We all know that all
colors are made up of three primary colors - red, blue
and green - in various combinations. Secondary colors
are made up of mixing of these primary colors such as
cyan; yellow and purple while tertiary colors are made
up of mixing the secondary colors to the primary
colors such as reddish orange and yellowish green.
Absence of all the three colors make up an
absolute black, which is almost non-existent, and the black we
normally talk about is actually a tint or shade of the actual
color. Similarly all these three colors mixed in equal parts
would produce pure white light such as sunlight. Colors that we
are talking about are actually the light particles reflected by
a substance when the source absorbs the rest of it. It is
actually the tints, tones, values and shades of the basic key
hues that make our world so colorful to look at.
Let us see, the actual meaning of the words used above:
Hue means Color such as red color or red hue,
Tint means the pure color mixed with white
such as tints of red means red mixed with white color to
produce different kind of reds and pinks,
Tone of a color means that the pure color is
mixed with grey,
Value of a color means the lightness and
darkness of a shade achieved by the sheer or deeper
application of the color,
Key colors are the dominant colors that we
have chosen for room or home décor, while
Shade of a color means that the pure color is mixed with
While painting your walls and ceilings or
deciding a color scheme for your home décor, it is always
helpful to collect chips and swatches of your favorite colors
from various sources such as fabrics, hardware stores and even
cuttings that you can arrange and rearrange to decide what
colors look good together. Furnishings are a wonderful way to
add color and texture to your home and can be moved easily too.