surya Nadi or the Sun Stream has relationship with sink directions, i.e., the South and the West. This stream is harbinger of all the evil things, curses, sorrows, defeat, discontent, grief, and torture.

The steady unidirectional electromagnetic flux from North to South is termed as Jaivik Urja (organic stream) in Vaastushastra. Cellular structure in living beings and atoms/molecules in all animate or inanimate things are conditioned by the flux direction. We can terms the North point of each Vaastu (dwelling or house) as the source of Jaivik Urja, and South point as the sink of this Urja.

The Pranik Urja or solar energy has East as the source direction and West as the sink direction. This stream does not remain constant, but varies throughout the day in direction, as well as intensity.

The nature of confluence of the Jaivik Urja and Pranik Urja in a Vastu gives it unique properties that influences the body and mind of the person occupying the Vaastu.

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Rameshwar Prasad invites you to the Wonderful World of  Vastu Shastra


Engineer Rameshwar Prasad     (B.Tech., M.Tech., P.G.D.C.A., P.G.D.M.) VAASTU INTERNATIONAL
49 C (Second Floor), Pocket- B,         SFS Flats,
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