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Chinese Animal Signs, 2009 forecast, Lucky Stones & Charms ( Click on the zodiac sign for more ... & Click here to find your Animal Sign... )














2008 - Year of the Yang Earth Rat

February 7, 2008 - January26, 2009

The "Yang Brown Earth Rat"!

General Overview of Wu Zi, Yang Earth Rat Year

February 7, 2008 is New Year's Day, according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar used by millions all over the world together with the Gregorian calendar. And according to the Chinese almanac, the year is 4705 and a Year of the Yang Brown Earth Rat.

Year 2008 is a Chinese Brown Earth (Soil) Rat Year. Why did the Chinese name the year 2008 as the Brown Earth Rat Year? Chinese calendar used the Stem-Branch system to count the days, months and years. There are 10 Stems and 12 Branches in this system. Stems are named by the Yin-Yang and Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth). The Stem sequence order is Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water and Yin Water. Branches use the animal names.

The Branch sequence order is Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog and Pig. Stem and Branch are used together to form a cycle of 60 counting systems which begin with Wooden Rat and end with Water Pig. You can see the entire sequence from the Chinese New Year's page. From 1924 to 1983 is a complete cycle. Year 2008 is Female Earth Rat the 25th of the Stem-Branch in the system. Because Earth is equivalent to the color Brown in the Five-Element system, Year 2008 is also called the Brown Rat year.

The Chinese New Year day is on February 7th, 2008. This day is a new moon day, it is the first day of the first Chinese lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar system. The exact new moon time is at 11:44 on 07-Feb-08 in China time zone.

If we apply Chinese lunar calendar system on the USA time zones, we find something interesting here. In the US Pacific Standard Time (PST), the new moon time is at 19:44 of 2-06-08. In the US Eastern Standard Time (EST), the new moon time is at 21:44 of 2-06-08. Therefore, the Chinese New Year day for USA time zones is on February 6th, 2008.

The new moon time is at 03:44 on 2-07-08 of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and at 04:44 on 2-07-08 of Time Zone GMT+1. That means Chinese New Year day is on February 7th, 2008 for European countries.

The Year 2008 (Brown Rat) is the 4705th Chinese year. The Chinese believe that the first king of China was the Yellow King (he was not the first emperor of China). The Yellow King became king in 2697 B.C., therefore China will enter the 4705th year on February 4th, 2008. Also, the Chinese Year uses the cycle of 60 Stem-Branch counting systems and the Brown Rat is the 25th Stem-Branch in the cycle. Since 4705 = (60 *78) + 25, therefore this Brown Rat Year is the 4705th Chinese Year.

Some web sites say the year 2008 is the 4706th Chinese year. If you cannot find the explanation, here is a possible answer for you: The Yellow King's inauguration was held in the spring of 2697 B.C. But the day that was used as the first day of the year was the winter solstice, which was around December 23rd, 2698 B.C. Today's January 1st meant nothing to the Yellow King. If we count that extra eight days in 2698 B.C., then year 2008 is the 4706th Chinese year.

Elemental Analysis

To forecast the luck in the coming years, we have to know what elements and animals are in our birth chart first.

2008 is Brown Rat year. Brown is Earth and Rat is Water. Basically, people will be luckier if the Earth or Water are their lucky element. However, Earth and Water are opposite elements. 2008 won't be one of their best years in their life, unless birth chart animal signs have a special combination.

If your lucky element is Water...

2007 is a Fire Pig year. 2008 is a Brown Rat year. Pig and Rat are in the Water group. 2007 is the first year of the Water cycle. 2008 is the second year of the Water cycle. Water of 2008 is stronger than the Water in 2007. If Water is your lucky element, then your luck come in 2008. If you think you were lucky in 2007, the your luck will be continue good or even better in 2008.

If your Birth Chart and your Current Major Cycle contain Dragon and Monkey, then 2008 will be an extremely good year for you. This is because Rat, Dragon and Monkey together have the Mutual Attraction Relationship and generate very powerful Water energy. The luck will be even better, if your birth chart or current major cycle have Male Water in there.

If your lucky element is Earth...

Your luck will come around four season changes. If your Birth Chart or your Current Major Cycle contain Cow, then 2008 will be an very special year to you. This is because Rat and Cow together have the Attraction Relationship into Earth. The energy of Water disappears and the Earth of 2008 brings the Earth under the birth chart to the top. The year 2008 becomes a power Earth year.

2008 is the year of  Male Brown Rat. Brown is equivalent to Earth in Five Element theory. The major element in Rat is Water. Earth and Water are opposite elements. Earth and Water have a conflicting and fighting relationship; and therefore it is hard for them to coexist. In most of cases, if your Lucky Element is Earth, then the Water is an unlucky element. If the Lucky Element is Water, then Earth is the unlucky element. If Earth or Water is equivalent to your Money Star, then your money luck in 2008 should be "money comes, then money goes" or "money goes, then comes". If Earth or Water is the Career Star, then career opportunity either come early or come late in 2008. If Earth or Water represent health, then your heath will be either good or bad, however it will be the opposite at the end of the year. In short, you will win some but lose some.


2007 the year of the Pig was a very unstable one. After two, Fire years life may seem calmer during this Earth year. That could be deceptive, however, as the Rat never stops moving, especially when it comes to mental activity. 2008 the year of Rat is going to be an easier year for most of us in general. It will be filled with greater vibrancy and energy. 

Unfortunately Earth has a destructive relationship with the Rat's fixed element, Water. This is not disastrous, but it does mean people should not rely too much on luck this year.

On the other hand the combination of Earth and Rat is extremely positive when it comes to achieving results. The Rat tends to take a lot of risks, while Earth is associated with practicality and stability. This creates balance and can lead to good profits, increased productivity and all sorts of accomplishments. And, under Earth's influence there could be fewer scandals than in other, Rat years.

The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac and signifies new beginnings. This year is thus an appropriate time to start new ventures, especially groundbreakings. This includes new ideas, directions, and ways of doing things. It is a time to experiment and put plans into action, as there will be plenty of opportunities to achieve success. Something to consider is that which is begun now is likely to have long term consequences, so choose wisely to enrich your life.

People born in 1936, 1940, 1945, 1949, 1954, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1981, 1985, 1990, 1994 and 1999 should be taking it easy in 2008.

In general, we will be seeing major flooding, significant developments in anything having to do with media and the film industry, the religious field, while aeronautics and world trade affairs will be pulling in much of the attention in our news papers.

We will see drowning predominantly in children and especially in June 2008, while many missing people will be found back in ditches and depths.

We must be on the look out for water related contaminations, such as air born water vapor from ornamental fountains, water coolers, leading us to the conclusion that we will have outbursts of Legionnaires’ disease, HIV and H5N1, mad cow disease, influenza and pneumonia. This should be alerting swimming pools, hotels, hospitals, nursery homes and other public places relying on water systems such as those using water coolers, humidifiers, air conditioning systems and so forth.

There will be furthermore significant labor strikes in the education industry, the medical field and major calamities surrounding prisoners.

Movement is the word that governs this year. What does that mean? There will be more traveling for us. It could be either for business or vacation. Our hearts will be screaming for the latter. Many people will be migrating, relocating or even moving actively about within a country.

If you are traveling, migrating or relocating to another country while enjoying the excitement, remember to be aware and sensitive to the local cultures and blend in with society without losing your individuality. This is highlighted because humans are territorial. When the locals feel that there is a sudden increase in foreigners, hostility will arise easily and inevitably. Any misbehavior or insensitive gesture may spark off conflicts between the locals and the foreigners. Be street smart and be aware of your surroundings.

Another aspect of 2008 is that it is a great time for socializing, networking, building rapport and participating in team activities. If you are in sales, this is a golden period for you to increase your client base, build rapport with your existing clients, get new leads, clinch that new deal etc. In general, this is the time to get out there and be with others. Meet new people both through work and personally. This is the time for you to meet people who can inspire you, see the strengths in you, support you and even to finance or help you to achieve your dreams. During this period, it is more important than usual for you to be positive so that you can attract positive people into your life.

Industries that can catch on to this positive vibe are property, hospitality, tourism and entertainment. If you have business dealings within these areas, you should reap the best out of it. There will be ripple effects that will spread to other industries too.

Interestingly this is an equally good time for thinking and all kinds of intellectual endeavors. Planning, scholarship and research, for example, are favorable activities. It is also an auspicious time for the arts; although, under Earth's influence, applied arts such as design and graphics may do best.

Earth favors those who are tied to the land, do a lot of routine work, deal with practical matters, or perform work of a spiritual nature. Looking at the characteristics of both Earth and Rat it could be a very good year for those with careers in business, construction, engineering, academia, planning and the clergy.

There is likely to be a focus on career and self improvement this year to the detriment of family. People thus need to be attentive and creative so that this area does not suffer. It is, however, a relatively good time to begin a new romance. Those in a relationship may want to consider raising it to the next level, to include marriage.

Since this is an Earth year those people born in a Metal year will generally fare better than others of their animal sign, while those born in a Water year are likely to do worse than those born in Wood, Fire, and Earth years.

Health issues vary not only by sign but by each individual. Your best bet is to visit a Chinese doctor to have your balances checked and get some advice for the coming year. It is an Earth year, so one thing we can say in general is to get enough exercise and be on the alert for unwanted weight gains. Inactivity could lead to problems.

The year 2008 will be a year of possibilities, a time of progress; although, it may not generally be spectacular. Those who take the biggest risks could be disappointed. Everyone should, nevertheless, add something new to their life.

The Chinese character for “Yang Earth” represents a big mountain. . It is associated with the quality of a firm and steady person. People born in a day of “Yang Earth” .is often calm and steady and faithful, practical and “down to earth”. . Some examples of famous earth people born on a “Yang Earth” day are Hillary Clinton, Danzel Washington, David Beckham, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Michael Jackson, Dick Cheney, Eric Clapton and Ben Affleck .

The Rat belongs to the strongest water element and it is the first of the 12 animal signs. So it also represents the beginning of a new 12 years cycle. As such, the Rat year can bring a new beginning of international relationships and social order; this could bring new regimes with new government in some countries. Indeed, there will be many major elections happening between 2007 and 2008 with change of leadership in many countries including U.S.A., United Kingdom, Russia, France, Taiwan…..The rat is also considered as a “Flower of Romance”. So years of the rat will stimulate more romance and sex scandals. The Rat is in clash relationship against the Horse. . This is a clash between water and fire elements and will often bring accidents related to both fire and water, air and the sea. The Rat is the most powerful ocean water and it will bring heavy flooding or even tsunami disaster. The most famous water disasters in history, such as the South Asia tsunami on 26/12/2004 and the sinking of the Titanic on 14/4/1912, both incidents happened on a date with prominent appearance of the Rat. Looking at past history, in 1228 a year of Earth Rat, there is big flood in Holland killing 100,000 people, and in 1588 another year of Earth Rat, the Spanish Armada encountered storm in Ireland and 5000 people died in this heavy storm. In 1888, year of Earth Rat, there is “Great Blizzard” in the east coast of the USA and 400 people died. The clash between fire and water will also bring accidents related to fire and the airline business is in the category of fire element. As such, it is observed that the year of the Rat seems to experience more air disasters. A typical year with many aviation disasters is the previous Rat year in 1996. During this year, there are over 20 major airplane crashes including the U.S. TWA Boeing 747 crashed in July, 1996 killing 230. Looking at the immediate last Earth Rat year in 1948, there were also quite a numbers of airplane crashes including the hijack of a Cathy Pacific airplane in June, 1948.

Yang earth on the rat also symbolizes unstable earth, this will also bring earth disasters such as earthquake, landslide, collapse of buildings. The Earth element is also associate with homosexuality. It so happens many famous homosexuals is born on the day of earth – this includes Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Tchaikovsky, George Michael, Boy George, Andy Warhol, Tracy Chapman, K.D. Lang. Rosie Odonell etc. As such, there could be more issues in this aspect in 2008. It is not really clear how earth element is linked with homosexuality. Perhaps earth is an element of more neutral nature, compare against the other four, water and fire, wood and metal.

The clash between the Rat and Horse is a serious clash between water and fire elements. This will often bring injury and bloodshed. Therefore people born in years of Horse have to be particularly careful in 2008. As it is water clashing against fire, the danger could be associate with water and fire disasters such as traffic accidents in the air or at sea. Therefore, for people born in the year of Horse, it is recommended that they carry the pendant of an Ox which will help to attract away the Rat, so as to minimize the negative influence of the clash. Anyhow, people who are born in the year of Horse will experience a more turbulent year with more movements and traveling, changes. It is suitable to engage in such movements, such as moving house or moving offices. Traveling is also good but one should avoid going straight towards the North direction as it is the direction of the Grand Duke in 2008.

The Rat also forms a penalty relationship with the Rabbit. Such penalty may cause disharmony, worries and irritations, or hidden sickness. Therefore people born in the year of the Rabbit is also recommended to carry the pendant of the Ox to minimize such penalty influence in the year of the Rat.

The Five basic elements also represent different parts of our body, earth in general relates to stomach, pancreas, muscle and cells. As such, the health problems related to earth could be stomach problem, food poisoning, and diarrhea. Disorder of earth elements can mean problems of muscle and cells, this can bring obesity, diabetes, and cancer …these are all sicknesses caused by imbalance of earth elements. Diabetes is a sickness caused by disorder of insulin which is produced by the pancreas which is also symbolized by earth element in Chinese medicine. . So diabetes problem is also caused by imbalance of earth element. As such, these kinds of health problems will also come in focus in the Earth water year of 2008.

In recent years the most imminent issue threatening the survival of human race is Global warming. The polar ice caps have been melting down in an alarming speed and there are forecasts that many coastal populated cities will be submerged under the sea by the year 2050. In 2007 we have experienced dramatic change in climate and there are more weather triggered disasters. It is expected such serious impact of Global warming will intensify in 2008. The pair of elements, yang earth sitting on the rat can be interpreted as the image of floating mass of ice on a big ocean. And this is an alarming sign that the melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice will become more and more alarming in 2008. If we examine the fateful moment of one of the biggest water disaster – the Titanic, we can see the Titanic collided with a floating iceberg at mid night of 14th April, 1912. and when we translate this fateful day and time into the Chinese calendar, we can see the mid night hour on this day is actually Yang earth over the Rat, with yang earth representing the floating iceberg. And this is identical to the elements of 2008. It is anticipated there will be more flooding and water disasters associate with climate change in 2008. Such alarming signal not only shows up in the Chinese calendar, it is also reflected in feng shui. In 2008, the feng shui flying star number 1, symbolize water element, is in the centre. This centre number often reflects the focus of events prevailing in the year. Take for example, in 2005 we have Flying star 4 in the centre and the number 4 symbolizes the chicken. So this the year the threat of avian flu began. In 2006 the star 3 in the centre represents conflict and earthquakes, 2007 the number dominate the centre is 2 which is sickness and it has brought the alarm of avian flu in focus again. So we have to assume the number 1 in the centre in 2008 will bring more problems with flooding and water disaster. Global warming is an issue concerning the entire human race and every one of us has the duty to take up effective measures to preserve our environment and support the move to reduce CO2 emission.

Regarding the economy, fire element is often the driving force behind the stock market. In the year 2008 there is yang earth on the Heavenly stem with water underneath. The dominating element is water. As such, it is a year of cooling down after the heated economic atmosphere in 2006 and 2007. Fire is the symbol of the financial market and strong fire will stimulate optimism and speculative mentality. Without fire investors will play cool and conservative. However, the strong water element is the symbol of money to the earth industry. With strong water showing up, the property market is still active and profitable. Despite the absence of fire element in the year 2008, the spring and summer months still shows strong wood and fire influences bringing upward surge in the stock and property market. But investors will be more cautious and practical and there will not be dramatic fluctuations such as in the magnitude of yin fire year in 2007. In general 2008 is a year of cooling down with more stability and calmness in the stock market. .

The strong water of the Rat year favors earth and metal industries, as earth conquers water, so the Rat is a symbol of money to the earth industry, which includes property, mining, hotel, chemicals, insurance… As for metal industries, metal gives birth to water, so the strong water element in the year indicates productivity and strong activity in metal industries – this include machinery, computer, high tech industries, skincare, health business. The Wood industries, which include textile, fashion, books, publications, paper, forestry, furniture is also into a profitable year as wood conquers earth, so the earth showing up in 2008 symbolize the money of wood industry. But the profit will only be superficial as the earth element is weak.

The less prosperous industries in 2008 will be businesses of water and fire elements. Water industries refer to shipping, communication drinks…etc. The strong water appearing in the Rat year will bring stronger competition in the water areas and this will very much weaken the profitability. Fire industries refer to finance, stock market, energy, electricity, entertainment, and airline businesses. As fire conquers metal and produces Earth element, so to Fire industry, metal represents money and earth represents productivity. In 2008 metal element is absent and earth element is weak. . That is why it is a relatively weak year for the industries related to the fire element.

The property market is symbolized by the earth element. This industry had stronger activities in the past years of monkey and rooster in 2004 and 2005 as the metal elements represent productivity of earth industries. There had been some slowdown in 2006, as the fire ad earth year brought stronger competition and eroded profitability. However, in 2008, the water element of the rat will bring some money luck to the earth industry, despite there is no strong activities in the property market owing to absence of metal element.

With respect to the hi-tech industries sector, as represented by the NASDAQ. I have postulated that this industry is mainly represented by the metal element. As such, the prosperity of hi-tech industry requires the strong appearance of water and wood, which are symbols of productivity and money of the metal industry. In 2008 the water element, meaning activities to hi-tech industries is very strong. As such, it is anticipated that the year is favorable for hi-tech or internet types of business. But the absence of wood in this year could mean there are more activities without real substantial money gains.

In summary, the industries that will perform well in the year of the Rat will be industries related to earth and metal elements – such as property, hotel, mining, insurance, machinery, engineering, health, computer, and high tech industries. The sectors relating to water and fire will not be doing so well. Water industries include shipping, communication, drinks, and fire industries are stock market, finance, energy, electricity, entertainment business. The wood industries – such as textile, publications, fashion, furniture, etc are into a year with some superficial prosperity but not substantial.

In general, the yang Earth Rat year, with earth on top failing to control water below, is symbol of apparent calmness on the outside but such calmness lacks a solid foundation and the mountain can tumble and devoured by the ocean of fierce water. Some kind of new world order began to emerge but it will take time to consolidate into stability. . Still there will be international conflicts and uprisings and unrest but such events may be less turbulent than 2007. The new beginning of the 12 animal cycle led by the Rat will be first step to cool down or slow down the acceleration of Global warming problem.

The animal sign which is most unfavorable is the Horse which is in direct clash against the Rat. Such clashes will usually bring about turbulence, movements, accident or changes... So people born in the year of the Horse will anticipate more traveling, or movements such as changing jobs or moving house. It is necessary to carry the pendant of an Ox as protection to attract the Rat away. For the Horse people, the clash against the Rat could bring accidents related to the water and fire element, such as explosion, fire disasters, and air and sea traffic accidents. For people who are under clash with the year, it is ok to travel more, making changes such as moving house, or change job. However, for people born in the year of the Horse, it is recommended not to travel directly towards the direction of the Grand Duke, which is the north direction, and it is also not recommended for them to travel by sea. The other animal’s signs facing unfavorable positions are the Rabbit and the Rat. When Rabbit encounters Rat year will form “Two Penalty” relationship. . Such penalties will usually bring disharmony, irritation, worries and frustrations. Also people born in year of the Rat are offending the Grand Duke which is also not auspicious and it is necessary to carry Ox pendant to minimize the negative effect. The imbalance of fire and water elements brought about by the Horse and the Rat may bring fire and water diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart burn, irregular heart beat, inflammation, diabetes, and kidney problems. As such, it is necessary to take heavy dosages of anti-oxidant, omega 3 oil or COQ10 which is good protection against cardiovascular diseases, hyper-tension and inflammation problems. .

The animals combining with the Rat year are the Ox, the Monkey, and the Dragon. These animals are into a year of harmony. However, such animal astrology is not totally reliable as the system is not recognized as a formal type of fortune-telling. For more reliable assessment of ones fortune in the year of the Rat, it is recommended that one checks the full Four Pillars of Destiny, which requires full birth data information of the Year, Month, Day and Hour of birth. As the animal signs can appear in all four pillars in a person’s birth data, the clash and penalty relationship with the Rat will not only cause impact on people born in the year of Horse and Rat and Rabbit. Such clash and penalties can also impact any one who has such animals in the birth month, or day or hour.

Some examples of famous people born in the year of the Horse and under clash in 2008 are Paul McCartney, Danzel Washington, John Travolta, Condoleezza Rice, Richard Li, Angela Merkel, Victor Yuschenko, Kiefer Sutherland, Warren Buffett and Katie Holmes. There are people who are not born in the year of Horse, but they are also under clash because they are born on the day of Horse, so they will also face a challenging year. Some examples of these people are – Chris Martin, Lura Bush, David Furnish, Elizabeth Taylor…...

People born in year of the Rat is said to be “offending the Grand Duke” and it is also recommended to carry pendant of the Ox. Examples of Rat people are Prince Charles, Prince Henry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, John McCain, Olivia Newton-John…..

For people who are born in the year of the Pig, the Rabbit, and the Goat, the Rat year will bring “Flower of Romance” so one can anticipate a more sociable year with more opportunity to develop friendship with the opposite sex...

What to Expect in the Year of the Yang Earth Rat:

Chinese New Year 4705 or 2008 in the Western calendar is the Year of the Brown Earth Rat. This year of the rat begins a new 12 year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

Like the houses of the zodiac, the animals of Chinese astrology are said to influence your luck during the year. Your horoscope for 2008, the year of the rat, depends on which animal signifies the year you were born.

Rats are water signs and it is said that they make a very good match for monkeys and dragons, but do not get along well with rabbits, horses and roosters. The brown earth influences of this year also make oxen a favored friend of the persevering rat but add conflict to the year as the elements of earth and water seek a balance - especially during the early part of the year.

The rat's stone, the deep red garnet, is the color of joyful celebration. It signifies the loyalty and passion of the most honorable traits of the sign that will rule the year ahead.

In China, it is said that there are few poor rats. It is considered very auspicious to be born in the year of the earth rat. Babies born under this sign are intelligent and hard working. They are intelligent, curious, sociable born leaders who do well in any group, but value ties with family and close friends more than social contacts. The earth influences balance the rat's water nature for those born in this year making them able to control the flights of intellect that often draw the rat away from a good course. The selfish and calculating aspects of the rat are toned by the nurturing earth force. These are leaders to be followed with trust and good partners for a life filled with good fortune. The rat is clever, sometimes too clever. When mixed with the passion and charm of this sign, the rat can be manipulative as a life partner or business associate. The ability to initiate new ideas and work hard to reach a goal led the rat to the first place of honor at the side of Buddha. These are traits that bring success in both business and personal affairs.

The last time the earth rat was seen as the ruling influence was February 10, 1948 - January 28, 1949. Baby boomers who were born under this sign will be celebrating their 60th birthday looking back on many years of good fortune and looking ahead to many more.

Since the rat year begins a new cycle, remember that decisions made during this year will carry long term consequences. Do not make changes without careful planning especially during the beginning of the year.

Forecast For Animal Signs:

(General guidelines, Brief excerpts.)

The Rat may not be as good to you as the kindly Pig, especially since it is an Earth year, and Earth drains your Rat luck. Making favorable deals, for example, will be more challenging. It still should be a good year for you, as you have eight good months ahead of you. If you avoid risk and rely on hard work to get ahead, you most likely will. You may, however, get off to a slow start because the latter part of the year will present more and better opportunities, so be patient.

Fifty-two per cent favorable may not look that great, but it does represent an improvement over last year. You should have as many opportunities as disappointments. Take care to exercise good judgment, and you will do fine. Unfortunately it is an Earth year, and Earth drains Ox luck. This is not the time to take risks, especially those that are unnecessary or can be avoided. Hard work is more your style any way. The first six months are likely to be the most challenging, so be patient.

The Rat is likely to present more challenges than the Pig. Do not be surprised if you occasionally find you cannot get your way this year. In fact there are likely to be plenty of clashes of wills. The better you can keep your emotions under control the more likely you are to achieve your goals. The Rat is comfortable with logic, not passion. You will have to carefully pick your spots, as you probably will not be blessed with many, good opportunities.

The scratchy Rat often takes the Rabbit out of its comfort zone. This year is thus likely to be a lot more challenging than last year, especially since the Fire Pig year is one of your most favorable. The middle months are likely to be the toughest. Although you want to avoid risk throughout the year, it is especially important at that time. You will best be able to take advantage of the good times if you can keep your emotions under control, especially when things don't go your way.

Hopefully the Pig showered blessings on you last year. If not, not to worry. This year promises to be even better with your good friend the Rat in charge. You can enjoy a lot of success, but this is still not the best of years as Earth does not favor your luck. It is thus a time to avoid risk. As a Dragon, you could be something of a dreamer. If so, this is the perfect year for you since Earth promotes practicality. You are thus likely to have a good chance to realize one of your big dreams.

This year promises to be a vast improvement over the last one. You are likely, for example, to experience exciting mental stimulation. If you use your brains you can produce some very good results in most areas of your life. Almost every month will provide opportunities; although, you might want to take it easy right after Chinese New Year. Next year should be even better, so you want to take some time to make good plans and begin projects to be completed then.

Alas, the Horse is the sign that fares least well in the year of the Rat. Still, the year will not be without its opportunities. The trick will be to force yourself to rely more on your head than your heart. That is contrary to the Horse nature, so it won't be easy. The first month of the year could be your best one. It is thus important for you to move out smartly as soon as the New Year's partying is over. A quick start is especially important, as the last three months could be very challenging.

After what was probably a very favorable, Pig year, this year might seem like a disaster. It is important, however, for you to understand that you are still looking at five, favorable months. There will thus be plenty of opportunities if you do not get down and let negative emotions get the best of you. Your natural inclination is most likely to follow your heart, but you will do much better this year if you can let your head dictate your actions.

The Monkey, of the 12 signs, is the one most likely to have the best year. Fortune smiles upon you with your big friend the Rat in charge. If you are a typical, mentally quick and multi-talented Monkey, opportunities there will be aplenty. There is only one, major concern. The Achilles heal of both the Monkey and Rat is overconfidence. This could make you forget that the Tiger rules the first month and won't do you any favors. As good as the year is, therefore, a slow start is advisable.

In general none of the Rooster's favorite appeal to or are well tolerated by the Rat. After the Horse the Rooster is the sign most likely to have a challenging year. There will, nevertheless, be a few opportunities. A cooperative attitude and winning allies are likely to be keys to your success. On the other hand if you succumb to the Rooster propensity for arguing and quarrels, you could have a very difficult time. It is up to you to minimize the damage by displaying the right attitude.

This year may be a bit more challenging than the last, but it still has the potential to be very favorable. The thing is the Dog is more comfortable with the Pig, which symbolizes endings rather than the Rat, which is associated with new beginnings. If you are willing to leave your comfort zone, you can make significant progress towards your objectives and also achieve one or more notable successes. As with much in life your attitude is likely to determine just how well you do.

Major improvement is likely to be in store for you this year. It's ironic that the environment is likely to be more unsettling while simultaneously providing more opportunities for success. A mental adjustment is thus required to maximize your potential. Although the Pig tends to look to the future, even to retirement, your focus should be squarely on the present. The future is now. Be alert for favorable situations and make the most of them.

2008 General Summary

Water Rat in a Earth Year.

As the Earth Year destroys the Water Rat weakening it, this is an inauspicious year.

  • Birth Element which will enjoy a favourable/unfavourable year etc.
    • Strong Fire, weak Earth, weak Metal
    • weak Fire, Strong Metal, weak Water

  • Compatible Animal Signs
    this year:-
    • Excellent - Rat, Dragon, Monkey
    • Avoid - Horse, Rabbit, Ram

  • Good Travel Direction
    this year:-
    • Fire - South
    • Earth - North-East/South-West


2008 Flying Star Forecast

Good Stars: 1, 8, 9

Neutral Stars: 4, 6

Bad Stars: 2, 3, 5, 7

Let’s look into the direction each star occupies in 2008:

  • North: 6 Heavenly White Star (and Grand Duke Jupiter)
  • Northeast: 4 Achievement Green Star
  • East: 8 Auspicious Wealth Star
  • Southeast: 9 Multiplying Purple Star
  • South: 5 Fearsome Yellow Star (and The 3 Killings)
  • Southwest: 7 Violent Red Star
  • West: 3 Argumentative Jade Star
  • Northwest: 2 Illness Black Star
  • Central: 1 White Star

The annual ruling star for this year is 1. The number 1 represents Water and will be sitting on the centre of the ruling age 8. Eight represent young children. Be mindful of water activities. Water over young children. Be careful to those who love water sports. Make sure you have your life jackets on. Water and Earth is also in conflict. Earth also relates to stomach. This year more children may have stomach related sickness. Today medical cares are expensive, make sure you are well protected and insured.

In flying stars, there are 3 potents stars that all of us should take note.
This year, star 5 is at South and star 2 at Northwest. Traditionally, these 2 stars can be harmonized by hanging a strand of 6 ancient Chinese metal coins or a 6 rods metal wind chimes. No ‘opening eyes’ required.

Star 3, a quarrelsome star is at the West. If it faces your main door, use red color or a lighted lamp to harmonise this star. You don’t paint your door red! Otherwise, it may be mistaken as ……… Alternatively, you can place a red color door mat outside your door step.

The timely star 8 or sometime called the wealth star is at East direction. If your main door face east and in addition you have a pool outside, make sure the water is clean and active. You have the potential to gain some wealth.

Another good star 9 is at Southeast. It is also a romance star. To enhance your romance and relationship, place a bouquet of fresh flowers at this sector in you room.

Academic star 4 is at Northeast. This sector is good for your children study corner. You may place your study desk at this sector. Do not place water here.

Star 6 though faded, is still usable if you have attended my lessons. This year it is at the North sector. Place still water to enhance your career and travel opportunity. And finally star 7 at SW. Beware of robbery and fire hazard especially if it falls in your kitchen. You may also place a bowl of still water in this sector.

Feng Shui energies also change from year to year. Therefore, it is necessary to watch for the re-allocation of good and bad energies at the beginning of each year, so that we can take necessary precautions if some bad energy happens to arrive at important locations of our residence or offices. In the year of the Rat, the bad energy called “Five Yellow” – symbolizing obstacles and misfortune, arrives at the South. If your South of the house is an important area such as bedroom or entrances, it is recommended that one hangs a metal wind chime there to dissolve this bad energy. The worst months will be in February, August, and November. Another bad star number 2, symbolizing sickness, will arrive in the Northwest in 2008. The traditional method to dissolve this 2 is to hang a string of six metal coins in the affected area in the Northwest of the house The Grand Duke this year is in the North, hence it is not favorable to “move earth” or make substantial construction work in this direction. It is also not recommended for one to sit with back against exact South as you will be sitting against the unfavorable energy called “Three Shars” or “Three Killings”. As well as the “Crash position” against the Grand Duke. The bad star 3 is a star of conflict and robbery. This is present in the West of the house. It is necessary to put a piece of red paper in the West to minimize such bad influence. Also the bad star 7, representing scandals is in the Southwest, the traditional solution for this bad star 7 is to place 3 or 4 of bamboo plant grown in clear glass vase of water in the Southwest location.













The 6 heavenly white star is a military star. 6 heavenly white star is a wealth star, but due to its diminishing wealth energy, you will need to boost this position significantly to invoke the wealth energy.

In the ancient days, this was the governing star for the military forces only. However, in modern times, this is extended to include those in disciplined units and blue collar workers.


For business owners, parents with schooling children, scholars, this is the location to pay attention to.

In 2008, the energy of the 4 achievement green star is greatly diminished by the 2 illness black star from period 8.


For feng shui for 2008, the 8 auspicious wealth star interacts with the energy of the 6 heavenly white star from period 8 to generate wealth energy in this sector.

This is an auspicious sector you should utilize in 2008 to boost the wealth luck in your home, office or store. Don’t miss it.


The 9 multiplying purple star governs all joyful events including marriage and promotion. For married couple planning for baby, this is the sector to pay attention.


The 5 fearsome yellow star combines with the energy of the 3 argumentative to create havoc. Don’t undermine the negative energy of this star, as it is notorious for causing various problems like poor health and financial losses. If this star resides in the children room, it can hinder their academic progress.


In feng shui for 2008, the 7 violent red star fuelled by the energy of the 5 fearsome yellow star from period 8 mean that relationship with family members or colleagues could turn sour.

For those located in the Southwest corner of the building, you should take note of this star.


The 1 white star from period 8 amplifies the energy of the 3 argumentative jade star in the west sector. More legal issues, arguments, fights expected, which may be hard to resolve.


In this sector, 2 illness black star holds the position. This notorious star is known for creating respiratory and stomach related illnesses. Pay attention to this star especially for those with elderly at home.

This energy sapping star can also drain energy off from the occupant even after a night rest. Together with the 5 fearsome yellow star, these 2 stars are havoc creators, so don’t undermine they power.


The relationship energy carries by the 1 white star is greatly diminished by that of the 8 auspicious wealth star from period 8. For those looking for a life long partner or have better interpersonal luck, then you should harness the energy of this sector.

Grand Duke Jupiter

Feng shui for 2008 means we are dealing with the water nature Grand Duke Jupiter that resides in the north. If you are unaware of this powerful god of the land, let me share more information with you.

According to ancient text, the ruling Grand Duke Jupiter of the year is the presiding god, taking charge of all earthly issues.

Every year, believers make offering to the grand duke hoping for a smooth and safe year ahead.

After 4th February 2008, there should not be any more renovation or construction activities in the northern sector of the house or office.

Those born under the Chinese zodiac sign of rat, goat, horse, rooster and rabbit are affected by the energy of the grand duke in 2008.

Those under the rat and horse zodiac are likely to suffer from poor wealth, relationship and love luck. Additionally, there are possibilities of suffering from cuts or sickness. The rat and horse will experience drastic changes in their lives this year.

Those born under the sign of goat and rooster may suffer from unstable relationship, poor career opportunity and wealth luck.

Those under the sign of rabbit suffer from poor career luck. As such, interpersonal relationship problems, especially with bosses and colleagues are expected to be poor.

The 3 Killings

Similar to the grand duke, the 3 killings change position every year. In feng shui for 2008, the 3 killings reside in the South. Again, there should not be any more renovation or construction work after 4th February 2008 in the South sector of the house or office.

Any external construction work in the South can inflict the occupants with the negative energy of the 3 killings. This is also true for the case of the grand duke.

Those conflicting with the energy of the 3 killings may suffer from health related issues, like falling sick frequently, suffering from deteriorating health condition or meeting with accident. Office and study room located in the Southern sector of the house or building should be relocated, if possible.

The East: The Star of Wealth Ba Bai is here. You can put a glass of water, or grow water plants, or put a fish tank in the East grid of your house to boost your luck of wealth.

The Southeast: There is the location of joyful events. If you have been in a steady relationship for some time but your wedding is not planned yet, you can put 4 potted plants and 9 steams of red flowers in this position to make it happen. Of course boosting the luck in this location catalyses all joyful events, such as having a baby if you�re married, getting a career promotion or salary raise etc.

The South: This is the position of major sickness and it brings problems to your respiratory and digestive system. If your main door, kitchen or bedroom falls right on the South grid, you would even have more serious symptoms. To resolve, put a music box or wind chimes in the south grid of the house. You can also put other metal objects that make a sound there, such as several metal keys.

The Southwest: There is where the Star Qi Chi shines on. It was the Star of strongest luck previously and its luck is slowly fading. Yet, it still brings some luck. You can put a glass of water in the Southwest grid to boost your luck of wealth.

The West: This is the location of quarrels and fights and you can put a pink carpet in the West grid of your home to resolve. (If your job demands talking frequently to strangers, then you don�t need to resolve it.)

The Northwest: This is the direction of minor sickness and if your main door, kitchen or bedroom falls right on the Northwest grid of the house, you�d get sick easily. The ailments would be mostly related to the respiratory system (i.e. throat, trachea, and lungs) and the abdomen. You can put a metal object that makes a sound (e.g. a conventional music box, wind chimes or a bunch of metal keys) in that grid of your house to resolve.

The North: This is the location of courage and military ability and it brings luck to anyone having a non-clerical job. If you want a promotion, put 8 white stones in the North grid of your house. If you want a salary raise, put a glass of water there. Those in disciplinary squads, rail maintenance, or those working as computer hardware technicians, interior decoration workers or construction workers would all benefit from this position.

The Northeast: This is where the luck of intellectual achievement is located. To boost such luck, you can grow 4 water bamboo plants in the Northeast grid of your house. Or simply putting a glass of water there would help too. Besides enhancing the luck of students and scholars, such direction also has positive effects on signing contracts or processing of documents

The Central Grid: This is the location of relationship. To boost your love luck and general human relations, put a glass of water here with a conventional music box next to it. Wind the music box from time to time to vibrate the water with sound waves. This is not restricted to single readers only. If you want to make more connections, or your job demands frequent social contacts and interpersonal skills, you should try it even if you�re married

North (6 Heavenly White Star)

For those in discipline units or blue collar workers, you should take advantage of this position to boost your career luck in 2008.

Place metallic object here to bring up the energy of the heavenly white star. An established enhancer is the 6-Coin Cure. Hang in this sector to activate the energy of this star.

To be consistent to what the site has to offer, I use the term "cure", although strictly speaking, it should be an "enhancer" when we are talking about the heavenly white star.

Northeast (4 Achievement Green Star)

If you are a business man with desire to expand you empire or students wishing for more academic luck, use this position well.

Traditional enhancer involves hanging 4 Chinese calligraphy brushes in this sector to boost the energy of the achievement star. You may place the Chinese Calligraphy Set enhancer to activate this location.

In modern days, the Crystal Globe is also used as the supreme enhancer for this location.

So, what's the different between using Chinese Calligraphy Set and Crystal globe? If you are an academician, pursuing higher education or have schooling kids, then you ought to have the Chinese Calligraphy Set.

On the other hand, if you are business owners, or if you wish for advancement in your career then you need to have the Crystal Globe. These 2 items are not mutually exclusive, so you have both of them in this sector.

East (8 Auspicious Wealth Star)

This is the wealth spot, which you shouldn’t miss. Place red color object in this location to boost your wealth luck. Or if you like, you can put a Three-Footed Wealth Frog, on the floor in this sector.

One point to take note. Your wealth frog should not be made of metal, since it will weaken the energy of the 8 Auspicious Wealth Star.

Southeast (9 Multiplying Purple Star)

Place potted plants in this sector for 2008 to boost the energy of the purple star.

Keep metallic objects out of theis sector, so as not to activate and boost the energy of the 7 violent star (from period 8) further.

Metal elements in this sector can turn good interpersonal relationships and career advancement opportunity into gossips and hard work without appreciation from superiors.

South (5 Fearsome Yellow Star)

Every year, this star and the black star are the two stars I pay special attention to. I make sure I have powerful feng shui cures to ward off their energy.

Put a metal object to weaken the energy of this star and avoid any red object (like furniture or telephone) in this place, as it can feed and boost the energy of this star.

One of the powerful feng shui cures for this star is the Feng Shui Wind Chime. Pay attention to the number of hollow tubes used. It should be 6. Not 4 or 5. I know some site will recommend readers to go for 5 hollow tubes or even 4. The reason is because the wind chime recommended by them either have the top cover make of metal too. So 5+1 gives 6. Or in the case, whereby the recommendation is 4 follow tubes, even the dangling metal in the centre is made of metal. So again is 4+2.

In any case, do keep this principle in mind when looking for a wind chime. If you will like to save some effort sourcing for the right Feng Shui Wind Chime. You will love the one I recommended. Do check it out.

Southwest (7 Violent Red Star)

Place a glass of water to weaken the negativity. You will need to change the water daily.

Don’t attempt to control the red star using fire element as you could aggravate the energy of this star.

West (3 Argumentative Jade Star)

I came across websites and book claiming this star to be an auspicious one. You may have read the same thing too. In my opinion, I prefer to approach this star with caution, because you could invite arguments, divorce and legal problems.

Avoid boosting this location with water element (such as water features) unless advised by the expert.

If you are not in sales or service line, you can hang a red banner (or red mat if your main door is in the west) to weaken the energy of this star. These are cheap and effective feng shui cures.

Northwest (2 Illness Black Star)

Use metal feng shui cures to ward off the 2 illness black star. Weaken the energy of this star with a brass Wu Lou (calabash). Other than its ability on the black star, Wu Lou is also known as the "life giver", and can be placed beside the bed of someone ill or recovering from illness to aid in the recovery.

Central (1 White Star)

Place water plant or hang the Fast Money Calligraphy Luck Charm here to enhance and boost the energy of 1 white star.

Grand Duke Jupiter

One good way to diminish the inflicting energy of the grand duke is to donate blood. Not only can it ward off the negative energy from the Grand Duke, it improves your karma since you are saving lives. Do it after the 4th of February.

Do not sit and face north in 2008, no matter in the office or home. Doing so may offend the grand duke, resulting in more interpersonal disharmonies.

One good way to appease the Grand Duke, is to display the Pi Yao in the south, facing the north in 2008.

The 3 Killings

In feng shui for 2008, the affliction in the Southern sector is especially bad with the 3 Killings together with the 5 Fearsome Yellow Star in this sector.

Once disturbed, this affliction can bring about three types of misfortunes - financial loss, sickness and arguments.

Traditional way of resolving the negative energy of the 3 killings involves displaying 3 Brass Dragons (Qi Lin) facing these clusters of energy. Since the 3 killings are 3 clusters of negative energy, hence the equal number of Qi Lin is needed.

In 2008, this means the 3 Qi Lin should face the South direction.

In case you are moving your desk, never sit with your back to the south. However its okay to face South when you sit.

Enhance the luck of relationship and love luck

The position of relationship is in the center grid. For the best luck in love relationship, you can put a glass of water and a music box in the center grid of your house. For better general human relations, you should put an ox figurine decorative piece in the Northeast. Of course you can have both love luck and good interpersonal relationship if you do both. If you decide you don�t need any more love relationship (say, you are married) but you need good interpersonal relationship, you might skip the glass of water.

Enhance the luck of marriage and joyful events

The location of joyful events is in the Southeast. You can put 4 potted plants in the Southeast to boost the energy of the Star. Then put a glass of water in the center grid of relationship to boost general human relations.

Enhance the luck of examination and intellectual achievement

To enhance the luck of examination and academic study, put 4 water bamboo plants in the center grid. Then, put a glass of water in the Northeast grid. This would maximize the energy of the Star of intellectual achievement with its complementary star Yi Bai.

Enhance the business

If your business is not doing too well this year, you can put 4 water bamboo plants in the Northeast grid of the house (the location of intellectual achievement), and then 8 white pebbles in a glass of water in the East grid (the location of wealth).

Enhance the luck of wealth

The grid of joyful events is in the Southeast; star Qi Chi in the Southwest; the Star of wealth in the East. To boost your luck of wealth, you can put a glass of water with one black stone in at each of these positions. Yet, such setup cannot be used permanently. You have to take a month break after 3 month for it to stay effective.

Feng Shui for everyone in 2008

East South
9 5 7
8 1 3
4 6 2

Summary of 2008 Flying Stars :

Auspicious Directions

East---------------- 8
Northeast---------- 4
Southeast---------- 9

Average Directions

North ------------- 6
Southwest -------- 7

Inauspicious Directions

South--------------- 5
West---------------- 3
Northwest----------- 2

Take note the following sectors:-

  • Sickness Star 2 this year is at North-West
  • Misfortune/Sickness Star 5 this year is at South
  • Disputes/Quarrel Star 3 this year is at West
  • Education/Romance Star this year is at North-East
  • Grand Duke this year is North, 0 Degree.
    - Avoid sitting facing the grand duke or disturbing him by having renovations.
  • Location in Conflict is South.
    - Avoid having renovations done opposite the location in conflict.

Prosperous Stars ( #8, #9, #1 )
Locate these corners with prosperous stars and activate them correctly to harness the beneficial Qi.

5 Yellow Star ( #5 )
5 Yellow, a misfortune star has arrived in the South Sector for year 2008. It is one of the most dangerous star that indicates accidents, illness and just bad luck all round. Do not attempt any groundbreaking, renovation or drilling in this sector as you will disturb the 5 yellow. An auspicious time and date selection must be given to perform these activities.

If your main door or bed is positioned in the sector, you will need to weaken its negative qi with Metal Cure.

2 Sickness Star ( #2 )
2 Sickness Star, a misfortune star has arrived in the Northwest Sector for year 2008. It is a dangerous star that indicates accidents, illness and lost of wealth. Do not attempt any groundbreaking, renovation or drilling in this sector. An auspicious time and date selection must be given to perform these activities.

If your main door is location is in the Northwest Sector, a metal cure remedy is needed to weaken its energy.

7 Robbery Star ( #7 )
An inauspicious star located at Southwest Sector this year, brings gossip, accidents, financial losses, burglary and robbery. Do not activate this sector and avoid placing metal element in this sector.

Three Killing
Three Killing occupies 75 degree of a compass reading ( 5 mountains ) in the South Sector. Without proper time given, do not attempt any groundbreaking in this area as it can bring misfortunes like financial loss, injury and sickness.

Grand duke Jupiter ( Tai Sui )
Grand duke, that occupies 15 degree of the North sector ( N2 ) should not be disturbed at any cost. It will experience defeat, obstacles and loss if you confront it with activites like groundbreaking.

Do not sit and face towards this direction in your office. As an alternative, sit with your back towards this direction for support.

Age Break ( Sui Po )
Age Break occupies 15 degree of South sector ( Opposite Grand duke Jupiter ). Do not attempt any groundbreaking.

Tips For Year 2008

  • Northeast
    Decorate this sector with a vase of growing plants filled with water in your bedroom to enhance both romance & academic endeavors.
  • East
    Place a table lamp or install a light bulb in the East sector of your living hall or office to improve financial luck. You can also place a cup of water to increase both your financial luck and attract helpful people.
  • North
    Place your own photographs or items made of metal in this sector of your room or office to improve both career luck and business deal. In addition, place a cup of water besides to increase financial luck.
  • Southeast
    You may place a pot of live plant that is associated with wood element in this location. This is also a sector that develops good couple relationships.
  • South
    This location indicates accidents, illness and bad luck of all kinds. Decorate this sector with items that are associated with metal element to suppress its negative energy.
  • Northwest
    This location indicates accidents, illness. Decorate this sector with items that are associated with metal element to suppress its negative energy.
  • Southwest
    Locations that brings gossip, accidents, financial losses, burglary and robbery. Avoid placing items associated with metal element in this sector. You may place a bowl of water to weaken its negative force and at the same time, enhance personal luck especially for sales oriented individual.

Items that can be placed in the house/room

South East
  • Amethyst
  • Purple Flouride
(For the power to transform dreams into reality)
  • Five element pagoda
(For safety, protection, to ward off negativities and for health )
South West
  • Kyanite
(To reduce negativity from the environment while improving communication)
  • Metal Ingots
  • Jade

(For prosperity)


  • White Gourd with six emperor coins
  • Natural white phantom crystal

(To boost traveling, socializing, networking and popularity)


  • Lepidolite

(For minimizing people who try to harm you in terms of backstabbing, betrayals.)


North East
  • Pagoda
(For promotion and stabilizing of position For study and concentration)


  • Metal Pixiu or Peiyau

(For prosperity from lotteries, bonus, investments and others)

North West
  • Metal Gourd
  • Hematite

(For reducing gossip, backstabbing and the lessening of legal problems)

Direction Simple Suggestion
East (8) The Money Star rotates into eastern direction. The white color system such as white crystal or Water related object can improve money luck.
Southeast (9) The Happy Star is in here. Purple color crystal, painting or carpet can enhance the luck of love relationship or buying property.
South (5) Don't let elder or weak people sleep in this direction and don't do the home improvement either.
Southwest (7) The Pressure Star in this corner. Use Water related object to release the pressure.
West (3) The Argument Star lets people have poor people relationship. Use purple system to improve communication skill
Northwest (2) Any people have bedroom here need to watch the health.
North (6) People look for instant money luck can put yellow crystal or water related object to improve the luck.
Northeast (4) This location is good for children to study their home work.
Center (1) The Romantic Star rotates is here. Use pink system to enhance the romantic luck. Pink crystal or Water related object will help.

In any case, here’s a quick summary of the feng shui cures and enhancers:

  • North: 6 Coin Cure
  • Northeast: Chinese Calligraphy Set and Crystal Globe
  • East: Three-Footed Wealth Frog
  • Southeast: Potted plants
  • South: 6 rods wind Chime
  • Southwest: A glass of water
  • West: Red mat or banner
  • Northwest: Brass Calabash
  • Central: Fast Money Calligraphy Luck Charm
  • Grand Duke Jupiter: Pi Yao
  • The 3 Killings: 3 Brass Dragons


The Annual Xuan Kong/Flying Stars apply to all homes, regardless of the Time Period in which they were built. The Annual Stars can act as catalysts or triggers within each compass sector, and you should examine their interaction with the natal Xuan Kong probability combination of the Siang Sin, Main Star and Chor Sin within each compass sector to determine how strong or weak the annual influence may be. It also helps to look ahead at the monthly flying stars to see when the annual positive and negative factors will be doubled or enhanced by monthly stars.

May joy, happiness, wealth and health come to you
throughout the Year of the Red Fire Pig!

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